It doesn’t affect who won, just how much the winners paid.
Individual bids:
Top 100 highest bids win. Every winner pays the bid they put, meaning the winner with the highest bid pays the exact price they bid, much more than the 100th winner bid. Essentially the higher up you were as a winner, the more you pay.
Single Price bids:
Top 100 highest bids win. Every winner pays the lowest winning bid, meaning all 100 winners pay the price of the lowest bid. This is so that there’s no punishment for not being winner Nr. 100 specifically.
I’m not sure what’s going on these days, but there is a trend for creators, producers and companies to create stuff that alienates the fans and, instead of listening to feedback, they double down on what went wrong and blame anything else they can when things tank. Franchises are dying because of this. Think about what Rocksteady did to the Arkham series with the release of Suicide Squad and, when they tried to fix it, they released a Batman that is only for a VR set that most people don’t even own. What were they thinking?
Gaijin is leaning toward that problem lately. There have been some things that leave me scratching my head and wondering why they are doing what they are doing. Hopefully they will put player satisfaction over money schemes and improve along those lines.
Happy players will spend more money, stick with the game longer and recommend the game more readily. Players that are frustrated with money grabs based on FOMO and exclusive content that only a few can obtain will walk away and tell their friends to find something else to play. Even the most loyal players will leave if they feel like they are being taken advantage of and, over the past few years, I have seen this happen on several occasions.
Content is being made and generated for it rather than finding its way in to the game through normal revenue streams.
Until it is removed there is no possible way for me to recommend this game to another player as there is absolutely nothing stopping Gaijin from releasing vehicles on to it.