I think there was some talk about the EFT radar being fixed??? I hope so!
You cant just handwave statistics just because you dont like what they say.
Fabricating whatever explanation is most convenient to you is not drawing an objective take. Its just being biased.
Ive already stated that the stats show the Rafale is either the best aircraft in the game, or tied for best with the EFT if we really wanna be lenient towards the Rafale. Therefore, it is reasonable to believe the Rafale (and in this case the MICA) is no more deserving of a buff/fix than any other top tier jet or missile currently in-game, and is quite frankly one of, if not the least deserving of said buff.
It stands to reason that the most reasonable thing to do is wait and see how the Su-30SM and R-77-1 influences the meta before going forward with buffs/fixes to competitor aircrafts/missiles.
If this isnt an objective take, idk what is.
You arent actually bringing any facts to the discussion, so I dont see any more reason to continue debating this with you, you clearly have no intention on changing your position. If you have new reliable data to disprove the above assessment of the Rafale and MICA’s comparative performance in-game, I am ready and willing to discuss it and potentially change my stance on the subject, but fabricated explanations will get you nowhere.
NO…the 120 vs the base 77 was!
Afaik its being worked on. As for it being “fixed” we’ll have to see, everyone Ive seen talk about its performance on the dev server has stated its significantly worse now than it is on live, which is impressive considering how garbage its on the live server. This isnt really the thread for that tho.
I bringing the fact DESPITE the 11k played times of Rafale, France STILL AS OF TODAY not getting mirrored, if this really the best of the best aircraft in the game, everybody would use this aircraft and milk it to the death, not just some minor French Player that are inflating the stats so their stats looks so good.
Great, now you’re accusing me fabricating. Apparently questioning statistic is bad now.
No it is not in meta-wise, but I do agree at least this tied best with EFT, but in a specific way, because at the end of the day, France never gets mirrored, so its stats will always be inflated especially no other country had Rafale. For me, IMO, EFT still the meta simply because everyone is using them, especially with EFT being avaible to 3 nations.
What’s the point of suggestion if you’re gatekeep this kind of suggestion thread. It’s like even Gaijin would immidiately read this thread and instantly buff the MICA without considering other missile also to be fixed.
Again, why do I have to changing my position? Isn’t that point of debate and arguing?
Responding to his caterwauling only clouds the thread, let him spin his tires and do his own thing.
The content creators I’ve seen put them to the test and the rafale can make better maneuvers during BFM. In close range the missiles are better.
EF jousts BVR better, that’s it from what I have seen from them.
I have no clue how people are supporting a change that will make it 14.3 worthy and pretty undertiered.
How is the best plane in WVR combat also being good at BVR balanced?
This just proves my thoughts that people care more about their “nation” being OP than actual balance.
Y’all are acting like the R-77 isn’t on par with the MICAs on short range engagements rn.
The R-77-1 will be exactly what the MICA should be at the very least.
Though your and Motorola’s behavior doesn’t suprise me at all, you’ve been yelling that Russia suffers through arguing about ‘balance’ for a decent time now.
He said it wasn’t as gimped as others you goober, learn to read
The point was made, and i already agreed with Spectre, that’s what mattered.
Let’s try to be civil in this thread please, we can discuss this without insults.
When the vote will ends? And when the modifications on the mica (if the vote is positive) will happen?
It only depends of developpers will to do so.
Otherwise it will probably end when the devserver will be closed.
As @_OceanFish said, the vote will end when the patch goes live, so that might be another one more week around March 10-11. As far as if the fix will happen? That is up to developers, we’re simply just giving them feedback and our opinions.
It is yet by gaijin logic Russian deserved new missile
France doesn’t
Yeah, because the R-77 is so much worse than the Mica.
And once again, there’s a difference between a 13.7 getting some new missiles and moving to 14.0, and a great 14.0 plane getting missiles that remove the primary downside.
Why does France have to be the one of the best at both BVR, and the best at WVR. Unless it moves to 14.3, it shouldn’t be buffed in any way. It’s unfair to anything below it, or at its BR.
Stop with that “Russia OP” narrative, it’s annoying.
On the other hand, fixing the MICA would make it only slightly better than something like the R-77-1 maybe, with still some ups and downs for each, and thus negates this game’s most dire consistent issue, powercreep
How about you stop victimized Russia first? it also annoying when you know nothing about MICA here i tell you how MICA it just like R-77 good at close range sure better at close due to tvc but apart from that? No it all the same it doesn’t have range of amraam
You literally have 50% more missiles, all of which have better range than an AMRAAM let alone a MICA-EM, and have the same G overload as a MICA-EM. The only downside of the R-77 was its short range, which is now alleviated- R-77-1 is a missile without a downside. Let the other nations play a little bit. Currently, in a long range engagement, Rafale will be shot down first. In a short range engagement… I mean, have you seen what thrust vectoring does?
Su-30SM is leaps and bounds ahead of everything else in the matchmaking.