MiG-23MLA technical problems

  1. There are 3 Flare/Chaff options, with 0 or 12 chaff/flare max selectable if the large caliber cm pod is equipped or not, with their code name instead of GUI name

  1. When changing between SRC and ACM (shown as TRK now for some reason), ACM follows the position of the horizon or middle of last SRC looking location instead of directly in front of the nose

  1. Unable to change Radar Search Mode from 60x6 to others like 60x12 (intended feature)?

  2. IRST Locking sector unable to be moved up or down, only left or right (intended feature)?


Yeah for flare and chaff , for me its my MiG-23ML. only able to take 12 in total chaff-flare with pod


Yeah, also MTI cannot be manually toggled on, and only works when your nose is pointing into the ground.
Hope they fix this, because right now the plane’s basically unusable.


I believe MTI only working only when looking towards ground is intended by them per the devlog
MTI is meant for checking targets that have ground behind them too, so I guess it’s ok

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the mti becoming auto now according to patchnote,

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Maybe, but if this means your R24Rs can get blocked by 1 cloud of chaff now, then there’s no way it should stay at it’s current br, so doesn’t seem very intended.
Also, tested the CMs again, and while countermeasuresLarge_default/name and countermeasures_launcher_chaff_large_add_pod/name work as flare/chaff respectivelly, picking any amount of countermeasures_launcher_chaff_large/name causes the game to glitch out, bring a weird amount of flares only, and constantly force you to reload on runway.

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well, no, when I play with the MLA I lock an enemy and it ignores chaff till it doesn’t, yet the missile decides to continue chasing the enemy, so I guess it doesn’t get raped when chaff is active???
as long as you don’t deselect the tracked target, the missile will just go after the plane instead of the chaff

do what you wnana do with this info

Idk, I always used MTI, which ignored chaff, but as soon as the lock broke, the R24 decided it wanted to go straight and self destroy now.
Though it’s not like it matters much now, since noone’s playing it until it gets it’s default countermeasures back.


happens with me too

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the radar situation is really annoying and i hope they revert it. the automatic switch features is badly implemented and mti is never turned on so its a pain not to mention the scan pattern being stuck to 6° of elevation making it basically useless. just who asked for that.


I don’t have MLA, but i play ML to get to MiG-29
Flares/Chaff issues on MiG-23ML is fixed already, which made it playable again. It was impossible to survive at sth like 12.0 with 12 flares only.
I am having the same issues with Radar as you do. It must be a bug, because Gaijin said that they will give “automatic radar mode switch” and doing that manually is impossible now. And that is broken now (in a bad sense of that word), it became much more inconvenient after that change. I hope Gaijin will make it possible to turn OFF that feature (like MAWs on new planes).


confirmed that the flare problem has been fixed
now we have to see if the radar system is a “feature” or an unresolved bug

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1.Airspeed bleed, stuck at arround 500 km/h with 110% engine power when turning and losing alot of speed and keep slowing if without WEP, and slower to gain more speed afterward
2. (im not sure about this) AIM 9L have no RWR Warning

AIM 9L is IR missile, MiG23MLA lacks any MAW

noted for AiM 9L , for Airspeed bleed is it part of new flightmodel update?

Why didn´t other planes with MTI like the mirage f1c get the automatic switching? In the Dev blog it says they should.

so do we know if the 60 x 6 only radar is intended ?

The acceleration gain after the FM update is still a bit sluggish, though the turn rate is okay. There’s a delay of several seconds to accelerate after turning (even when I’m flying straight). The R24T is still good, but the problem in the game is that you must play against the F14B with its Phoenix missiles, which hinders the R24R radar usage since you have to pitch down the nose. This means you need to gain some altitude. For look-up and look-down radar, you have to use the manual radar tilt, which is a bit annoying, haha