I can’t seem to find clear specifications for the Mi-35M’s RWR system in War Thunder. War Thunder wiki states the helicopter does have a missile launch warning, but in practice I’ve only observed this launch warning once in 50+ games with it, which came from a radar AAM.
Launch warning has not triggered with any other AAM or SAMs.
The MWS operates and appears distinctly different to that of the Mi-28N(M) and the Ka-52/50, despite all platforms using the same L-370 Vitebsk system. It does not show the name of the vehicle pinging/locking you, and in general is far less consistent and reliable than the counterparts on those vehicles. Russian MoD states that all their current helicopters use the L-370 or variants thereof, and the Mi-35M was only first ordered in 2010, meaning it is not an archaic platform.
Is there a reason the MWS system is different? Should this be a bug report?
It only detects missile launches by radar guidance beam which the SPO-15LM only detects a very limited band of G, H and I wavelengths.
Most SAMs like the Roland use J band (and I think F band search(?)) so the SPO-15LM on the Mi-35 doesn’t give a warning. A Sparrow being guided by an F-4S as an example uses I band and the Mi-35 can detect it and the F-4 radar.
Only if you have actual sources, there has been more modernisations of the Mi-35M so it’s at the mercy of what Gaijin wants it to represent. iirc the rectangular bulges in front of the doors and behind the cockpit are elements of the SPO-15 and the display itself is modelled in the cockpit, if you want it buffed and/or bug reported you’ll probably have to find errors in the SPO-15LM band detection or suggest a new and more modern Mi-35.
That’s fair. Thanks for the reply. I was looking a bit more and thought that might be the case.
I might suggest it as a potential module upgrade as I don’t think an improved MWS would warrant a BR change but it would make it a bit more survivable in practice (even if the DIRCM jammers and MAW system were excluded from this).
Wow, thanks, didn’t know it is again SPO15s fault. I really hate this RWR with a passion. Especially for the ones that don’t have it modelled in cockpit.