Meet Skilled Marksman, the 16th Season of the Battle Pass!

You forgot the Chinese PT-76 (why people forget it, I wonder XD).

But I don’t know exactly why they deleted it (I assume China has actually not received it).

I don’t think it’s a good thing to ask on this topic the return of Panther II/KT 105/Flak 341 (ex Coelian). I think it’s a legitimate request (I have them anyway) but they’re “too big” for this topic, which is focused on the BP.
Keep believing, because in a distant past Gaijin said no to the Maus, no to premium jets (!), no to top tier premiums.
Smin’s default response on this topic is “We have no plans currently to return these vehicles.” They never totally rule that out.

or just add them as warbond reward instead of the old lowtier premium that you can get instead you can buy previous ancient bp free reward.

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The conculsion is you want what you cant get. Not even AI assitance can hide your true intentions.
All that effort.
All this dishonesty. Shamfull xDDDDDDDDDDD

You want to have braging rights that you have not earnd.
New players do not miss out on anything as tech tree vehciels offer everthing they need.
Old players earnd there place by beign part of WT history. Righfully so. Giving others the oprtunity to be part of somthing they did not participate in is wrong. It devaluates the value of said effort “hisortic moment” and makes it pointless.

I allready can hear gajin offering those vehciels for extra orbitant amounts of money as you are willing to pay for them.

I opse any and all of your arguments and deny them as it only about you and your ego.
Good thing that you will never ever have the hidden vehicels. It makes you go crazy.
I enjoy that.

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Cough Cough


Monkey Puppet GIFs | Tenor

Panther & Tiger II


Ostwind II


Flakpanzer 341


Set of R2Y2's


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tbf as a kinda ancient wt player all i can say is : idc juste give them those shitty vehicle lmao, the only one I played was the german half track with the long 75 the rest is just there taking the dust. what is disapointing is the fact that they removed a unique vehicle, to add old one that are bad and forgetable and than instead of telling the truth like “yeah giving out vehicle is becoming harder since we have less and less old tank designe to add” they just say “yeah its for newer player”

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That’s what I intended to say but apparently it wasn’t clear enough. I’ve edited my post.

I don’t get the idea of bragging rights with these vehicles, or this whole devaluing things, it’s a game. I personally just wanna be able to play more vehicles, especially weirder or more unique ones, and it seems the game would be more fun with more variety available.

An old vehicle brought back so you can grind to unlock it doesn’t seem to change things really, just another opportunity to get it while playing. I know I’ve got some event or BP vehicles that others don’t have, and legit I can’t see a reason not to let folks earn them again.

Hell, tie it to a persistent but higher points challenge. That’s all the BP are, challenges over a longer time, so just make them available for that equivalent point value. Could even do it with each new battlepass, just make vehicles from the BP released in the same timeframe available during the current BP, make it a selection option, then it’s still a grind like before, but with options and thus variety, which in turn makes for a more varied and fun experience.

Personally I just want the opportunity to unlock the excelsior. Could tie it to having to play battles using the T14 and the Jumbo and other designs related to it’s development or what it would lead to.

Just saying, theirs ways to make old vehicles available that still lets people work to unlock them.


I think battle pass actually centers around whether a player wants the main vehicle bad enough.If they do they will pay regardless of what surrounds it.I think Gaijin know this.

Soon you will most likely see BP be just one vehicle and the junk that comes with it.Greed has a pattern you can see it coming.It rarely disappoints.

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To be honest, I just rarely pay the BP any mind, and when I like the vehicle I just buy everything remaining after my passive progression through it towards the end of the Season. Even just for the extra SL sometimes. This one I did not bother with any Tasks at all and completed daylies at random. So this got me to around Lvl. 30.

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I mean, yer not wrong.

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Don’t you have the Obj 279? And you either have the IS-7 or you’re fixing to buy it, right? And you’re a “peasant.” Riiiiight. I think you’ve got a case of sour grapes because you can’t even buy the German trio you’re always going on about. I’d love to have the Obj 279 and the IS-7, too. But having to shell out that amount of real money for digital tanks is simply nuts. And you know, in way, you’re perpetuating the “exclusivity” to which you’re allegedly opposed when you spend that kind of money on these vehicles. You’re able/willing to spend that money, but for many other players it’s simply impossible due to different financial situations. There’s certainly an elitist element to the wallet warrior side of things, too. I’m not sure if you can see that, though.

Well, anyway…


Good for you, you are part of WT history. You earnd your place and your braging rights.
Simply with and by a few mouse clicks. Some people dont even do that effort.

Just gib.

Its not for new players.

The BP argumentation and new player argument is smoke and mirrors.
BP vehicles can be obtained by gajin market. Simple as it is and they are not even needed for any new player as they are not required for progress.

No you are just feeding and addict more heroin. Its the last thing you ever should do.

I got the BP for the Sd.Kfz.251/22.I was hugely into the game at that point and a big German WW2 armour fan.I had to have it .Spent the money did the BP great.Nothing else has moved me to such action since.

The passion for the game and the spending was ironically squeezed out of me by Gaijin : ) as they murdered the maps and killed off the last bit of era separation but there are so many who still feel as I did and will spend the same old BP rate or more on one vehicle if they feel they want it enough.

BP will be one vehicle and the trinkets soon.


I didn’t forget about it, I legitimately didn’t know that thing existed.

From a quick google search it seems like china bought a couple of PT-76s and later used them as a basis to build their own version of it. The first prototype they built was the vehicle that took the PT-76s place in WT, the Object 211, or as it was called in reality, the WZ-211 (Type 60).

The finished product is the Type 63, which internally is designated as WZ211 as well.

If china had some of them, then why didn’t they just keep the PT-76 in the TT? And if owning a couple of them isn’t good enough of a reason to keep them in the TT, then why didn’t they remodel the PT-76 and give it a new designation like they did with the CV 90105 TML?

Console players don’t have access to the market and there are plenty of vehicles released through the BPs that never got released as tradeable coupons.

They put this box in the BP to give people the opportunity to earn vehicles that they otherwise couldn’t get access to, doesn’t matter if that player is new or not.

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Idk why chinese PT-76 was hidden, but it isn’t the B version, it is at 5.0 and has no stabilization. This vehicle is so incredibly terrible that it’s sad to think about it. I legitimately have seen one in game only once in my lifetime and as a not so proud owner of this thing never used it myself.

People forget about it, because it’s so incredibly bad, that it’s existance doesn’t matter as nobody even wants to look at it

Not to mention that you have a PT-76 with actual stabilizer in so many other tech trees at just slightly higher BR that it doesn’t matter. Anyone would choose it over this thing

Maybe don’t feed the troll…? Next he’s gonna just say they shoulda switched to PC if they wanted those vehicles, you know that.

EDIT: See! :)

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console players have there own exlusives that PC players dont get.

And there is what, like 2 or 3 of them? Most being copypastes with slight modifications as well? This isn’t comparable even in the slightest

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