Meet Major Update “Alpha Strike”!

And… the bug reports are flooding in.

Missing decals from Customination sad to that forgot to implement @Stona_WT :

  • Royal Hungarian Air Force (1938–1941):

  • Hungarian People’s Army Air Force (1948–1949)

  • Hungarian People’s Army Air Force (1949–1951)

  • Hungarian People’s Army Air Force (1951–1990)

  • Hungarian Air Force (1990–1991)

  • Roundel of the Hungarian Air Force (The Hungarian tricolor with a white border)(from 1991-).

  • Hungarian Air Force low visibility version (since 2007-)

I’ve just had this twice playing ARB. Bombers and Strike Aircraft spawn in but Airfield spawn is broken. I’m losing boosters and getting Crewlock when I exit to the hanger.

Edit: and again, but this time the red team had fighters

What did they do to the radar text?, they shrunk it so much I can’t even see the text anyone know how to increase the size of the text, SRC pd and such

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The thing is, gaijin never pays for testers and instead makes their players work as testers for free while also getting their money as they buy premium stuff. Smart, right?


Does anyone has problem like me?

I’m currently using selected weapon mode.
I bind the weapon lock (air-to-ground) and weapon lock (air-to-air) into a same key.

Before alpha strike update, when selected AGM and press the weapon lock key, it just only turn on the seeker of the AGM
After alpha strike update, selected AGM and press the weapon lock, it turn on both the AGM and AIM (air-to-air) seeker, this is very annoying.

will they have another button setting of weapon lock which used only for the weapon was selected?

Buy new storage before it will be more expensive.

Minimum fuel is broken. If you don’t adjust fuel load via slider you end up with an arbitrary amount of fuel much higher than minimum.

This is happening on every aircraft across nations and BRs.

Just tested the Merkava 3 Raam Sagol and it’s full of bugs. How was it released in this state?

I’m curious, what else is bugged about it (besides maybe the APS not really having any function)?

Serious question because I’m kind of on the fence about getting it, so I’m curious what kind of bugs I could expect.

The low cloud cover in ground battles to prevent high-altitude attacks is counter-productive.

  1. It allows attacking aircraft to approach close to targets in cloud cover, then drop down at the last moment.
  2. AA now has an even harder time because enemy CAS can simply pop in and out of cloud cover.
  3. Defending against CAS in an aircraft is harder because again, enemy CAS can simply pop into the cloud layer. Dogfighting in clouds is very difficult.
  4. 2 players coordinating can use the squad marker to mark targets and a friendly bomber can bomb that marker from the safety of the clouds.
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First is in the testing ground there is no section for testing an APS, which means it’s defined as having none. While Gaijin said it won’t function as a normal APS per se, it will have some limited function which unfortunately we cannot test unless taking it into battle.

Second is in the armor testing tool, it is easily penetrated from any direction by things that really shouldn’t penetrate it. It’s not uncommon for tanks to be implemented with some gaps in armor that allow stupid exploits like machine gunning an MBT through some crack in the physical model, but it’s also uncommon for Gaijin to actually fix such things.

Third is its main gun being very inconsistent in terms of penetration and damage. Shooting at the T-90A in the test range more often than not results in non-penetration even when shooting at the hull.

Pressing the radar lock key (Alt+F by default) doesn’t lock the gunner sight on flying objects. I tested on the 2S38 as well to see that it’s not an issue with my keybinds and indeed on the Raam Sagol it doesn’t lock.

Checking that the physical model and armor model match, checking the calculation of the penetration and whether it matches the statcard, and adjusting some flags for a vehicle - really shouldn’t take long. If Gaijin assigns one tester to each nation, it could go through this much more quickly.

Regarding your decision of premiums - I don’t recommend buying any premiums. But if you want to go through the Israeli TT quickly for some reason (don’t, just skip), get the Magach 3 premium, or alternatively the Shot Kal Dalet which unfortunately was seriously nerfed a while ago (increased in BR with firepower improvements). The M-51 is useless. Honestly it’s the most fun BR and you really don’t want to waste GE on something so quick.
Merkava 2D was amazing at launch and a pain right now. There is a recent review on it on Youtube. Raam Sagol will be okay-ish if you’re okay with ODL until 11.0.

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I have most of the Israeli ground tree already so I don’t really need it. It’s just that the Merkavas are some of my favourite tanks (mostly looks, but also gameplay somehow). So a cool looking premium version is interesting.

It had the radars modeled in the xray viewer on the dev server, so I had hope they would make the APS somewhat functional, it’s slightly dissapointing that they removed them again.

I hoped Smin (or someone else from the staff) would know anything, but I already asked him and I don’t want to spam ping him too much.

This is the height of stupidity when S1 Pantsir can shoot plane on his air respawn.

This is the top of the top of idiocy. You are on the right track

Rambler what the fuck are you rambling about? The gripen already exists for sweden, it was one of the most OP vehicles in air superiority.

unable to play since the update

@Stona_WT So after this update there must be a bug / issue.

Randomly at times, after logging in and sometimes having the game on for a while OR immediately, upon pressing To Battle - it won’t load into battle, and upon checking number of players waiting in each server nation, it shows 0 for everyone, nobody is waiting for battle. Like the server is disconnected.

So must be a bug with the game disconnecting from the server. Have to close the game out, log back in and then it works normally.

I’m on Ps4.

Yeah I noticed this yesterday, red areas by the spawn. My thought is they are keeping people from flanking to the sides to avoid having people shoot near the spawns quickly. Perhaps they should just design the freaking map differently with hills / terrain so it won’t be a problem. Instead of putting a freaking out of bounds timer that blows us up! They’re constantly doing this now so sick of these people and their antics lately.


How does this include the Gunners optics of the T54-1949 Being changed from 3.5x-7.0x to just 4.0x flat?

is Gijin aware that the new update has introduced a bug where it does not allow me to use all the missiles on my craft?