if the game was in a good state, balanced, with bugs that players really care about fixed or at least mentioned regularly, maps fixed/improved, improved game modes, among other things that the game could be much better, i believe the action house wouldnt be a problem.
BUT: bug reports ignored for years, players left in the dark for years, no real changes to game modes, no real changes to maps for years, no real changes that players have been asking for for years (and when they do it, do it poorly) and they still want to add a new way to grab money? im sorry but i think the last thing you will get is constructive feedback
One thing that is very important to me, and likely many other players as well though is if this could include vehicles?
I think it would be very harmful to lock anything besides optional non-historical cosmetics behind limited numbers in an auction system, where not every player has equal chances of receiving them purely based on how much money they try to “compete” with.
It’s already a debatable topic about old events in general regarding players that just weren’t around, but even then they could’ve been.
With auctions only the top 100 (or whatever selected number) of the players will be able to receive the reward, and not skill or dedication decides, but the thickness of their wallet.
And to add to that the game being rated for ages 12+, that are easily influenced by such artificial scarcity tactics doesn’t help either…
It specifically says in the first sentence this is for “player created content” and players don’t create vehicles so maybe it’s premature to jump to the worst-case (which I agree would be bad) just yet, and evaluate it on the terms they’ve given: “player-created content”, ie skins.
I would be interested to know how much of the cut the creator gets, though, and how it compares to the existing marketplace/box program for them. I do wonder if this is in part because those terms were pretty poor and skin creators were turning them down or turning away.
I guess I just look at this and go, “well this is clearly aimed at the top 1% (of WT spenders) and I will never be in that 1% so it’s not for or about me.” I kinda feel the same way when the government reduces taxes on luxury yachts or whatever. If I’m getting angry at this I’m really just getting angry at inequality and I’m not sure I need that in my life. YMMV.
Gaijin, if you want an auction system, then do that with silver lions (yes, less money for you, more fun for us) otherway, keep it like it is now because otherway there will be many bots playing on the auctions. Saw this in mang other games in past years and all ended pretty bad.
There is no way this “mechanic” can be improved or redeemed.
The sole purpose of auctions is to drive up the price of an item. It only benefits the seller. Meanwhile the buyers fight among themselves in a race to outbid the other.
Maybe it makes sense for rare one of a kind treasures in real life, but this is a video game. These items are nothing but some pixels on a screen.
There is no reason why there should only exist 100x of snake profile frame. You can make as many of these as you’d like! There is a word for this, artificial scarcity.
I think the reception here speaks for itself… nobody likes this!
You would be better served selling these items on the market (which already exists) to a playerbase of several thousands for couple GJN a piece, instead of a handful of whales for extortion money
But, those silver lions would go the the guy that created the auction, maybe someone that need those to increase crew slots or crew expertise, or unlock vehicles