This report is funny.
It states that radar can attack 8 targets, but only 4 of them can be updated
Slightly unnerf it. Not fully, full power mica em should come with pl12 buff + aim120c5s. R77-1 isnt good enough to warrant a full power mica
To start with there should not be nerf to the weaponry except in extreme case (ex brimstone as it would be the dumbest missile and would also do the most teamkill ever breaking the games both side) or only because some features of a missile, plane, tank or whatever is not modelled in game.
They are not believed as nerf for Gaijin even if this was clearly made as such by the dev with full knowledge of it.
Fixing the MICA-EM’s range IS slightly unnerfing it. There are open reports showing MICA EM is also underperforming in seeker range performance, inertial guidance, missing J-band seeker, and other aspects.
Disagree fully. Mica and pl12 needed to be nerfed as they are the only choice for china and france. If they werent nerfed we wouldve had to introduce aim120c level weaponry has the first fox 3s.
It wouldve been terrible for the game.
No it isnt. Mica with its irl range would be the best missile in the game only competitor would be realistic pl12. Both of these missiles are more modern than counterparts.
Are you sure we are talking about the same mica, the one with a max range similar of the aim 120 a so 80km max if the target go straight.
An aim120c level weaponry would be the mica ng not the normal mica.
And as far as i see from wikipedia pl12 is between 70-100km in range with just 38g max so it could be close enough guess, also i have no clue for this missile and why are you ignoring the new russian missile too with 120km and able to do 50g.
watch the devs close all the reports with a " work as intendend , not a bug "
The R-77-1 vs MICA comparison is not the only comparison to consider in the game, there are other missiles, such as the AIM-120, PL-12, and AAM-4, all of which are also nerfed to some degree for balance purposes. The MICA is the single best missile WVR and does remain dangerous at range as pointed out above with the R-77-1 vs MICA comparison, particularly when employed by an aircraft with performance as good as the Rafale. Pretending it “cant at all even scare russian jets” is an exaggeration.
I wouldn’t support the introduction of the AIM-120C-5 before we figure out how the 77-1 will actually impact air to air balance any more than I would support buffing/fixing the MICA before doing so as well. The long term goal should be realism, but we need some semblance of balance at least while other nations catch up to France for the time being.
Yeah i was unsure from how it worked it seems that the r77-1 will just reach a range similar to the amram in more normal scenario.
Its literally the current best jet in the game, there is no other jet more future proofed than it in-game at the moment. I know what you meant, and I still stand by the fact it was jumping the gun.
Thats what your accepted bug report was for. Its pretty obvious the goal of this post was to try to garner popular support to try to push gaijins hand towards fixing it now, despite the actual reasoning on the balance-end being dubious.
The double belly racks are to my understanding dubious. From what I’ve read, only the Su-35 should have them, not the Su-27SM, nor the Su-30SM, but idk how true that is.
Bringing up missile quantities is also a bit of an interesting take. All competitor aircrafts in-game would have also run out. The F-15’s have similar limitations to the Rafale, the F-16’s are outright worse off, as are the Gripens, the Eurofighters, and the J-10A. The J-11B will have more total missiles than the Rafale, but still equal fox 3 counts, and it will have the worst fox 3 at top tier of them all to boot.
If anything, there should be a push to remove the double racks for the Su-30SM if they are indeed ahistorical, as that would have a more global positive effect on missile count balance.
The Rafale exceeds the Su-30SM’s qualities in air combat in other aspects. If they had parity across missile performance and missile counts, the Rafale would just be better than it outright.
And also, once again, if the Rafale is rendered outdated, every other top tier aircraft in-game will be in a worse position than the Rafale. You aren’t the victims you’re pretending to be. At best you’re potentially overestimating the impact of the R-77-1 on the Su-30SM, at worst, you’re attempting to use the communities kneejerk reaction at a new missile to increase the gap the Rafale already has on every other jet currently in-game, which is scummy and opportunistic if thats the case.
End of the day tho, I could be wrong about the R-77-1, and if so, ill be supporting the fixes for all other top tier AAM’s alongside the MICA, but I wouldnt do so when we dont even know what kind of impact it will actually have on the game yet.
The MICA is vastly superior in WVR, idk how many times this needs to be pointed out.
You cant just use max range figures as an argument for the MICA being “the worst”, its the worst at max range shots, its still the best in close range ones. MICA NG is not an equivalent to 120C-5, its just superior.
But the difference here is that the F-15s and Eurofighter’s AIM-120s would outrange the Su-30SM’s R-77-1. If you’re gonna take into account the Rafale’s flight model with the MICA, then you should take into account the Eurofighter and F-15’s flight model with the AIM-120As.
From your own calculation, 8 R-77-1 on Su-30SM is equal to 8 MICA on Rafale.
BUT, 12 R-77-1 on Su-30SM + 2 R-73 is superior to 8 MICA on Rafale.
You said, “but what about AIM-120A on F-15?”. The answer is that the F-15E with 8 AIM-120A which gives superior range due to better flight model than the Su-30SM is the only thing that comes closest to 12 R-77-1 on Su-30SM.
And yet, the the Rafale is still better than the EFT and F-15’s. So the Rafale will be fine.
I don’t agree, the majority of people who say Rafale is better are mainly Eurofighter mains. However, if you ask players who play every country including the biggest youtubers, they will say that the Eurofighter is the meta and the better choice currently.
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Yes. The same mica which also has tvc making it the best close medium range missile ingame. Mica is very nuch aim120c level weaponry if it ecceeded it in range on top of more maneuverable it would be pf higher tier.
Alao ive seen high figures for mica em range multiple times.
Rafale is psrtially better at close to medium tanges because of micas. Eft has better flight perfomance and long range missiles
It’s also less powerful while also being heavier compared to the 27SM. And there’s a difference between a 13.7 getting better, vs a great 14.0 getting even better.
That also doesn’t tell me that that isn’t power creep. The Rafale being great at BVR, and the best in WVR just isn’t balanced, especially in the extremely compressed top tier bracket.
I will vote no until gaijin is able to decompress and balance better.