Meet the Auction!

I have to agree. The creator should be getting the majority.

We’re primarily focusing on promoting selected user-generated content from WT Live on the Auction with a revenue share cut offered to the authors.
Additional content we’re currently considering includes profile icon frames, decals, profile icons and similar items.


That’s literally how i see how gaijin works lol.

But don’t we already have a ton of events literally for that without relying on luck ?

I can list them here : BP, the pages of history, single vehicle events, Winter events, promotions, sales ect ect.

You had the opportunity to put theses items in the Luna sales pack


Is there a possibility that this will be available on the regular market? To be honest, I’m not willing to spend £200 on a profile frame. It’s unreasonable to limit the quantity and set such high prices. A better approach would be to charge £5 or £10 per frame/image and produce 50,000 units. This way, everyone benefits, and you might even earn more, along with the content creator.

Even if you reduced all store prices by 50% (I’m aware of the annual sales; I’m suggesting a permanent price cut), you’d see significant profits. People would buy year-round. Lower prices lead to higher sales, resulting in greater satisfaction for all.


As we’re in the experimental phase, we tested with 100 lots. We may modify the lot numbers for future types of user-generated content if we feel that these changes are required.

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Even 10 000 would be nothing considering the size of the Player base for stuff we really want

But it would indeed bring down the Value of less important items this entire system is nothing but flaw’s


Perhaps y’all might also consider some titles as well. Like some rare, hidden or even “new” titles . . . like “Collector” . . . . hint hint, wink wink . .
Just a thought . . . it does seem like something that might fit in there well and be fairly easy to make happen . . . but that’s just me . . . ☻

p.s. maybe not the achievement related titles tho . . .

I feel like Gaijin is gonna auction some new release or rare event vehicle in the future
That would make the community even more mad
This is just absurd

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I dont think it’s worth for Gaijin to completely nuke the customer-dev relations. Even before a good amount of people were hostile and did not put much weight on to the words of the company, but if this garbage WoT monetization goes through, it will be an extreme minority that will continue to shill with the majority becoming more hostile.
At the end of the day ratings and online opinion matters to the profitability of the product. Short term you will sell 900$ vehicles, but mid term it will seriously hurt the game.

“Overwhelmingly Negative” is not something any dev wants to see.


You can get ALL OF THAT without the “luck” factor:


For frames all Gaijin needs its to make them obtainable in the same way as profile icons/decals


See this is why people are concerned, there’s never a direct answer and just dancing around the question.

You talk about what gaijin is primarily focused on, what other content is currently being considered currently but do not actually answer the question which just gives everyone the impression that yes, vehicles are a long term goal.


Now that u mention it they boutta remove it

Wait what, when did they said that?

exactly its common for companies nowadays to create problems and sell the solution
but gaijin here creates a problem and sells us a ton of much bigger problems


That is not a denial. That gives so much wiggle room you could drive a bus through it.

A clear statement of “We will never put vehicles into the auction” is required.

Don’t dance around it. A simple statement that you will never put vehicles on the auction, or are considering it for the future is required.

Just for clarity, when I say you I refer to gaijin, not you personally.


It’s a joke but the way gaijin views it they may stop these events just to milk the auction more


I don’t like it when there are “buy now” buttons everywhere, but the auction are far more predatory compared with this.

Personally, I have a feeling that the project is going in the wrong direction and I no longer have the desire to support it. Sad, but buying PA and stuff was a mistake.




Yup. But a second one, now in pie chart form still confirms it.

There’s for we have double the amounts of data