Meet Skilled Marksman, the 16th Season of the Battle Pass!

Yup, that’s me unfortunately

Yup, imagine the amount of GE some people would end up blowing on BP levels to get a specific event vehicle from the WB shop

[quote=“VonMarder, post:400, topic:130983”]
No amount of crying no amount of money should ever change that.
[/quotI started playing when I was 15, today I’m 24. I never received an allowance and didn’t have much time to play. I’m not crying or screaming for Gaijin to bring them back, I just wanted a chance, however small, to have them. I would take that chance


Life is hard, sad. But yoru life is not invalidating others lifes, time and effort.
Some things are and should be unobtainble. Out of respect for those people that did invest time and effort to get them. This would just create a precident and make anything you do in WT pointles.
So would the people that just now or or a few years prior start grinding BP or event vehicles that make them stand out.

Well I dont know if your young but I know for sure your absolutly not the second one. Now your just angry and jalous at the same time.

It has nothing to do with age to respect some ones work.

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I hate this nihilism, but you realize that War Thunder is not eternal, right? I doubt it will still be up and playable by the time the last black holes evaporate and this Universe dies. War Thunder will inevitably die one day and people will move on. Nobody will ever give a damn about your “effort” and “hard work”. We are here, right NOW. War Thunder only lives once, so let every player make the most out of it, rather than respect your antiquated, protectionist privileges.


how dare you say such rude things to someone who’s played the same video game for ten years on end



I am sorry, but it is how it is. Nobody will care once War Thunder is dead. No matter how much Playtime or money you put in.

(twas a joke)

Ah, sorry. I am notoriously incapable of getting Jokes :/

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This is not nihilism it simply how the world works. Ist why people go throu thos ehoops to get those vehciles. You dont go throu all of the hoops to get tose priviligaes then you dont derserve them. It is as simple as that.

Nihilism is why even bother all ends just give me stuff.
I dont even comprehend how you can think that you are the center of the universe adn you deserve! the same privliages just because you are. Not taking in the slightest the other people in to considration and what they did to get there whey they are. Fairnes here fairnes there but its all not unfair if you invalidate the others. Its only unfair if its affecting you.

Its like you cant mentaly comprehand that thought, the idea. Its like some switches to gibberish midsentance.

No work—>no reward

You earn your place in the world. So did the players that got there, they earnd those unqie vehicels they deserve them with all the privilages and braging rights that come with them. You did not. I did not.
They stop playing and miss out on vheicles they will not have them. The other players have earnd them with all that comes with it.

Your mind set is why even bother if everything ends just give it to me so I can have.
Its current year as it was past year and it will be future year, nothing changes in life.

You work for a purpose, you play for purpose, you collect for a purpose. Taking away or giving every one everthing makes those things invalid and is nihilistic and destrucive.

You care, you care know becasue WT is now.


Debunking the Argument Against Making Past Event Vehicles Obtainable for All Players

Firstly, thank you for sharing your perspective. It’s crucial to have open and respectful discussions to enhance our collective understanding of game mechanics and player experiences. Let’s dissect your argument point by point.

1. Effort and Reward

Argument: “You don’t go through all of the hoops to get those privileges then you don’t deserve them. Work---->reward No work—>no reward.”


  • The essence of your argument is based on the notion that effort should be rewarded, which is a valid point. However, in a game like War Thunder, where new players join all the time, the opportunity to obtain certain vehicles should not be permanently closed off. Offering past event vehicles again doesn’t diminish the effort put in by those who originally earned them; rather, it provides a fair chance for all players to experience the full range of content the game offers.
  • Furthermore, it’s not about giving things away for free. The proposal is to make these vehicles obtainable through in-game events, challenges, or purchases, ensuring that effort is still required to earn them.

2. Fairness and Exclusivity

Argument: “It’s unfair if you invalidate the others. It’s only unfair if it’s affecting you.”


  • Fairness in a game context means providing equal opportunities to all players, regardless of when they started playing. Exclusive content that is no longer available creates an inherent imbalance. Players who join the game later should not be perpetually disadvantaged.
  • Reintroducing old event vehicles in new events or sales doesn’t invalidate the achievements of original earners; it democratizes access and keeps the player base engaged.

3. Purpose and Motivation

Argument: “You work for a purpose, you play for a purpose, you collect for a purpose.”


  • The purpose and motivation in a game should be to enjoy the content and challenges it offers, not to perpetuate a hierarchy based on timing. Allowing players to obtain past vehicles gives them more goals to strive for, enhancing their gaming experience.
  • Moreover, players are more likely to stay engaged and invest in the game if they know they have a chance to obtain previously missed content. This approach fosters a more inclusive and motivated community.

4. Nihilism and Game Dynamics

Argument: “Your mindset is why even bother if everything ends just give it to me so I can have.”


  • This perspective misinterprets the proposal. The suggestion is not about handing out rewards without effort but about creating new avenues for obtaining old rewards. This strategy maintains the challenge and effort required, aligning with the core gameplay dynamics.
  • Additionally, reintroducing old vehicles can be done in a way that respects the effort of original earners, such as through difficult challenges or special events, ensuring that obtaining these vehicles remains a significant achievement.


In summary, making past event vehicles obtainable for all players through new challenges and events does not undermine the achievements of those who originally earned them. Instead, it promotes fairness, inclusivity, and long-term player engagement. War Thunder, like any game, should evolve to provide all players with opportunities to experience its full range of content, regardless of when they started playing. This approach respects the effort of original earners while ensuring that the game remains dynamic and accessible for everyone.

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Yeah, used to be 4 vehicles then it was moved down to 3 + premium time, now its down to 2 vehicles with a box of old boring boats. Whats next, 2 vehicles and 100k silver lions?

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Battle Pass: Season XVI, “Skilled Marksman” - War Thunder Wiki

Level breakdown found here, if anybody is interested

A bit disappointing on the amount of vehicles, Level 51 and 75 really ??

Please bring back 4x vehicles per BP, bring back the good old days from 4 years ago.

(16th battle pass, 4 per year = 4 years)

Toddler Crying Gif


Gaijin already did that with the Chinese Pt-76 quite recently. I think they’ve also mentioned they’ll do the same thing with the R2Y2s when they can be replaced.

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By making them avalible in first place the efforts are invalidated. The game is fair as the event vehicles do not offer any advantages over stock vehicels. How it affects “inculsivty” exept for “braging rights” and you not having them I see no point. This would be even more of a point to make them unavalible more important to make accounst stand out more.Be more uniqe and personal. To keep and maintain. There is no custimazation or individulazation in WT at all. So you want to make everthing boring and the same.
The new players have all the same psibilitys as old players as the game is about the tech tree vehicles.
Event vehicels are a bonus, reward. So as much your “care” for new players is comical they dont lose anything out. They have no disantavantage.

You got no argument at all.
Again all i hear is I want.

Here is better argument.

Take past event vehicels and take a modifaction of it and put it up as reward but not the one in the past. Keep them exclusive. So lets say the PT boat was a event vehicle in the past and gajin wants to be “fair towards the new players” because “xD” make it the PT A variant boat. Almost same performance just minor changes diffrent skin maybe. This way old players and new players can grind for it if they want it.
And because it has such a “big” impact on “fairnes” and you have to grind to get to progress in WT new players and old players dont miss out.

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Thast good and so cool. This way who has them will havea uniqe and individual account.
Love it.


Debunking the Argument on Event Vehicle Exclusivity in War Thunder

Thank you for continuing the discussion. It’s important to consider all perspectives to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the topic. Let’s break down your points and address them systematically.

1. Invalidating Efforts

Argument: “By making them available in the first place, the efforts are invalidated.”


  • The essence of gaming is about evolving and adapting. Allowing new players to access past event vehicles through new challenges or events does not invalidate the efforts of those who originally earned them. Instead, it honors the game’s history by keeping all content relevant and accessible. Players still need to put in effort to obtain these vehicles, maintaining the spirit of earning rewards.

2. Fairness and Inclusivity

Argument: “The game is fair as the event vehicles do not offer any advantages over stock vehicles. How it affects ‘inclusivity’ except for ‘bragging rights’ and you not having them I see no point.”


  • Inclusivity in gaming is about providing all players, regardless of their joining time, the opportunity to access and enjoy the full spectrum of content. While event vehicles may not offer significant advantages, they represent a piece of the game’s history and diversity. Ensuring that all players have the chance to obtain these vehicles promotes a more inclusive community.
  • Bragging rights are not the primary concern; rather, it’s about ensuring that new players do not feel perpetually disadvantaged or excluded from content simply because they joined the game later.

3. Customization and Individualization

Argument: “There is no customization or individualization in WT at all. So you want to make everything boring and the same.”


  • War Thunder does offer customization options through vehicle skins, decals, and modifications. Making past event vehicles available does not detract from individualization. Instead, it adds more options for players to personalize their experience. Providing access to a wider range of vehicles can enhance customization by allowing players to choose and modify a greater variety of vehicles.

4. New Players’ Opportunities

Argument: “The new players have all the same possibilities as old players as the game is about the tech tree vehicles. Event vehicles are a bonus, reward.”


  • While the tech tree vehicles form the core of the game, event vehicles add significant depth and variety. New players should have the opportunity to experience this additional content to fully engage with the game. Offering past event vehicles through new challenges or events ensures that all players have access to the complete range of content, enhancing their overall experience.

5. Alternative Solutions

Argument: “Take past event vehicles and take a modification of it and put it up as reward but not the one in the past. Keep them exclusive.”


  • This approach is a potential compromise, but it still falls short of true inclusivity. While offering modified versions of past event vehicles is a step in the right direction, it does not fully address the desire for players to obtain the original versions that hold historical and nostalgic value.
  • Ensuring that all players have access to the original event vehicles through new challenges or events preserves the integrity of the game’s history while promoting a fair and inclusive environment.


In conclusion, the goal of making past event vehicles obtainable is not to diminish the achievements of those who originally earned them but to promote a fair and inclusive gaming environment. By providing opportunities for all players to access these vehicles, we enhance the overall player experience and ensure that War Thunder remains engaging and rewarding for everyone. This approach respects the efforts of original earners while fostering a more inclusive and dynamic community.

It’s a good thing to make vehicles like those available again. But it shouldn’t (and it doesn’t) replace a brand new BP ship.

Silver Lions are not relevant as a reward for people who already have all the ships of this new trophy. Why not make those tradable coupons for the players who have all of them? Turn the TKA-106 into a green coupon, and the others into a blue one. They are qualified as “Uncommon” and “Rare”, respectively. That means players should have a reasonable chance to get them and make the Market work. I don’t understand how Gaijin went to “make everything sellable on the market” to the current situation.

Again, it’s great to be able to obtain hidden vehicles from past BPs and small events. The most striking example is the Hungarian tank introduced in a Battle Pass before the actual Hungarian branch of the Italian tree.
But these trophies should replace the 10 days of premium: not for each BP, but at least once a year, and randomly. And they should hand out tradable coupons for the players who own everthing they contain.

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I’ll pass on the pass.