Meet the “Storm Warning” Major Update!

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Welcome to Storm Warning!

Meet Storm Warning, War Thunder’s last major update of 2024.

Storm Warning brings with it the highly anticipated Eurofighter Typhoon joining the ranks of Germany, Great Britain and Italy in three different variants, plus the Rafale for France! Following this is a line of Thai aircraft for Japan, reinforcing the ranks in this nation with capable fighter and attacker capability. Next up is the M44 for six nations, providing them with fun 155 mm howitzer firepower. In addition to this is the excellent PzH 2000 for Germany and Italy, and several battleships and destroyers for some nations, including the Archangelsk, a Royal Navy ship in service with the Soviet Union. Rounding out the update is Attica, a stunning new location for Ground Battles.

Check out the changelog to see the fixes, vehicles and other features that we’ve included in this major update.

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Ground Vehicles: 155 mm Howitzer Glory!

Storm Warning features the M44 for six nations (list below), providing them each with a capable short 155 mm gun to have some fun with at the midranks! Next up is the PzH 2000 for Germany and Italy, providing excellent long-barrelled 155 mm fun as well. The premium RDF-LT and BMD-4M for the USA and USSR respectively bring them some excellent light tank firepower. And finally a brand-new, unique pack featuring three WW2 classics: two Tiger Is and an Ostwind II, designed for starting Germany with a capable lineup. Check out the full list below!


The Kit Includes:
  • RDF/LT (Rank VII, USA)
  • 2500 Golden Eagles
  • Premium account for 20 days


Two Fronts Pack

The Kit Includes:
  • Pz.Kpfw. VI Tiger Ausf.H1 Ostfront (Rank III, Germany)
  • 2Pz.Kpfw. VI Tiger Ausf.H1 Westfront (Rank III, Germany)
  • Flakpanzer IV Ostwind II Ostfront (Rank III, Germany)
  • Premium account for 15 days
  • 1000 Golden Eagles


Great Britain



  • T-26 — model has been updated.
  • HQ17


  • Strela-10M
  • M44
  • PzH 2000 (Pack)



  • CV90 Mk.4


  • Namer Tsrikhon

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Aircraft: Storm Warning, the Typhoon and Rafale!

The theme of the update, the Eurofighter Typhoon now comes for Germany, Great Britain and Italy in the form of a unique variant for each! Japan has been reinforced with aircraft from Thailand, providing some excellent aircraft for this nation, from jet attackers to fighters. In tandem with the Typhoon, France has the excellent Rafale jet fighter. In a squadron? The USSR now has a new squadron vehicle, the Su-33. Check out the full list below!


Great Britain




Thailand subtree:

  • F-84G-21-RE
  • Alpha Jet A
  • Alpha Jet TH
  • F-5A
  • F-5T SCU
  • F-16A OCU
  • JAS39C
  • A-7E
  • AV-8S Late


Helicopters: A Premium Dutch Helicopter for France

The AH-64D attacker helicopter used by the Netherlands has been added to France as a premium pack, allowing you to research this heli tree quicker. Plus, the Rooivalk and Superhind for Great Britain have been given superb detailed cockpits.

Great Britain

  • Rooivalk Mk1F CSH — detailed cockpit has been added.
  • Super Hind — detailed cockpit has been added.


  • AH-64D (Pack)

Naval Fleet: Battleships, Destroyers, Aircraft Carrier!

Storm Warning features a plethora of larger ships, including La Galissonnière, HMS Rodney with 16 inch guns, the premium Z4 Zerstörer and Archangelsk, a former Royal Navy ship in service with the Soviet Union. Plus, the highly detailed Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier has been added to test flights for aircraft.


  • Z4 Zerstörer (Premium)
  • Ersatz Yorck


  • Archangelsk

Great Britain

  • HMS Rodney


  • RN Ghibli

Locations & Missions: Attica For Ground Battles!

Attica is based on the bright landscapes of the south-east of Greece and is a suitable and colorful place for Ground Battles! This map has now been added to the map rotation.


Tactical Map Improvements

The tactical map is a very important aspect of War Thunder battles. In Storm Warning, we’ve gone ahead and made some improvements to it. If you’re playing Ground Battles and driving a ground vehicle or flying an aircraft, press “M” on your keyboard to open it — at the bottom right you can select to move the map around or switch to the map type to either air or ground. Plus, if you’re in an aircraft, you can set a “point of interest” on the map that’ll show as a square box. Great for marking targets for yourself!

Player Card Showcase Additions

Some new showcases, including Battle-Hardened, Atomic Ace and Peacemaker have been added to the Player Card window. Click the “Edit” button in this window to change them. More details on each one can be found in the major changelog below.

There’s plenty more to see!

That’s it for this news, but be sure to check out the full list of changes in the provided changelog, as there’s many bug fixes, improvements and additional vehicle changes not mentioned here. Let us know what you think and be sure to leave your feedback on our forums and official social media channels — we’d love to hear. That’s all for 2024 War Thunder major updates. We hope you enjoy!

Download the update and join the battle!


Shouldn’t RP required for HMS Colossus be reduced after HMS Rodney’s introduction?

PzH 2000 has wrong reload… How do you guys get that so wrong?
“Rate of fire: 3 rounds in 9 seconds (burst) 10 rounds per minute”

Why is it 10 seconds on aced crew ingame?


Easily top worst update.
Shure some nice stuff, but just so bad in other categories.
Like the completly butchered PzH2000.
Just at a loss for words.
And sturer emil beeing now completly useless for Daily tasks and Events.


Thank you for releasing a very VERY bad update for ground forces (RDF/LT and BMD-4M being downgrades instead of sidegrades,PzH-2000 missing inside the Italian Tech Tree,PzH-2000 having a completely unrealistic reload,M44 diluted across almost all nations,HQ-17 being useless and so on), it’s a sign for me to take a lil break and spend the holidays away from it

Oh and Gaijin,if next update the PzH-2000 is still missing inside the Italian Tech Tree,my wallet will definitely be a distant memory of yours :)


It is really disappointing about Hungarian Pzh 2000 being a premium pack, instead of TT.


Italy:“I’m quite literally the second largest and oldest user of the PzH-2000,right after Germany,so the addition of this vehicle inside my tech tree is more than justified.Damn,i even have a literal hole in Tier V, it’s the perfect spot for it”

Gaijin:“Nah you’ll instead receive a version of a country that not only has one of the smallest pool of this vehicle,it is literally the most recent user. And it’s a pack premium nobody ever asked for since Tier V already had the M60A1 Ariete ))))))))))))))”

I’m so pissed off right now


Cant find Attica as a map for custom battles, Am I going mad?

I simply don’t get this decision at all. But at least it’s seems to be more fun and enjoyable, unlike Sholef.

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Because the update is literally rushed and they preferred releasing a half-baked product rather than waiting and releasing it fully cooked

RDF isn’t a downgrade, it trades top speed for more ammunition. Sure, it’s not much of an upgrades since 26 AP rounds is all you need, but it’s still an upgrade.

Also this update isn’t rushed, that’s not how this style of game updates work.
All of these vehicles were 3+ months in the making. Decided long before the previous update and developed across at least 2 major update releases

With the way War Thunder does updates, assets IN DEVELOPMENT get added when finished for that major update.
Assets aren’t made for any specific update if they’re not part of a theme.
This update’s only theme is Typhoons.

There are flaws with War Thunder, and they should be addressed. I will not have a tantrum due to their existence though.

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Why were every few of the Rafales accepted bug reports implemented before the update? It actually lost things from dev to live with the loss of the GMTI radar mode for some reason

The only thing the RDF has going for it is more ammo, otherwise the HSTV-L is better in every way.
So RDF is wrong. PzH 2000 is wrong. Wiki was downgraded. Profile got downgraded.
Gaijin is doing alot of mistakes


Why add vehicles like the PzH2000 and the EF2000 if you are going to deliberately make them worse than their RL counterparts?

If the game is not ready for a vehicle, don’t add the vehicle. And don’t just add the vehicle in a crippled fantasy version.


Couldn’t help myself

Don’t even need to grind anything around those BR. Just want to keep spawning Tigers like T1000.


The update promised to be the best in 2024, but it turned out as usual. You have to be able to ruin everything like that.


No, the HSTVL is only superior in mobility.
RDF isn’t known to be wrong. No one’s given evidence that its speed or engine are incorrect.
Wiki was upgraded. Munitions data is actually present now. While rather dangerous “accurate” statements were removed such as TWR which was a specific number that wasn’t useful in any situation.
For example, 0kph thrust doesn’t matter for almost all of the flights in-game.
Profile was changed, no downgrade.

RDF’s gun depression was correct throughout the entirety of dev.
Applique armor wouldn’t matter.
Ammo penetration is correct. The higher pressure charges used for the barrel wear test aren’t the ammo that’s in-game and HSTVL doesn’t need it, especially when HSTVL already has its intended ammo.

There are correct ways to critique vehicles, and lying isn’t how you do it.
And claiming that every critic of WT are “bootlickers” just puts you on the side of defending WT from criticism.

I can only imagine what people would correctly say if your posts were begging for 2S38 to get a better APFSDS round. HSTVL and 2S38, two potent vehicles for their BRs as-is.

How is the Wiki upgraded? Almost all info is just gone! Before you could go to for example the Roland SAM and it tells you which vehicles use Rolands. That’s completly gone. It’s a downgrade in info and design


Ngl this update seems alil undercooked, honestly we’d rather it have been pushed back few days to get everything more polished, there’s glaring modeling errors with multiple new vehicles which is just going to annoy the playerbase.

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You would think they would fix those. What is the dev server for if not for that?