Meet Skilled Marksman, the 16th Season of the Battle Pass!

And they still exclusives that nobody gets expet for console players.

Yeah, this is true, everyone should be able to access them as well.

Just like everyone should be able to access any other tank without enough effort.

These rare vehicles shouldn’t be given away like candies, but you should be able to obtain them with enough effort.

But, still the console situation is much worse. I’d much rather have my marketplace access rather than a bunch of copypaste prems to buy


Then talk to sony and microsoft so you get acces to teh GJ market. It is not on gajin that you cant get use the market place.

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I can, since i am not the console player. I know it’s not on Gajin, but consol not being able to use market is part of the reason why all old event vehicles should be brought back in some way, the idea i liked the most so far was giving player an option, whenever there is event to grind for some sort of item that would allow you to start a score event for a random old event vehicle (assigned to account) whenever you want. This would require actually a lot of effort to get any of them, since you would need to grind twice and wouldn’t devalue marketplace as much as no vehicle would be distributed in larger quantities than others.


The idea of such trophy with previous rewards is not that bad, but let us choose the vehicle at least.


Playstation gets an Exclusiv Invader

And Xbox gets the XM-1 Chrisler and the Corsair

Makes sense /s

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I thought of it, but there would be a huge issue. Some tanks are more popular than others. There would be a bunch of vehicles that nearly everyone would take which would greatly devalue them.

Each coin has 2 sides. Gajin needs to think about players who couldn’t get these old vehicles, but can’t also forget about those who did grind them back then.

Making the trophy drop a random quest seems to be the best middleground to me.

What they could do tho is divide it to ranks, so if you get less points, you are guaranteed to get a lower rank vehicle, if you grind more you can get higher rank.

This way you would be able to choose a trophy containing the most vehicles you want and then roll without a risk of getting a random biplane or rank 1 boat

Can we move up the level of unlocked titles a little bit, level 150 to have titles? That’s crazy!

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this is actually terrible lol. another how far can gaijin get away with the most minimal effort season

PC players can obtain the XM-1 Chrysler if they initially started on Xbox and then transferred to PC. However, when a PlayStation player transfers to PC, they might lose the exclusive vehicle or the Golden Eagles (GE) held on their account prior to the transfer.

I’ll need to verify this to be certain.

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You dont need to verify it, because thats correct


Thank you

wher warbonds


It’s broken: no timer next to the shop level…

Maybe they’ll add it later today.

nvm, it’s fixed:

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The Sholef “skilled marksman” is a pile of crap! At 7.3 this is one of the worst tanks in the game hands down! I love artillery pieces being used as AT. Type 99, Auf1 and the Vidar are my favorites. The paladin sadly doesn’t perform like those but has a good place at 6.3
With that all being said the SHOLEF is undoubtably the worst of all the Artillery pieces in the game.

1: The Sholef has the worst gun handling of the artillery guns (Turret rotation included).
2: Has as bad maneuverability as the M109 paladins. (Slow)
3: Reload rate is so extremely slow and only a few seconds faster than the M109 paladin.
4: Worst ammo load out of all the Artillery guns in the game. Extremely slow rounds with little explosive filler. 9-12kg is below average.
5: No range finder or thermals.
6: Armor that only protects against MG fire and offers no protection to tanks.
7: Auto loader with massive ammo rack thats extremely easily to cripple or cause an ammo rack explosion.
8: Tall large target with almost no gun depression with a massive forehead (space above the gun)
9: Useless MGs that cant look up or help with AA. 7.62 barely helps against open top and unarmored vehicles.

All being said this tank needs to be at 6.0 maybe or lower. It is too slow to get anywhere important, to slow to get onto target and Fires a slow HE shell that has to land in perfectly aim shots in a BR that makes it impossible to do in a timely manner past 500 yards, Even for a skilled player before you easily get killed by an enemy using any shell type. It would pure dumb luck for you to live being hit. Also What cover could you possibly use? You are to damn big and too tall to hide anywhere. For any critics of me you can check my stats I love tanks and especially my SPGs. 7.3 this tank stands no chance but with an extremely experienced player.

Honestly the longer I play the less the game seems to appeal. It just feels like less and less effort goes in. More options for vehicle rewards is welcome, but eh, just seems lackluster too. Doesn’t help that half the time you end up with pointless wagers or orders, the single most unpleasant reward the game can give. At least let me break those worthless things down into something useful like warbonds or silver lions, anything but another stupid order I don’t want to bother with or another wager I have to look at. And maybe remove the whole time limit on activating boosters…why is that a thing. I don’t want to have to use it within two days or else lose it, I want to use it when I’m feeling like playing the game. All these godawful time limits on things are a burden. They don’t improve the game, and even the FOMO they generate is minimal, they’re just frustrations.


They are working on a recycling mechanic for unwanted wagers and orders according to the roadmap.

The time limit on boosters sadly is most likely going to stay, as they don’t want people to stockpile them. At least the boosters you get from the 400 warbond box don’t expire, as they are premium boosters.

About the BP feeling a bit lackluster, I actually welcome that, as both the BPs and the event vehicles are the biggest FOMO sources in the game and whenever they contain some special and unique vehicle there is a huge chance that those vehicles are not going to appear in the TTs or as regularly available premiums.

Dunno if anyone pointed it out yet. But today’s BP Challenge reads on it’s BP page as “Destroy or assist in destroying enemy vehicles” yet the game isn’t counting assists.

You have to always keep in mind, this is a Russian game, and everything you see on the English site is translated from the original Russian language.

So the original message can be found here:
Original Russian news

And original challenges here:
Original Russian challenges Wiki

If you automatically translate these challenges (I don’t speak Russian), you will get this:

I guess the confusion came from that “equipment” part, but I don’t know. Anyway, it was translated to:

Which is simply not correct. There are no assists in this challenge, it’s just a bad translation to English.