MiG-29 with R73 and R27R instead of the R27ER

Idk man, there’s too many extreme adjectives like incredible and advanced. Whatever you say though.

Also you could add or subtract words like BR and feed it more information through prompts.

I’ll take your word for it though 🤷‍♂️

Idea for USSR TT (simulator BR) with added missing weaponry for some existing planes:

I’ll take that into account so if I make another community post I won’t use any complicated or unheard before words, just so someone doesn’t point out the fact that an AI detector marks it as AI.

I honestly thought that the use of the more so called “extreme” words would inspire more people to agree but sure, I’m quite new to the forum only having a few posts, so thank you for the tip.

They aren’t extreme words, they are polarizing adjectives

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I’ve been wanting the yak130 for eternity, right under the yak141, would look great!

Because it would have to go to 13.0 just like hopw the MiG-29G with R-73s and R-27ERs is at 13.0 which is fine imo if thats what you want.

if this is accurate it seems like a fair trade, i wouldnt mind this.

seeing the mig23mld and 12.3 would make me vomit ngl… It has too few counter measures and crap missiles for a potential 13.0-13.3 match.

+added missing weaponry as R-73 and R-24MR and missing radar modes which improve overall ability of radar

yea, would vomit. fighting aim120s and fakour 90 spam in it would suck man. Even if you went all chaff we get shot at before we even take off. I fly the 27sm in sim and its fun as heck, very chaotic, but you have enough countermeasures and low speed maneuverability to evade. The mig23 at low speeds is terrible.

F-14 is easy to notch…useless crap plane.
That plane has trouble keeping the plane locked for more than 2 seconds. I shot dozens of them with MLD.

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yes all aim54 and variant are easy to notch and evade when you know they are coming. But what about the aim 120 at low speed in the 23 while taking off? why ignore and not respond to the main part of my post.

Well can you notch AIM-120 with F-14A? That plane is on BR 12.3, have even less countermeasures and completely useless RWR. MiG-23MLD will be much more effective than F-14A (already is) with one of the best IR missiles in game like R-73 and R-24T (and ability to carry R-24MR for that players which prefer radar missiles - of course with fixed radar).

+there is a possibility to carry additional chaffs in place of one of the missiles if S-5P/S-8P chaffs rockets and more modern variants will be added

The first mig29s in game can carry r73s, yes the r60m is historical as they used it for training, but what a lot of people want is the Hungarian one in particular to get r73 because italys f16 if given its correct loadouts will go up to 13.7 (though knowing gaijin will never happen) but also because at 12.7 r60ms are pretty useless since a lot of the time your fighting stuff with aim9ms or r73s, yes at 13.0 italy has a harrier but lets be honest, who wants to fly a harrier constantly at nearly top tier. And your argument for there already being mig29s ingame with r73s is true, but a lot of us dont want to grind multiple tech trees to get those, and frankly i personally will not play Germany anymore because of the teams.

Generally dont think anyone would mind that trade, id for sure take it, anymore getting a kill woth r60ms is like shooting aim9bs at a f15

We are not playing as the air forces of countries in War Thunder, we are playing as ourselves grabbing vehicles from countries.

So saying “They only used this for training.” doesn’t matter, they’re not us and we’re not them.
People need to stop making that incorrect argument cause we are not and have never been playing as militaries.
We are playing the vehicles countries purchased/produced/etc and the manuals of such vehicles dictate the weapons available for the BRs Gaijin wants to put them at, and rarely photos can as well.

Well there are photos of these and yeah i understand we arent playing as these militaries, generally what this whole thread seems like is people that main minor nations trying to get there stuff buffed while people that main major nations (like you seem too with “there are already mig29 wirh r73 ingame”) are against it because itd make your opponents not be free kills anymore

BRs exist to put vehicles where they should be, so there’s no such thing as “free kills” of any jet.
As for me, I play all 10 tech trees, and I play every single aircraft listed.
And much like other members of the WT playerbase, some of them being CCs, I prefer my airframes to NOT be carried by missiles when possible.
So in the case of Mig-29 9.12, it is stronger the lower its BR is to its airframe performance.
If it still just had R-27Rs and R-60Ms while being 12.3, that’d be a better overall experience.

It’s also why I want an F-16 Block 1/5 with 9Js only.
I don’t want to change later aircraft.
I’m not going to demand that Block 10/15 go to 9Js only, I’m not going to demand 29G, 9.13S in the future, etc be limited to R-60Ms for their IR missiles.
All I’m asking for is the initial aircraft have their historic initial loadouts.

AV-8C with 9Gs instead of 9Ls for example [which is what’s in-game].

There are definitely some free kill aircraft out there (looking at you yak38, canberras, and j35xs) but to please both sides why not add a “late” variant thats fouldered with it (Hungarian and maybe russia since Germany already had theirs) that had the r73s added to it, that way the mig29 with the r60ms stays lower while the ones that want the r73s can get one, though have to grind for a second one but i digress

Well, Yak-38 is in-part a free kill due to its historical R-60s rather than having no missiles at all.
J35XS also suffers from its potent missiles.

Which is all evidence of aircraft whose weapons are “too strong” thus leading to higher BRs for their airframes.

And yes, I support later Mig-29 variants being added.