Meet the Auction!

Make the votes public, I think that’s the best way to get an accurate opinion


So when do console players get access to a console market

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That would solve it, 2 markets that could send items across for sale or auctions

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1 for pc, 1 for consoles, but its probley harder then im saying

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My guy, thier are already multiple 50 dollars bid just for the dragon avatar frame, just hours after the announcement of the auction.


Why would you want this kind of toxic monetization for console?

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Thier is all ready a wrong thing happing in the coming hours of the auctions opening up. This is gonna be to a rail road made of crap

Why do you not have Zero on that chart cause 1 implies I don’t mind it.

This is a whole new level of scummy penny pinching

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Also we all know what Happened to CSGO right?

Can’t do it for consoles as it’s a separate currency. sony/microsoft would demand a cut from every sale. Which is why the market isn’t avaliable on consoles to begin with.

Generally every day i expect the auctions to get trashed becuase ik this community, only after a year and some would some auctions be settled down with some monetization

Yea i thought so, rip

I really wish such a regulation existed everywhere so it would spare us overpriced limited number player auctions…

It might seem fine now, but as soon as any vehicle so much as touches an auction the game is officially dead

Also new websitse would start thier own warthunder gambling i would also assume, maybe a different website would be the main host alot of the auctions because i dont know how the future for the auction looks here

Their alot to think about for the future just to drop this on us

This will affect everyone even people like me who cant affect the market back

I honestly would feel no sympathy for gaijin if they had to share a cut with Sony or Microsoft. Giving access that the marketplace provides to one set of players, denying it to another set, a.d then creating events focused around it knowing that tons of players couldn’t access it is kinda scummy.

The marketplace was never about letting players access user skins or getting event vehicles. It was always about money, regardless on how many console players were screwed over from it.