Mig 21S what do you think they could add to this "good" plane

I think they sould add the R60 to the mig

How about the Tzar bomb to bomb bases?



You knew exactly what you get for your bucks. Now deal with it.


too strong against F-104A/C

they shouldn’t, it is plenty good enough as is, R-3Rs are quite good for 9.7, and the R-3S is usable. if they give it the R-60 it would need to go up 0.3 or 0.7 due the strength of the missile, and unlike the SPS-K it would carry 4, pushing it up in BR where its lack of flares is a major downside and will make its performance tank

it is better off with just the R-3R/S where it is, very neat little vehicle right now


For the Fishbeds it’s got the best flight performance br for br, it doesn’t have to use the 30mms so it has a decent gun, and your missile kit is solid for the BR. It doesn’t need R-60s it needs to be flown with it’s limitations in mind because it’s an objectively good Jet

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Then it can move up to 10.3

Sure! Enjoy the new BR of 10.3!

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The Mig-21S is incredibly good just the way it is.


There was a similar thread on the old forum regarding this aircraft iirc started by epicblitzkreg, iirc one key point was to make it the MiG-21SM (niche but the default skin is apparently off of one).

Doing so would iirc give it access to the R-13M1 & iirc the same SPS-141 countermeasure pod off of the MiG-21: SPS-K, SMT & MF airframes but at the cost of going to 10.0 (or it stays 9.7 like the MIG-21SPS-K since that was an old thread).

I’d wanna see it go that route imo & then maybe I would pick it up (or did I purchase it? but maybe I never used it), either way I’ve used similar MiG-21’s.

That would just make it an SPS-K but with a stronger engine. It would make it way less distinct. I’d rather have more aircraft variety and individuality.

The Mig-21S has a very unique and effective playstyle in its current state. Making it like all the other copy-paste Migs in the game is redundant.

I think the only thing its really missing is the Kh-66 missiles on it’s in board pylons as the S variant could carry all the weapons the PFM could… Given how much Gaijin seems to love tormenting tankers with CAS spam I’m surprised they left that feature out.

Ah yes I totally remember the disclaimer “In a few months we will be adding premium all aspect, 30G IR missile slingers with enough CMs to fly the whole game with them on auto in this things BR bracket.” when I bought the thing… It’s still a decent plane, but lets not pretend that the game hasn’t changed in the 3 years since it was introduced.

Didn’t the SM upgrade include the R-13-300 engine and integrated gun? So it already is the Mig-21SM?

if it became the SM, why would it not be 10.3 along with the other similar MiG-21s? (AND THESE SHOULD BE 10.7 AS IS!)

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R-13Ms were the historical ammunition. Could get those. Should really be at least 10.0 either way. But better to be removed completely and replaced with MiG-21SM, so a proper mass-service R-11F2S-300 powered MiG-21S can be tech tree.
Though with how fucked Gaijin has made the BRs around there in the last BR changes there’s a lot to do before such an aircraft can be properly added.

And to clarify confusion about what the S vs SM are:
The MiG-21S was the last 2nd generation MiG-21 (unrelated to overall aircraft generation, just the second generation of MiG-21s specifically). It is based on the reconnaissance MiG-21R. They were powered by standard R-11F2S-300 engines like the PFM before them, and primarily differed by the additional underwing hardpoints.
The MiG-21SM was the second 3rd generation MiG-21 (again not aircraft generation), after the intermediate export MiG-21M. Both the SM and M utilized essentially the same airframe as the MiG-21S but with a built-in gun. The SM introduced the RP-22 radar and R-13-300 engine. Also introduced for this aircraft was the R-60, replacing the earlier R-13M (not M1! The M1 was rather rare and only used on MiG-23s!) used on the 2nd gen Fishbeds. The SM was exported as the MF, the two are essentially identical. However, they would not have access (and accurate information on this is tricky) to the SPS-141 as that pod was only integrated with the SMT, MF-75, and bis models. So, MiG-21MF but without flares, should be 10.3. But that runs into the balancing issues earlier discussed.
Meanwhile, the MiG-21S in-game represents an uncommon retrofit form the 80s with the R-13-300 engine, which if WarPac equivalents are to go off of probably also added R-60 compatability.

Not just “Good”. Actually op but compressed. Skill issue thread +1