Meet Skilled Marksman, the 16th Season of the Battle Pass!

No shit, then tell me what 2x 1000 is…

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2 wagers from that level in the BP? Nvm, I see it now!

So you think people would have had a problem with gaijin just giving people 1200GE roughly the value of one these vehicles instead of another random chance reward that essentially has you hoping your team pulls through multiple times to get any kind of decent reward…but yeh people just like to complain. Has absolutely nothing to do with gaijin slowly lowering the value of the battle pass over time only to have the missing elements to be replaced with RNG mechanics.

Considering with events and the Battlepass we used to get about 24 time-exclusive vehicles every year, I am somewhat happy they chose to reduce this number, as some of the BP rewards definitely should have been Tech tree vehicles. I am aware of the huge amount of WW2 to late cold war vehicles still need to be added to the game, but these exclusive vehicles are not the best way to go about it I think.

But yeah, the RNG should not be a reward. They should have instead reduced the BP-price to 1800 and 2300 Golden Eagles respectively (about half the cost of a rank I-III vehicle, which we would have gotten most of the times)

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Exactly there’s not even a price reduction for less content.

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That’s one way to look at it. Another way to look at it is it’s a skill-based price reduction. For players that have all 4 of these vehicles, full completion of both wagers (a fairly difficult feat, I agree) takes your cost for this BP from 2000 GE to 0. Even an average player with no prep at all should see some cost reduction here though… It’s hard (but not impossible) for any player to lose six games in a row, when they chose the BR and mode.

I would also like it to be 4 vehicles again, for the same price, too, sure, who wouldn’t? But they clearly didn’t have another naval vehicle ready to push out this time, so they had to go with this. (Same with the Alcione event.) So for whatever reason their content creation pipeline has been slowing down this year. I’m just not sure why we would think giving them less money would improve their new content production rate.

A skill based price reduction!? Lmafo!?? Anton is that you?? That’s the most insane cope I’ve ever read. It’s fairly simple… Rewards your constant and loyal players with an ACTUAL PRIZE not a randomly determined wager that’s out of their control, we’ve seen time and time again and individual player cannot carry a game alone, second to that essentially no other part of the battle pass requires you to play in a squadron too garentee completion… So having to squad up for this reward makes even less sense. If gaijin are releasing less content the price should reflect that. You can’t charge more money for less content is basic stuff. Same way i can’t charge for a full days work and leave at 12. If you think gaijin entertainment are struggling too keep their heads above water so much soo they can’t give out some more digital GE to loyal players you are sorely mistaken.


Thats not even a skill based price reduction, but more a RNG Based reductions

With respect, what you’re calling “RNG” is just “the matchmaker”, which we all deal with every game we play. There have been plenty of win-based tasks over the years I have been frustrated by my teams on, too. It’s the nature of all online games you’re complaining about there, really.

Objectively, 63 out of 64 times, going by pure random chance, your price on this battle pass just went down 5% from 2000 to 1900 GE, assuming you have all the previous vehicles, because you were able to win one game in six tries. For some it’s going to go down a lot more. You think that’s still not enough of a price drop. I get that.

What we’re gonna do for the 350+ members of Class Act is we’re gonna do everything we can to help our members who want to to take advantage. We’re gonna do a couple small events between now and November so anyone who wants to run their wagers in the mode and BR of their choice with a buddy or two gets that chance, and hopefully offer some side prizes for people who help each other out with their wagers. I’m 100% certain we’re not the only squadron that is going to do this. Anyone here or from other squadrons who’d like to join us for that and other events we run, Discord link is in my profile, all are welcome. However y’all end up doing this challenge though, may the odds ever be in your favour :)

Nah, dude, it’s just reality. For years, dozens of times a day, you have written something negative about Gaijin on these forums. Thousands and thousands of posts and you just conceded every single one has been deliberately negative. Do you not see how weird that is? That’s not normal my man.

Me, I call balls AND strikes, like I think any good umpire needs to. I just had one of my posts permanently removed by the mods here YESTERDAY, I have been warned and suspended multiple times, deserved or not. And I already wrote my ONE post saying I was disappointed by going from three vehicles to two in this BP, I said my piece. Now that they’ve done something to mitigate their mistake, even if it’s not enough, I’m going to credit them for that something and then start planning how my squadron members can take advantage. I’m saying that’s in the normal range of reactions here. But hey, it’s a free forum, if you think your approach of “find something negative to say about War Thunder every 10 minutes” is achieving anything useful at all… keep doing it I guess? I’m not going to stop you.

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And if you really want to win 10 games in a row I would advise playing air arcade with 4 people that have a lineup with max crew slots. They don’t have to be the best pilots, so long as they can just keep spawning and make their team bleed tickets.

(Or dominate ARB with a 4 man squad in Yak-3’s :) )

But yeah, you need a squad(ron) to help you for these kind of wagers.


Yeah, good point. Better chances there than in something like naval RB, because it has to be a “player” kill. But finding a four-squad is definitely the way to go here.

Random lol? These wagers are extremely easy to complete in a 4 person squad for any half-decent players. I will definitely take that over like 1mln SL and it’s not like i cared about naval vehicles to begin with. Sure, Battle Passes got a bit worse now than they used to, but they are still a stupidly good deal.

These wagers, make the battle pass basically free, i am taking that for sure, without any complaints.

You pretty much just confirmed everything i said… Even you yourself have been frustrated with the matchmaking to gain a reward… That in itself doesn’t sound very rewarding to me? Call me crazy but you’ve already unlocked 4 vehicles… You next reward then requires you to team up with a radom squadron like yourself to then have a chance of getting some kind of decent return… Otherwise the alternative is to attempt to do it alone which then leaves you more frustrated trying to gain this apparent (Reward) i don’t understand how jumping through multi hoops to get your prize having already reached the level a prize would be awarded… REWARDING. It’s some backwards logic imo. Made worse further that to increase your odds of that reward you have to play a game mode you might not accel at leading to more frustration… Doesn’t really scream reward imo.

I used to complete a 25 stage ones with 3 kills for each player on GRB with my friends in some lower BR Heavy Tanks, worked every time, we haven’t lost a single one yet after doing like 10-15 of those.

And those were like 3 times harder than the ones we will get

It is rewarding. Sure, you need to team up with some other players, but it’s not like they will expire or anything. You have your time. Just wait for a good moment when you have a lot of time to play and some good squadmates and complete them without any stress. It’s as simple as that.

I don’t think a reward should be a reward that’s based on chance when it’s in substitute of something that’s garenteed.

Yes, this game does produce an emotional response sometimes, plus and minus. You caught me good there. Um, that’s why we play it? Can’t have highs without lows, we’re not robots. (Well, except Miragen, I sometimes suspect he’s just a really crankily coded AI…)

In the end we’re talking here about a $10 USD cost item that no one is being forced to to buy, too, let’s all try to keep that in mind here. :)

Look, I know it wasn’t the main point of this, their naval content team has all been force-conscripted or something, I don’t know and neither do you why they haven’t had any new naval vehicles outside of a major update in over seven months now. But it is also an opportunity, a change of pace. In the old days GE wager days were some of the best zero-cost events squadrons could put together for their members. The rogue-like nailbiter thrill of running a wager all the way with friends, if you’re all chill about the outcome of course, can be one of the best experiences in this game too. I’m glad to see them back in any form, I just kinda wish they weren’t limited to the subset of players who have all 4 of these vehicles already (one of which is not a BP vehicle) and make level 38, as that’s going to make it harder to schedule for those who want to try it. (But then in the old days we had to wait for people to get them in their random login drops too.)

Nah, dude, it’s just reality. For years, dozens of times a day, you have written something negative about Gaijin on these forums. Thousands and thousands of posts and you just conceded every single one has been deliberately negative. Do you not see how weird that is? That’s not normal my man.

I don’t use the forum to stroke Snail’s ego but to provide feedback, no idea why you find that to be so weird, why would I waste my time talking about things that don’t need to change when I can talk about things that do?

Even if it’s not enough, I’m going to credit them for that

Well good for you that you’re happy with some crumbs, your standards are lower than mine and you’re easily satisfied it turns out.

Going from four premium vehicle coupons for 75 levels to 0 premium vehicle coupons for 75 levels, adding a time restriction to the challenges, start the BP at the same time as the most grindy events in the history of gaming to get a useless boat, requiring 125 levels to get a copy paste plane and a nerfed into the ground artillery piece that is DoA isn’t doing it for me.

To then get criticized for what is objectively a bad offer and you supplement it with another bad offer isn’t going to make me praise them for it.

These are their most loyal customers, these are people that have been buying and playing all these battlepasses, Z-25 and PT-658 is from 2021, MTB-422 is from 2022 and the TK-106 is from an event in 2020, so they have been playing for probably half a decade or longer, they have spend enough money for at least 3 battlepasses and after removing 2 vehicles you reward their loyalty with the equivalent of store credit to be spend at their store, but you gotta jump through hoops to get anything of value and somehow manage a winrate of 80% and a kill every game to even get it, because we all know winrates are down to individual performance, right?

And you’re here praising what is arguably insulting more than anything.

The right thing was cutting the price of the BP in half, or making this reward a choice of a larger selection of vehicles from previous BPs and not just the worst selection of coastal ships nobody wanted in the first place, or a flat 1000 GE reward.

But no, here’s a crappy reward and you better like it or Bruce gets mad at you.

If you want to continue this conversation you need to say something nice about me though, because your opinion gets invalidated if it doesn’t stroke my ego enough apparently.


Random chance items are not rewards. Wagers and orders are among the worst things in game.

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