Lmao i wouldn’t go as far, but this is just terrible moderator abuse on their part.
U have another idea why they keep closing the bug reports?
They dont even ignore just stright up closing it all tho there is tons of evidance
And its not like merkavas are well performing nah israel win rates arent great(correct me if im wrong) and we allready suffers from the lack of spaa so why not buff the merkavas???
They should just add the newer Merkava Mk4’s. The first Mk4 got into service in 2004. To compare, the Mk4.M 400 got into service at ~2020, basically it has 16 years of technology changes and of course, better armor. The Merkava “Barak” got into service at 2023, almost 20 years after the first Mk4 got into service. I think that this is the only way Gaijin would agree to add Merkava Mk4’s with realistic armor, and actually modern composites that WORK against KE and CE shells.
Dude the merkavas have a -8.5 degrees barrel depression but not modeled ingame the armor on the cheeks arnt model correctly
M4m400 is a m4m with better aps and fire control system but armor is the same
And its not gonna matter even if they add the barak they thinks merkava has nera armor when it has slera armor which is way better merkava should be on par with the leos but they dont want israel to be strong for some reason
They do have different armor. I dont know if they use somekind of armor kits(would make sense tho it uses modular armor) but whatever it has to be better than in 2004. 20 years of difference should provide some armor changes mostly after learning from Second Lebanon War and the wars after. Lots of ATGMs and RPGs were taken by the IDF so I’m sure that there are changes in the armor. And after all, many countries have got newer weapons/tanks including Iran, Egypt(even tho there’s peace, everything is unexpected) and Syria(some of their tanks were taken by the IDF in the last few weeks so here, more armor researching😂)
Source? Because the gun depression looks accurate to me
Ik that the barak has more armor but its all clasifies
I’m sorry? Where do you guys get this information from? You are not only misinformed, but are misinforming others. All Mk4s have the same exact armor, they differ only in systems, optics and trophy of course. Stop spreading wrong information with no credibilty.
The idf stated that the barak have more armor and heavier then the rest m4
Also there is some armor diffrances like in the m4 lic u have some inner plates that gaijin forgot about
Mind stating where you got this information from? From what I know only Merkava Mk.4 variant that has different armor is the Mk.4A, as it used slightly different armor compared to the Mk.4B and later variants.
I rly dont remember when i saw it but it dosent matter cuz its clasified and we cant know where or what this armor is just that it make the tank 70 tons while other m4 are 65 tons(unloaded)
The engine is protecting the tank too much
Any rear engine mbt will get one shot through the engine with any apfsds round at this br, simply supplying more spalling while front engines are able to supply more protection and stops most if not all spalling. So untill this is fixed it is not worthy of any armor buff
My guy, that’s the entire point of it being there.
But on the main topic, they should at the very least change the composite name because it’s just very obviously wrong, but hey it’s gaijin!
maybe we should all clap and cheer for them spelling it mostly correctly?
They did only miss 2 letters after all.
That engine protects me maybe 20% of the time, all other times shells go straight through it. It has the second to fourth weakest turret of top tier, only the Ariete has a verifiably weaker turret and the Leclerc and TKX are about on par, though in some instances they are stronger/weaker than one another.
U kidding right?
Wdym just letters the whole armor value is wrong
Actually, it would be much, much stronger than even the 122B+.
Yea if im not mistaken u the merkava can eat apfsds to the side if angled
All tho the leo has spall liner