Meet Major Update “Kings of Battle”!

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In this update, 3 formidable aircraft join the top ranks, including the F-111A which breaks records regarding its payload! Every nation in the game has received at least one ground vehicle, some of these include the M109 “King of Battle” for multiple nations, the long-awaited Type 81 (C) for Japan, the Vickers Mk.11 for Britain and the incredibly unique Object 775 for the USSR! The MH-60L DAP and Spike-capable helicopters have also arrived, and in addition to this, premium Battleships for Britain and Japan. Several new mechanics have been implemented, as well as the very interesting Flanders map, which features an all-new era adaptive format.

Ground vehicles: Kings of battle, Japan’s SAM and a British light tank

All 10 nations in War Thunder get a ground vehicle in this update! We’ve added the M109, a true king of battle to the USA, Britain, Germany, Italy and Israel in the form of the M109A1, M109G and M109! In addition, the long-awaited Type 81 (C) for Japan, a large and very capable Vickers Mk.11 light tank for Britain, plus the super flat Object 775 for the USSR. Overall, there’s 15 ground vehicles in this update, so be sure to check them all out.

Vickers Mk.11


Type 81 (C)




Great Britain



  • Pbv-501


  • PLZ-83




  • M26
  • AMX-10P

Aircraft: War Thunder has a new record holder!

Welcome to the aircraft that have been added in this update: the F-111A Aardvark for the USA, JH-7A for China and the MiG-29G for Germany — 3 formidable top-tier jets. The F-111A is able to carry a huge payload of 50 x 500 lb bombs, 26 x 750 lb bombs (among several other bomb types) and a staggering 456 x Mighty Mouse rockets, which is a War Thunder record!





  • MiG-29G


Helicopters: The Black Hawk, plus Spike missile capable choppers

The infamous Black Hawk comes to the game in the US research tree as the special MH-60L DAP variant! In addition to this, Italy gets the AH-129D that can carry devastating Spike missiles, and so do France on the Tiger HAD Block 2. Overall, these helicopters will help bolster the top ground lineups of these nations.

AH-129D Mangusta



  • Mi-8AMTSh



  • Tiger HAD Block 2

Naval vehicles: Premium Battleships for Britain and Japan

We’ve added two Premium Battleships for Britain and Japan, which are available to purchase right from our store: HMS Iron Duke for Britain, and IJN Yamashiro for Japan! These Battleships were built in the WWI era and are certainly strong against other ships of this type. In addition to this, several ships including one for the USSR, Germany, Italy and France. The full list is below.

HMS Iron Duke Pack

HMS Iron Duke Pack
The Kit Includes:
  • HMS "Iron Duke" (Rank 5, Britain)
  • 3000 Golden Eagles
  • 30 days Premium Account

IJN Yamashiro Pack

IJN Yamashiro Pack
The Kit Includes:
  • IJN Yamashiro (Rank 5, Japan)
  • 3000 Golden Eagles
  • 30 days Premium Account


  • SMS Sachsen



  • Opytny


  • RN Conte di Cavour

Great Britain


  • La Combattante

New mechanics and destroyable map bushes!

We’ve added new mechanics to APFSDS and APDS shells. Discarded sabot casings that separate from APFSDS and APDS rounds now have their own model and can travel up to 1km and even penetrate thin armor! We’ve also added three modes to some IR missiles: photocontrast, infrared and automatic — check out our informational dev blog on that here.

In addition to this, several types of bushes found on maps can be destroyed with MG fire.

A new ground location: Flanders, with a new format!

Flanders has been added to the map rotation in this major update! This map is special — assets on this map change depending on the type of vehicles used. For example, if you’re using WWII vehicles, you’ll see a fallen airship and other older buildings. If you’re using more modern vehicles, you’ll instead see a fallen modern troop transport aircraft and tourist center buildings. Check it out!

There’s a lot more!

In this update, we’ve fixed several bugs, added new armor-piercing bombs to some WWII aircraft, changed several missions and maps (some removals, spawn & capture point changes, more low, medium, high and top ranked airfields). The ability to expand/collapse the action bar in battle has also been implemented. All bug fixes and changes are mentioned in the changelog below — check them out and enjoy!

Download the update and join the battle!


Overall quite disappointing. Shure new stuff, but few QoL and bug fixes, instead new faults.


Sadly still no server update for ps5 users.


We are working hard to push it ASAP, sorry :(

Nice change with the new update for RP reward in general. Sadly AIR Sim reward are not even mentionned in the update change log compared to other modes (AB,RB for air and ground and sim but only for ground), any new on this? AIR Sim rp reward have been drastically nerfed in less of 2-3 years.


Im not entirely sure they remember that SB is a gamemode


What an absolute disappointment of an update, no new top tiers for nations that desperately need them along with the French Navy seemingly being abandoned, and the update still hasn’t been pushed to PS5 so the game is locked, fantastic show from Gaijin as usual


On xbox series S. I cannot see the new night battle toggle button or the associated unlockable rewards tab!

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I understand that you guys are working hard to push PS5 update, but how did you guys not prepare one for only PS5? Especially when you added highly anticipated new vehicles with some good changes. My whole squadron can’t even play. The PS5 community is now hours behind everyone else. With everything you guys have done for the years from not listening to us and needed us to boycott the game to be heard, sorry is not really a acceptable answer.


The sound mods doesnt work after this update, is there any way to fix this? Thanks

You will need to ask whoever the creator of the sound mod you are using is as they will need to make a new version.

Was there a graphical change about anti-aliasing? Edges looks extremely jagged and game looks really weird even though i haven’t changed a single setting. Also thanks for ruining Israel crew voices with your goofy new voicelines.

can you bring back fast respawning bases in air rb?


Found another user with the same problem, I have a RX6700XT and have the same issue.
Отсутствие FXAA и HQ FXAA сглаживания AMD Radeon RX 6600XT // // Issues

Why would you change base respawn time? The bases take forever to respawn now and 90% of matches in air RB the bases don’t respawn at all!! How could gaijin make such a goo-brained decision??? This is how you make your game hell to play. it wouldn’t hurt anyone if bases respawned in 20 secs!!!


just use TAA

its a blurry mess if i dont use ssaa, if i use ssaa my gpu goes to 95 degrees, not ideal.

edit: it was fine before, im complaining because its a bug.

20mm - 30mm cannons [possibly most HE] are back to doing very poor fragment damage again, behaving the same way before it was fixed around 3 months ago as stated in the changelogs. The fragments aren’t spreading correctly & aren’t doing proper damage as in our previous patch.

@Smin1080p Could that be looked into?


Meet Major Update “Kings of Botters”

Because the game progression model surely isn’t for normal players with normal lives. Premium account is pointless.