Meet the Auction!

That is a very reassuring thing to hear, exactly what was asked for. Straight to the point and not dancing around it.

I’d still want to comment a bit on the rest though.

Here, since it was said as “anytime soon”, not a complete denial, I want to add that any vehicle that is added to the auction this way should at the same time be available through different means.

So for example an ongoing event vehicle that can also be earned/purchased normally, a techtree vehicle that can be unlocked normally, or a premium vehicle that can be bought for a fixed price.
The issue is that as soon as auctions are the only current way to get a vehicle through the skin, you are no longer selling the skin with a bonus unlock of the vehicle. In that case you are playing into the lack of availability of a vehicle, which I don’t think should be done through auctions, but more accessible methods instead.

I am personally a fan of old event vehicles in the battle pass for example, and I’d appreciate seeing more of that instead of a shift to more limited means like the auction. Since these are through lootboxes I’d also suggest a GE puchasable reroll option, though that is a different topic.

But basically, I want to ensure that this

…always stays an extra option, and never the only one.

I’m personally not a fan of the auction as a mechanic, mainly because it may be a slippery slope towards more.

This game, like any other, has shifting priorities over the years. What once was no jets being sold is now limited to not selling the top BR or vehicle. Similarly, a shift from selling camouflages to auction exclusive vehicles will always seem to hide in the shadows.

I agree that it might seem appropriate for art, however when it comes to digital goods that theoretically come in infinite numbers I believe it is best to not artificially limit numbers to drive up the value.
It’s not necessarily the prices that bother me, it’s the (for lack of a better term) “gamble” around the price, and even around being able to buy in the first place. As well as that, a fixed end to the bidding period also favors certain regions over others for having more convenient times to check up on the bids before the end, which is not in the spirit of fairness either.

Instead, there are many other options you could consider. From more marketplace trophies, to weekly rotating “camouflage stores” as either GE option in-game or on the webstore like the recent esports camo packs, all of these have been suggested here and might create a more well received option to let user-made skins be sold.
They can still be time limited, but they would also have reassuring fixed prices and unlimited lots so long as they are available, which players can and will appreciate.
For the prices you could also work with the skin creators by having them either select their ideal price, or letting them choose from a few pre-selected options if that is easier. They don’t all have to be cheap, so long as they have fair fixed prices and unlimited lots.

Anyways, thanks for the detailed answer, this is the type of communication we need more of!

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The teams behind developing the Auction and the game consist of different people; therefore the work of one team doesn’t impact the productivity of the other.


NOOO. Do not add this


Everything said here applys to cosmetics aswell what happens wen there is a skin everyone wants or just a huge Chunk of the player base like the Anime pillows
Even 10 000 is not enough

But the value for stuff only 1 or two players are interested in is down to starting price (GAIJIN you ARE now RUNNING A CHARITY)

And who decided what is convenient for the user? Who decided that it is convenient for the user to not see the current max bet ? I don’t remember seeing any comment here asking for such a change but it is incredibly convenient to minimize the uproar by not allowing the people to see the hundred-dollar bets and other egregious amounts.

This ain’t worth the overwhelmingly negative label in my opinion.
Meanwhile, last patch has unfinished content, Japanese aircraft have been missing ordnance for years,Hungarian tanks have been missing shells for a year now…etc (accepted reports)
Plenty of coding that can be done on better things


You are selling skins but what about missions ? Some players are making awesome PVE or PVP missions but no one exploit these.
There is already suggestion that no one talk.
Games modes are like abandonned.


Finally some longer awnser,
From an Console player POV the entire thing is just an middle finger, because you want to reduce the RNG factor which is good, but on the other side you guys are leaving these out who have to (suffer) more than anyone else with the RNG factor, because we cant just go on the market and buy skin xy which we want, but instead we dont even get anymore Exis to event vehicles(unless they are in the SL gamble chests) , all we can do is gamble for some skins… I was trying to get the Skin for Leopard 2PSO, in the end I had to gamble an worth of 70!!! Euros, for 1 skin which I realy wanted…
Sure I also got some other skins, se I could recycle, but still…
This is just realy sad, I would love to gave the snail money specially for some Event vehicles but the snail literally does not allow me to…
(Yes, I am well aware that the no market is an rule from Sony/MS)


As you already noticed, similar to the Gaijin Market, due to platform restrictions, we are unable to offer console players the ability to participate in the Auction for the time being.


Well, not just that, but the entire Market… like, there must be an other way so that we can also buy the Vehicles/Skins straight without gamble (Unless Gaijin straight up doenst want our money)

Like you even nerfed the traiding system into completly carbage after the Wind of Change Trophy Issue/Bug/Glitch/whatever…


with the auction it feels like making us suffer/fight with each other is payment enough and the money is just the cherry on top

Or if you guys do something like that, pls let us transfer our accounts to an true PC one, but oh wait…
Last time it was aviable it was December 2023…


Well in fairness here, if the team and resources assigned to the auction development were assigned to other outstanding issues the player base keeps shouting about, rather than something the majority really don’t want or ever asked for…


“We don’t add B-29s”
Added B-29s and Tu-4s

“We don’t add beyond Rank V/Korean War era jets”
Added F-100D and MiG-19PT

“We don’t add AAMs in the game, thats would be boring for gameplay”
Added IR missiles with supersonic jets

“We don’t add nukes in the game”
Added nukes in ground battles

“We don’t add battleship, thats would be unbalanced”
Added battleships

“We don’t add paper planned stuffs anymore”
Added Ho-Ri Production

I cant trust them anymore.


“But sometime down the road, we’re going to do just that”.

It’s the refusal to commit to a position that is the concern here.


Also they had 4 days to realize their mistake and put this thing into the Trash for good instead they pur even more resources into it (like wen they remade it to show the lowest bids only instead of the highest)


Sorry but i dont trust WT anymore. You make all promises and years later break them. One example No top tier premiums… And add them with a lazy excuse. I rather have the WT dev team fix crapy volumetric BS than make an scamy auction.


Exactly the only solution is to remove it and hope the community forgets gaijin ever tried this

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As I already said, the teams behind developing the Auction and the game consist of different people; therefore the work of one team doesn’t impact the productivity of the other.
It’s like expecting pianist to pain pictures. Both pianist and painter are artists, but they work with different material.

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Make them available in the store as limited edition packs, ensuring everyone can purchase them for a fixed price.


Sorry, but this just creates the opportunity to say “Sorry, but X’s absence was promised by employee Y on team Z, that team is not currently working on that aspect of the game.” We, as players, do not know the internal structure of Gaijin, and simply want to be convinced that the statements of any employees of the company are statements of the company itself.

We have too many examples of initial promises being broken.