Mig-21 Rebalance

Up-tier Mig-21 SPS-K to 10.0.

With r60, fake targets and slighlty worse engine than MIG-21S he stands on same BR.

Change Mig-21S(R13-300) to their origin.

In the game we have Mig-21S with R13-300 Engine. In real life there is no MIG-21S with R-13-300 until MIG-21SM release(So basically in game we have buffed MIg-21S or debuffed MIG-21SM with different name). There is no any other MIg-21S with R-13-300 engine.

Which can carry only 2 without any other missiles

That leaves you without cannon
So basically, this is worse MiG-21S version and it shouldnt have higher br because of this

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Mig-21sps-k still can carry 4 r3r/r3s including fake targets. The gun on mig so bad that dipoly or ft gonna be better. With dipoly + 4 r3r it can play like F14 - just climb, throw rockets, and return to base spamming dipoly. His maneuverability still better than most of the jets on this BR

So practically no missiles at all?

Not really, R-3Rs are only effective under 10km at high alt against non manuevering target.

On top of that they are 10G missiles on non-PD radar. You dont even need to deploy chaff to defeat them or fully notch, just crank them.

It can pull one turn pretty fast and then it is done.

It doesnt have the upgraded engine of MiG-21S/MF/SMT but the original engine of MiG-21F-13, meaning its acceleration is pretty bad. It actually needs to be played like F-104.

R-60s are terrible missiles. Yes they can pull 30Gs but their tail-chase range is pretty much nonexistent. Which kinda sucks forna version that can be only launched rear-aspect.

Normall people use R-13M1s.

And in order to mount them, it needs to give up its gun.

SPS-K running SPS-141 pod literally cant touch planes like A-10 with periodic flare release.


The missiles are so useless, that your only weapon is - cannon. Exchanging cannon with countermeasures is a terrible trade.

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I agree with all you said about the SPS, but actually the SPS-K is the same airframe as the MiG-21PFM, so it uses a slightly more powerful engine than the F-13 (but still weaker than the S/MF/SMT). OP is still wrong for wanting it uptiered lol, its a total mid-machine throughout

R-13M1 is actually quite good imo. but you can only carry two at time.

huh, youre right, i always assumed it is just export name for basically the same engine. albeit looking over the difference in thrust, it isnt really that noticable imo.

I actually have positive KD in it, but absolutely terrible winrate. Only two missiles means I need to pick my targets carefully, and if I pick gun over the ECM pod, i need to play it like absolute rat around planes like A-10. Plane simply has no presence in team games.

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Mig-21s are probably the most disgustingly undertiered planes in WT I’ve ever seen.

Yeah I agree. I have 50/33 KD on the SPS-K, and a 49% WR, but I haven’t played it in a long time - I used to play it when it was 10.0 around the time it was newly introduced. I honestly prefer the MiG-21S to it, even with its weaker missiles (only R-3S/R-3R) and no option for countermeasures, the far superior engine thrust really makes up for it. And my stats on the MiG-21S is 108/47 KD + 59% WR

heres mine. Like i said, terrible winrate lmao.

honestly if all-aspect missiles ever get moved out of 9.7 BR range, MiG-21S is going to be an absolute beast.


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