So recently I was playing around in the hangar and I noticed there was a pod attached to the Mi-28NM while having the Su-39 selected, I thought this was interesting and if anyone has any useful information on this pod? My guess is that it’s used to guide Khrizantemas through smoke and other cloudy obstacles.
Yes, its a millimetre wave pod for the Khrizantema.
The N025 mast radar is just for search, mapping, IFF, etc purposes.
There is now a bug report about the Khrizantema-VM lacking its ACLOS guidance with this fire control radar. If you can go there to click on “I have the same issue”.
The report got closed
Its the OPS-28NM Tor-M Tracking radar housed in a pod on the outer pylon its a part of the BRLK-28 radar system which uses the N025M mast search radar.
Im going to make a suggestion on the forums about adding it to the helicopter which would then enable that same guidance of the Khrizantema-VM as the Khrizantema-S uses. If it isnt approved I can make un updated bug report I guess although it really isnt a bug just an addition
Yeah. I myself made some research and made another bug report specifically on this FCR
Where did you learn this system designation? I been searching the best I could even not knowing how to speak Russian.
Hahaha too much time searching lol I have all the info you might need about it I made a comprehensive post but it was taken down I can send you it tho if you want to read it
You can? It would be of immense value. I need more info to make the bug report more accurate, and if it still leads to nothing then a suggestion probably would be fit.
Okay So I was actually wrong the pod itself is called the APU-L the OPS28 is only the optical so the IRST etc
If you want it to be added