Meet Skilled Marksman, the 16th Season of the Battle Pass!

Gaijin REALLY wants us to play boats.

Question is, is it going to be like all the other consumables in BP, where you have to play it within 3 days of claiming it, or is it like the old GE wagers where you had unlimited time and you and a couple friends could make a little wager squad?

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Is it really that hard to just let players choose if they would like to have a boat or if they dont care about naval that much (what seems to be a decent amount of players) just get the 1k GE?

Seems like a simple sollution instead of what you are doing now with only the chance to get 1k GE.
Also does this wager also just get a 3d expiration date? If so “cool” reward

that is a big buff and bonus, you can lob shells better then with other guns and negate terrain.

Crazzy idea for gajin. Add the option for SPG´s to adjust the poweder setting for the ammo.

Hve 3 options. Low medium and high. The velocety will change according to teh chrage you selct. This would make the guns much more usfull. also please increase teh range to 50 KM on the aiming retcile.

If it’s like the old “Officer” GE wager, which was the first/original “wager” of this type, then it should payout like this.
We used to have great fun doing these wagers waaaay back. A lot of fun and some FREE GE’s for your time and trouble.
I think this is a very good addition to the Battle Pass and this reward in particular.
And yes, they do listen(read) the feedback and sometimes we get cool stuff because they do . . . yay!

Actually the old Officer wager required 20 wins, so this one they are adding in is much better(or at least less games to win)
So I am sure the payout breakdown will be different. And I think someone asked about the way it’s paid.
You don’t get any GE’s until the wager is complete, then the game pays you for all of it at once.
Whatever you earned for the entire deal . . . they were fun and the GE’s always come in handy ☻

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So instead of getting an actual reward, you get a chance to get get a small reward but you might get nothing out of it at all.


Everything in war thunder is normally rewarded through continuous grinding over time and improvement in the player as you progress, the battle pass is no different… Now suddenly the rewarding part is being based on the roll of a dice?.. No thanks. Granted with enough money you could buy everything but obviously that’s not something I’d say the average player would be able to do lol. I don’t understand why they think this is a good direction to be going.

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You get SL wager consumables all the time. Some of us even use them. A GE wager is no more of a roll of the dice than those are.

People have been begging for GE wagers to come back as a daily login reward since they were taken away. Back in the day it was a great excuse to team up with three friends and run them together to max your win chances. Wager days were a good way to build community within squadrons, nice to see them back a little bit.

Plus this was a change to rewards in response to community pressure, always nice to see. People griping about this would have griped whatever they’d done here.


Great, so another case of taking something away from us and then returning it and pretending it’s a treat.

Remove GE wagers, remove GE from tutorials, increase wager requirements, decrease wager rewards but we’re supposed to be thankful that we get a GE wager in place of an actual BP vehicle from a pass we pay full price for that used to offer 4 premium 4 vehicles with trade-able coupons for 75 levels with challenges you could do at any point, that is now devolved into needing to do 125 levels to get 2 coupons but you get a GE wager which may or may not earn you a sprinkle of GE…



As I said above.

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That’s just a cop out and not based on anything, that’s just accusing people of being unreasonable and being unhappy with anything, whilst the situation presented is insulting and people are rightfully disappointed by it.

Please link the last time you wrote something here that was unqualifiedly positive about Gaijin and I’ll stand corrected. That’ll show me.


I don’t need to post anything positive, that’s not why I am here, nor was your comment aimed at me so don’t change the goal posts, you stated that anyone who has an issue with a lackluster reward would not be happy with anything.

And that’s also why no one, including Gaijin, ever needs to read your posts. Because we all know what you’ll say as soon as we see your name. So… thanks for saving us all the time, I guess?

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Dismissing a critical opinion because they don’t spend enough time stroking your ego to counter balance it is a hilarious stance to take.


Oh its actually a 2 pack of wagers.
So in theory if you squad up, pick a meta lineup you might be able to make back the price of the BP.

But also I believe all the SL crates give a million SL if you roll a duplicate vehicle of any rank so only 200K?
Why not a million?


Oh thank you! So generous! We get a CHANCE to get 1k GE!


It says 1.000 GE very clearly.

You get 2 wagers