Meet the Auction!

The most insane part about the whole thing is that in order to even bid on anything, you have to give your money to Gaijin and you’ll never get it back.


Right on point!!


For me, the only way they can redeem themselves now is they put the Tiger 2 105, Panther 2 and that weird 341 spaa into auction, maybe I’ll continue to kiss their asses

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Also when you think about it why auction camoes have to be bought from creators on a fixed rate and they can never get a percentage of the total sale.

Right now there’s a lot of GJN sloshing around and one of the few ways to get it converted back into real currency (along with store gifting) is converting camo creators balances over 500 GJN to real cash.

So… Imagine you had a lot of GJN, and camo creators get 30% or more of a total auction sale. All you have to do then is make a deal with a camo creator to drive the price on the item WAY up, pour GJN into it and get that creator to convert the lot for you. So yeah, however they do this, the camo creator gets a fixed amount (probably the current cap of 800 GJN) and the company keeps the rest.

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And you will just make this worse for most of us, I can easily see them going for 1K after the bid ended.


And in case there is any confusion about the opinions

There is the poll here

And gaijin said a while ago that 80% never payd for the game

Even if we are bold enough to assume all those 80% free to play players voted no and don’t count them

The remaining 20% paying costumer’s would still push the dislike Ratio above 50%
And a like Ratio of a staging 10%(if my Math is correct).

And this is REALLY Reading the Numbers in gaijin favor and the numbers still look horrible

I don’t believe that half these bets aren’t Gaijin bots anyways.

This is more humanlike behaviour.


This is not.



And there is also no guarantee that you can even buy something interesting to you with the purchased GJN, since the final auction bids may be too high. Much more than you are willing to spend. And you will be faced with a choice: either buy more GJN, or consider these funds uselessly lost.

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Funny how all end in zeros lol

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Well said.

The fact that they are dodging all questions about the ethics of this concerns me, they are dead set on doubling down and going through with this regardless of what the community thinks, this announcement feels more like a formality more than an actual honest interaction with the community.


No one bidding $69 is the most suspicious part.



This tired excuse again. Gaijin has a certain amount of resources (money) to spend and can probably scale teams up and down quickly based on needs, especially with freelance devs. Money spent on a marketplace team dev is money not spent on the bug fixing team.


They really need to allow you to cash out GJN after a failed auction, otherwise it’s nefarious as shit.


I literally have yet to find a single comment in favor of the auctions in this thread


Remove this. It is a horrible way to monetize cosmetics and maybe even Vehicles at a later time.


Had to scroll down on the current bids window, shows 100 bids, so the 150 was still there, but it starts at the 6 lowest, weird setup there.

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Yeah, you would thought with the already high emotion they wouldn’t make any changes like this

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@gromvoiny are there plans to bring the recent added premium packs regular in the PlayStation store? Currently they are still only via In game or Webbrowser to find, but not on an PlayStation itself (except the BMD-4M, this one is normal and also visible on PS)

I mean it’s a chain of bad ideas that feel purely about money making and not about benefitting the game or players. So yeah, not surprised. Just scrap the auction, pay the creators some other way, and just work on some other project because this is only going to hurt the game.

Bring back vehicles in a less predatory way that will draw in more buyers if it’s gotta be monetized, but auctions aren’t the way at all.


there is no official statement on this point, which needs to be clarified:

Something is not right!

The item may not reappear at auction or otherwise within 1 year. But it doesn’t add up or it’s unfair from an attractiveness point of view. In fact, the period will be 5 months if the start date is the same as the one that started the auction, when in fact the initial period should count when it becomes available to trade on the market.

Could you please explain the mechanics of the 1-year initial term?