Messerschmitt Me 163 B

These are contradictory statements. If someone is being erratic then they are even harder to shoot.

It was to make it so players couldn’t go AFK mid match or play with just one hand and still get many kills.
Or just make Sim mode playable - even now bombers are much easier to get kills with.

Fighters have fancy maneuvers to do against other fighters, not just flying straight to an airbase to bomb it. Bombers still use their mouse to aim the gunners, so its fair.

No, I included “for your control” and “there is only maximum or minimum control” for a reason. For you it causes your plane to be unstable, but for the fighter shooting at you you have less possible inputs you have to predict.

Why limit bombers to just flying straight? If bombers flying straight is an issue, why make that their only option? Why must bombers be sitting ducks?

historically accurate

No, that’s not how that works. A bomber is easy to hit simply because they are huge and unresponsive. It really doesn’t matter how much you maneuver, a B-17 that’s gonna weigh somewhere around 20 metric tons and has a 31m wingspan is always going to be an easy target.

Imho you are wasting your time.

The fellow player has very specific thoughts about certain aspects - and has mainly opinions which are either not backed up by irl or wt game mechanics.

You find a hell of similar posts with almost identical content - expectations vs things wt is able or willing to offer…

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I’m aware. But I don’t want to let such lies go unharmed.

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“(and you can’t easily shoot and fly the plane in a bomber like you can in a fighter)”

Smigol enters the chat…

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it’s a piece of shit and should be implemented as such.

Bringing up an arguably very good player making garbage work is not an argument

Bombers in game don’t have at least a dozen other bombers with them, so they need historically inaccurate buffs to be viable.

There is a massive difference between a large target moving on a straight path, making for easy targeting, and a large target effectively maneuvering away from enemy fire.

Me 163B-0 is same BR as the MiG-17 👍