MiG-29SMT's flight model needs a revision

Well unlike you i admire any country who builds proper equipments, this includes Us as well.

On the other hand you got some serious butthurt problems with other countries equipments.


Thats where your incorrect. I 100% absolutely admire any country who builds proper equipment’s. Unfortunately that excludes Russia. See Ukraine.

Storm shadow isnt from US and I admire that tech very much.

İ agree.

When F-16 and Mig29 first came out it was pretty much bs, heck i even stated that F-16 should loose its G limiter countless times before the patch and many other people actually fought with me because of that.

But this current situation is nothing but a reflection of the past, Gaijin should fix it and make it better.

About him, its pretty obvious he’s just a guy who cant accept the fact Us isnt the only nation who can build something.


Like how your information was incorrect about F-16C introduction date or upgraded V7 radar or other things?

When all i see is nothing but a guy who constantly cries about his favourite nation and victimize it, it becomes hard to believe that he can actually admire anything that wasnt build on Us soil.

Anyway im done with you so lets finish this already.


Again you missed my point here, let me reiterate it: It is a game and War Thunder uses artificial BR to balance the game, not how planes/tanks faces each other IRL, and BR is settled with how each vehicle performs in-game according to how the game is played. YEARS IRL DO NOT MATTER.

So how early is the F-22 fielded? I don’t care, neither does gaijin. When is F-16 fielded and when is Mig-29 fielded? Not related to in-game balance at all. All that matters is how F-16 and MiG-29 performs in-game and how good their capabilities are in War Thunder Air RB and else. MiG-29SMT was first built in 1998 and that means its technology was from the 90s and that matters to balancing in War Thunder, no fund for serial production and no fleet in Russian air force until 2008? Doesn’t matter with in-game balance. There are tanks like MAUS and rare modifications of Me-262 that are so rare and never affected IRL power balance or war progression, does War Thunder concern about any of those IRL stuff? Nope, it is a game and it is all about in-game performance and balance. If you want IRL simulation so bad you better go for DCS instead of War Thunder.

And let’s get to the details you talked about, SMT does not get the engine upgrade in game like you talked about, it is literally the same engine as Mig-29 9-12/9-13, so how did you come up with that? Since we are talking about the game, I fly F-14B, F-16C, MiG-29SMT, MiG-29 9-13 a lot in game, and I am talking about agility based on my personal experience on all of them. I suppose you never really flew SMT before or you don’t fly it quite often in Air RB do you? Since you are assuming it got engine buffed but that is not the case in WT.

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Well I just dogfighted an F-4S in ground RB, no massive energy difference, and I had a really hard time trying to out turn him, ended up being 50/50 and the round ends. You can keep calling for “skill issues”, but I would suggest you test it out with some friends or we could join a custom battle in game and test it out, I have both aircrafts and flew both SMT and F-4J a lot.

I checked his profile and yes it seems that he is that kind of typical US crybaby. Although I would say I am a Soviet Main but at least I come to those conclusions and suggestions having researched and played a lot of both US and USSR top tier air RBs, but he really makes me wonder if he ever flied SMT to come and argue with all the data that is not related to War Thunder at all.

So again i am not saying Mig-29SMT should beat F-16C, but if you have at least 50 games with SMT you will understand what “flying like a boat” or bricky means. BTW I used Tornado to grind all my German toptier aircrafts and F-4J and F-14B to grind my US toptier, so I am aware of that SMT is not an actual bad jet, just like I stated in my post. But still it is 12.3 and it deserves a little bit of improvement in flight performance. “It is not going to make SMT OP but at the same time it will make flying SMT more enjoyable.” And I am definitely not seeking for a buff that will make SMT super dominant like how MLD once was.

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Finally someone other than Panther can provide some constructive feedbacks instead of crying for one’s own nation and object any buff as long as its not for his main nation, I appreciate that.

I agree with both of your suggestions but personally prefer the improvement of flight model more, my reason is that I consider dogfight a major enjoyment in Air RB, and making mig-29s more capable in dogfight will increase the chance of players engaging in actual turn fights instead of just throwing missiles all around because dogfight is a certain lose. F-16 will still beat Mig-29 in dogfight as long as handled properly, but this will be fun for both Soviet/German pilots as well as US pilots cause dogfight will actually happen now and dogfight skills are actually useful again (which kinda requires more skill than throwing missiles)

I just dont get it when there are people like that crying for their own nation regardless of topic and text, as long as it is not a buff to their own nation. To prevent triggering those people I even specifically stated “After all it will still lose a two circle fight to F-16 or a one circle fight to Mirage 2000 even if Mig-29 got improved to its performance last patch.” Sigh.

Comparing Mig-29 and F-16 was not my main focus or intention as well, I was just taking F-16 as an example to illustrate what level of buff I want Mig-29 to receive to not make it dominating top tier. Yet it seems there are just too many US players and also enough of them that are easily triggered crying baby. My sole intention was to make the top tier “dogfightable” again as right now nobody is dogfighting because F-16 or F-14 will always win against Mig-29 while Mig-29 is capable of being just a missle truck. This becomes a simple meta for anyone who thinks about how to play their jets and dogfight is just no longer there in the meta. I don’t really hate the F-16’s 16G capability or all that but such a big difference in maneuverbility simply just discourage players from dogfighting. Thus although my first priority is not making anything too OP, I still want to post this and ask for a FM revision for SMT.


MIG-29 introduced 1977. 1983 serial 9-12. Serial 9-13 1986.
In game first r-73 1983.
R-73 1994/5 it’s R-73M with better irccm, 60° gimbal limit, upgrade engine.

9M in game 9m8≈1995
F-16C Bl 50 in game 1991/93 but with hms.

But Now 29SMT in game 2014 modernization with new rwr l-150. And without 56CM (need wait)
But if you so want:
Mig-29M 9-15 1986 full new planer, more powerful RD33K, FBW, 8 pylons for weapon ( up to 8 r-73, 4 R-27/E, 8 R-77. And A-G weapon ), N010 radar, rwr L-150. And more MiG-29M ( 9-15 ) => Su-27 ( up to sm3 )/ any Mig-29S/SM/SMT


That’s fair, I know irl the Mig 29SMT is far from an equal to the F-16C in terms of actual sustained dogfighting ability, and that shows in game, I’m guessing it’s because they’ve set this up in a way that the F-16C will have Aim 120a next patch and Mig 29SMT will have the R-77.

I get that’s not how you’s personally like the aircraft to play, but it feels like Gaijin is pushing for it to be the “missile boat” Mig, I felt a similar way with the early F-16a models being played as exclusively Bnz planes in the air rb meta for the last few patches, but even if I didn’t like it, it was a top 5 plane at minimum, seems like the SMT is in the same spot, but I could at least see the parasite drag modifier reduced and the AOA being increased as well without it being game breaking.


gaijin dont fix that problem. this is not a usa plane. gaijin roadmap= nerf the gen4 russian fighters and overbuff all gen4 usa plane. mig aoa is critically nerfed and dont get the real engine thurst power etc… meanwhile the f16 get better radar, better flight performance and g limiter remove… so this is the usamain skill optimalized update


Any and all discussion about dates of introduction is completely and totally irrelevant to the game unless the documentation regarding the aircraft is <30 years old and / or otherwise restricted… at which point it should not be shared on the forum.

Anyhow, discussion on capabilities and comparisons of performance would be the only relevant information to compare two aircraft.

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So true lmao

No it doesn’t. It has fantastic air to air weaponry. It’s BR is justified and it’s flight performance is closer to realistic than it was before. Saying it should get an FM buff for “game balance” is just more vatnik copium like what @Panther2995 is filling the thread with.

Before you accuse me of being a crying US main - I’m a UK main who has top tier USSR and US. I just don’t subscribe to balancing everything with RussiaBias. Playing Russia is already WT on easy mode, they don’t need to make the mig29s even better just to cater to inferiority complexes.

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Still couldnt get over your butthurt i see.

Unlike you not everyone is obsessed with one nation and defending a Russian vehicle doesnt mean i am a vatnik.

İ suggest touch those grasses more and stop crying.


Stop projecting for once, please.

İn order to do that you need to stop targeting me, cause your empty accuses are so funny.


Targeting you? You replied to me genius.

Although I can see you’ve reached full temper-tantrum pettiness, so I am tempted to keep prodding.