Meet the “Storm Warning” Major Update!

They’re coming this week (except for Apache, that one was delayed til January unfortunately).

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Interesting, do you know why its delayed?
Or why the BMD-4M is allready out but the other not?
(Russian Bias?) Just kidding :D

Technical issues with PS Store, basically.

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They Said before they fills the gaps in futur

Dear Smin, is the radar of the Typhoon in an unfinished state?

My issue with the profile update is it’s clearly aimed at making it more mobile friendly, not more useful. It had the information people wanted and they took it away while planning to add it all back.

I’m sure it’ll be fine in the future, and it’s not really a huge issue to me. But it feels like they made the change not because it was needed, wanted, or would be better, but rather because they wanted a change they could talk about and point to as an “Update”.

For the wiki, I think the old was better, it again feels more like a flashy change for the sake of making a change and having something to point to. I’m sure they’ll add things back, but it feels more cluttered and frustrating, more like it’s built to have adds attached than to be useful.

But that’s neither here nor there, what’s done is done, we all have our opinions, I just think they should stop implementing things before they are ready.

Why is phz reload nerfed…its so bad now nobody in their right mind would play with it unless you are a big fan of this sph…tell me…

If somebody wants a premium sph why will they buy the Italian version when vidar sits at just 0.3 br higher and has better reload and has thermals…

If you are thinking of grinding phz for its armour than you are better off with the new chinese sph which as spall liners

If you are thinking of grinding phz for its high velocity shells than u might be surprised to know that although type99 and phz got same 155mm L52 gun somehow phz shells are somewhat slower in terms of velocity…

Also it doesn’t get that one shell which has like 1000m/s velocity with 12-14kgs of tnt….

So why would u even research it when it has nothing unique going for it when almost most sph at its br bracket has something unique to them like vidar has thermals and reload….type99 has high velocity on its shells and the new chinese sph has spall liners…

At least one jet in this update can fly through terrain. Several vehicles like the RDF have completely incorrect stats. This update was rushed.

Gaijin needs to chill out with the spam of new, more modern systems and invest more in the core gameplay loop and balancing what already exists. We have an enormous amount of content that no reasonable person can grind out across upwards of a decade. We don’t need a billion new premiums every update. We just need a more fun gameplay loop, because the current gamemodes are flagging under the weight of vehicles and weapon systems that were never considered when the gamemodes were first conceived.

I think the vast majority of players would appreciate changes to existing gamemodes and vehicles to make regular gameplay more fun, over this constant spam of new, better vehicles with busted damage models, flight models, weaponry etc. Especially with how we’re long past the point where accurate info on these systems is locked behind classified docs. Heck, give us the fabled “BR decompression” that we’ve wanted for so many years, instead of continually powercreeping things down in BR, instead of a Eurofighter where the community had to complain to get it even 0.3BR higher than the existing top tier.

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75kph is incorrect?
Typhoon flew through terrain 1 day out of the 10+ it was playable.
Gaijin doesn’t spam out anything, these updates are the slowest in the history of War Thunder.
Game mode changes would be spamming out updates cause they require the most labor hours.

The previous major update came out less than a month ago. These aren’t “the slowest [updates] in the history of War Thunder”, cut the nonsense.

How on Earth would labour-intensive game mode changes make the updates… more spammed out? What are you on about? And are you really arguing that the current gamemodes, designed a decade back for WW2 props and tanks, are really sufficient with the modern tech we’ve now got ingame?


Content isn’t made for specific major updates.
Content is made throughout the year, and ready content gets released in major updates when they’re ready.

Current game modes were designed in 2017 BTW.

Well the Eurofighter and Rafale, which weren’t made for the specific Storm Warning major update where they feature front and centre on the promo images, clearly weren’t ready. Or the M44, which can clip into all sorts, or the PzH 2000 with its reload, or the RDF/LT with its comical amount of inaccuracies that a certain content creator lost their mind over.

Air HB was a thing in 2013. The game mode’s hardly been changed since then all things considered, aside from adding some ground targets, making bases respawn and making airfields invulnerable. It’s the same gameplay loop.

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Don’t forget about the M44 not having any rear or top collision.

M44’s bugs were all fixed within a day.

Doesn’t change that they happened. This update was the fifth or sixth this year I think? And it came out less than a month after the previous one. There’s no shame in admitting it was rushed, but Gaijin needs to do better. Releasing over half a dozen premiums just before Christmas alongside broken vehicles - in both bugs and balance - is a shameful cash grab.


Bugs happen every major update, no exceptions.
And content still isn’t made FOR updates, updates are named after ready content.
Typhoon was ready. A new bug appeared on live server only [ground bug], but never showed up on dev.

theres a major difference, of being able to just use the mechanic instantly and having to grind to it, which frankly with all these things is heavily discouraging to any normal human being

You have to grind out a tech-tree vehicle in a grind-based game? Wow, colour me shocked.

Where skin trophy crate tho?

Anyone else has the problem that Helicopter´s arent reacting to Collective/Yaw/Pitch/Roll manipulation while in gunnersight?

Update: ok there is already a bugreport: