Merkava 4 armor is long overdue to be buffed

Yep. Unfortunately they had a bunch of those

you keep discussing about the mk 4 but the mk3 is just as garbage, i was stupid enough to buy the 3d premium and it’s horrible the armor is nonexistent which would be fine for a fast little tank but the thing is so ginormous that an half blind ww2 veteran could spot it from 2kms away. The gun is good (wow thanks gajyin) and it’s the only reason of it staying at 11.3 because otherwise it could be 9.7 and still be shit.

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All Merkava’s are bad in speed and armor but the gun is the only good thing.

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They peak with mk2d which is still nothing special, the mk3d is worse than 2d as a premium, hands down. Just another scam and pay to lose. Seriously i grind more effectively by just playing normal tanks like the 8.0 or 8.7 lineup than by using this premium. It could be useful for grinding the mk4s once I get the other two mk3s, until then I don’t think that I’m going to use it because it’s so garbage, it gets smoked even in downtier and everyone knows, just point and click, they don’t even aim for weakspots because the whole tank is a weakspot.

Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t think Reddit and Israel mix well lmao

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Women can be your bro lmao

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don’t play on merkava 3, the merkava 4 better

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I don’t have them yet, the mk3d premium is useless garbage stay away from it

Yes, if you compare the Mekava MK3 and Sabra carefully, you will find that the MK3 has basically no advantages except for the higher engine horsepower and faster, and even some conveniences are worse (such as reloading speed). The BR of the MK3 is still too high, and it would be better to adjust it to 10.3 or lower.

It could stay where it is if they buff the armor

which they wont lol

I’m so pissed off, I struggle not to think this isn’t made on purpose, I mean how can the developer possibly not realize that this shit is dumb as hell? A tank as big as a two store building that can be lol penned anywhere without aiming for weakspots, does this shit make any sense ? What’s the point of being big and slow if you don’t have some protection? Where’s the trade off? Things like tamp 2ip which is 2 whole br lower can just smoke this thing by aiming center hull, and it happend to me today. Yeah skill issue probably, trying not to get spotted or hit in some huge ass tank sounds like a perfectly easy task, perfectly suited for this type of tank


Imagine what would happen if israel gonna get the best mbt in game😂

I mean realistically the merkava is best against ATGMs but any of them will shred through the armor

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bro means brother so i refuse lmao yourself

Made a report proposing thickness changes to Merkava and Namers frontal armor based on their own visual model, and i think it makes sense


That didn’t last long…


Are we really that surprised about this though?

Gaijin has not shown any interest in doing anything but make the Merkava series’ armor worse.


Crazy to me, the fact you can literally see the issue with your eyeballs and they still turn a blind eye


Ahh no the realistic merkava armor will be on par with leo 2a7 if not stronger

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