Meet Major Update “Kings of Battle”!

Do anyone have problems with repair in tank battles? It starts randomly

Stormer unfortunately is still broken - the Starstreak just passes through the airtarget without interaction.


The new base respawn time its terrible. It makes attack planes useless. If you can’t get a base on the first run it’s nearly imposible to stay alive untill a respawn.
I use to be able to get 1 or 2 bases with the su25, a slow plane. Now its imposible. Same thing with the Japanese F4ej (bought it a few days ago on the sale) now its nearly useless


Please gaijin, let’s go back to the pre-update base respawn times !


Yes please. Make attack jets usefull again


Gonna actually post here for once- is it intended for naval to no longer have the armament circles showing whether or not they’re aligned or reloaded or out of action or such visible in binocular/zoom mode? If so, why would you think that’s a good idea? Naval players absolutely need to be able to see info on their guns status while staying in binoc mode, especially for higher tier play where you are watching and adjusting shot fall, not staring at the waves around you. If its just a bug, I hope it gets fixed promptly.

Excited about the MiG 29G ……👍👍👍

Game breaking major bug in PS5 ground battles.

Vehicles stuck randomly in an endless repair circle which cant be canceled and it‘s impossible to move anymore.

Please fix ASAP!

Please restore the base respawn time! Slower bombers are left with nothing to do!


New vehicles: Gaijin did a good thing
Map Changes: Gaijin they were fine, why did you change them
New map mission styles: Literally everybody hates one point matches, and yet you devs in your brilliance, ADD MORE. On what planet does that make logical sense. “lets just add more things that players will hate”…gaijin, come on.
Base Respawn timers in Air RB: yeahh we can definately tell you are focusing on the people coming over from cod that would rather have matches as quickly as possible rather than using strategy and playing objectives. Sure gaijin, lets just take the entire point of strike aircraft out of the game. If the su25bm wasn’t already useless, its now EVEN MORE useless. It cant dogfight, it cant turn, it cant go fast, and it most certainly cant tank hits. Now it can’t bomb. AND its 11.3. Oh and lets not forget, you added the Vark (literally one of the front runner vehicles you used for promotion of the update) in the SAME update that you made trying to bomb bases ABSOLUTELY useless.

At this rate, yall will have another letter from the WTPU soon…
Use your brain Gaijin. Listen to your community or you soon wont have a community at all.


Curious about the whole proficiency bonus thing? Mainly, why? All we get is more Research Points. I already have 25.8 Million Research Points. Giving me more bonus RP is like giving your spare change to Elon Musk… will he notice? I like the idea of A REWARD but this reward is beyond useless. At least it isn’t harmful like locking the F9F-8 Cougar under the F9F-5 Panther AFTER THE RESEARCH IS COMPLETED!!!

43 days without my F9F-8 Cougar!


You guys brok the f4s radar. Right before the update the radar was all good, after i losse lock all the time it cant hold lock

PS. Base respawn time 😭 i get teamkilled of who wants the base. I like to be a base bomber but now its no bases to bomb so whats the point to grind for the new f111


You can stay alive if you stay on the periphery. But the game ends before they respawn.

20-35mm cannon doing very poor fragment damage. is this a bug or is it a change?

M109 is a Howitzer. WT Lacks of a real Howitzer mode for gunner aiming. Not worth the grind for now.

Hello. The probable issue with the cannons damage is being looked into by the developers. Thank you.


This… no rp bonus rly?, how is air sb neglected again? >:C

Pz III Ausf. B-J still have super slow turret traverse instead of the 14°/sec of the rest.

all radar is broken now. not only f4s.

The relentless shrinking and simplification of maps is very demotivating for experienced players. “Dumbing down” comes to mind.