Their loss, it’s just another sale they’ll loose through a stupid decision.
They probably should give us a choice between SL, Warbonds, a Talisman or a good (50%+) discount on a low to mid tier vehicle
You think Gaijin cares at all about community opinion? They keep doing what they’re doing until the money stops coming in, after which they might do the bare minimum to keep it going or one day I bet they’ll just abandon the game and make a new game.
The nation RP bonus is clearly evidence of just that, 10 years of not increasing the RP rewards, 10 years after removing the X2 for every nation, they implement a worse version of a removed mechanic and somehow need well over a year to implement this, a whole year where they get to postpone and disregard RP discussions because ‘something is coming’.
And I can almost guarantee the nation rewards will be super lackluster and barely worth it, and either way worse than the 2X they took from us in the first place.
So in that rare case you’re already on the airfield and can J when your last teammate goes down, and you’re not a premium, so you don’t have insurance, and you’ve burned your 30 free repairs already, it’ll save you ~4,000 SL.
The PBM-5 will likely actually be a less effective base bomber than a PBM-3 for those who have it (because of the score multiplier on base bombing at rank III of x1.4, a 33% score reduction from rank II). Of course not many people have it because they stopped giving it out in 2019.
EDIT: Just looked, it’s a 3.7, so that means two mines per base, as opposed to 1 per base when you’re in a 3.3 match or below for the -3. So yeah, much worse for base bombing than the -3, you’re basically killing half the bases half the time, for 33% less score each.
This one is a hard pass for me. Removing the 3rd unique vehicle, I mean why what was the point ?
Hard pass, nothing interesting or usefull or worth the money in this battlepass.
Third unique vehicle, as if any of the recent BPs had three unique vehicles in the first place
Yea removing the 3rd vehicle, making the air reward a unless flying boat and a game mode I hardly play.
I mean why just why
So, instead of 3rd vehicle players will get either a lootbox, or “some” SL (you don’t even bother to tell how much)…
At least give them an option to choose one of the vehicles from the box…
Better than having nothing at all.
Last naval event was delayed to fit in a Ground event - no reason given other than D-Day which by definition was a multinational, multiservice amphibious operation.
No new naval vessel in this BP - again no reason given.
Do this to ground or air and there would be riots but apparently it’s OK to do it naval because as is posted so often "no one plays naval’. Even the devs said this in a recent live event, and whilst it may have been in jest shows it’s not just a forum/reddit punchline.
Because neither the BPs, nor events should be used as a source for actually unique vehicles that should in reality be part of the tech trees.
Next BP will most likely either have no plane or no tank, as they are going to give out 2 vehicles and a box with previous vehicles according to this announcement
Presumably so that not all of them are ex-BP vehicles. TKA was a Victory Day 2020 event vehicle, so if you played BP from the start but didn’t do that event, at least you could get something new out of this.
Random previous boats as BP reward? You’re lame Gaijin - absolutely lame!
Reason is PROFIT, obviously. Game is long dead by now.
What is this? Now gaijin generates random pictures from AI
Everything is about profit, that’s just business in or outside of gaming.
Air has maybe 2 years before it runs dry on its upward trajectory , ground is similar, and naval is simply going to be stuck as Irl it went sensors & missiles rather than big guns of BBs (assuming updates aren’t thinned to stretch it longer).
Sorry, I wrote “maximum profit and anti-consumerism” wrong…
By now do you mean how long? if you mean over a year then yes.