AIM-120s being less draggy would mean it would be better against a notching target, 77-1 is only better on a straight line
That’s just false unless the target flies in a straight line and doesn’t maneuver. Due to its design, it loses way more speed in maneuvers than the Aim-120.
It still has a lower range than an Aim-120, and I think the Mica still beats in in WVR.
It only works below 500kmh iirc, and you will have zero speed if you actually use it.
I honestly doubt that it would be. If the EFTs radar gets fixed, the typhoon would be the best.
The Su-30 is a heavier, slower Su-27SM with better missiles, more missiles and a better radar, which I don’t think will make it OP.
It’s OK for Russia to have a good aircraft, and it isn’t bad that they do. I just think nato mains are massively overhyping it.
This is the second or third ranking video that placed Eurofighter above Rafale interestingly @MythicPi
I mean honestly it’s not really an argument to show such a video, i don’t know him and even if he was good in air i don’t think i care.
What is an argument is that the point of this game is to be as realistic as possible and as long as something is not game breaking (brimstone is a good example as it would auto lock targets, be really hard to defeat and it would teamkill too) or would have totally different performance compared to what is currently in game (for example adding meteor missile into the game with what we have now).
So my point is that the mica for sure is good at close range and can also do bvr while being behind the aim120 but it is not in any way too op and so does not deserve a nerf to start with.
r77-1 is a good comparison to it, as far as i understand it will do a 80km shot max by being launched from the su30sm and so a 50km optimal launch is possible like the aim120.
R-77-1 is a good comparison yes since it’s also on a dogfighting thrust-vectoring platform that utilizes R-73 and R-27ET, so no one can really say that plane doesn’t excel in both BVR and WVR.
Shouldn’t that be essentially the upper limit of AoA-limiter off + TVC maneuvering before you end up tearing your own wings off?
- Already stated we could go back and forth finding videos that “confirm” our positions from the opinions of other players. The opinions are split on the jets atm and so you can find tons of people in either camp.
- This youtuber does not have the Rafale or EFT (he does however have more experience with different top tier hets than you)
- This youtuber states some blatantly wrong things about the EFT, such as claiming it has 8x AIM-120’s, which if it were true would make it a substantially stronger aircraft.
- He literally states many argue the Rafale is the better aircraft, he just thinks otherwise.
- Not exactly one of the “largest youtubers” like you originally claimed with his 379 subs.