Meet Guided Fury, the 17th Season of the Battle Pass!

Also why did you buy the J35XS?

I really wanted to play Gripens…and I tought its a good plane for grinding…then they put it 11.3 like a 5 days after I bought it…and nerfed rockets…And I managed to come to rank 5 but after F14 iranian I just stoped… like its waste of time especially not having RWS and fighting IR and radar missles…and now they put it in 11.0 and its same garbage…unfortunately

Also A-5C at 10.7 with 9 flares and Chaffs is also hard pass.

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and if you buy year of premium during sales then the 10 days from BP is equivalent to 200GE. But a few days of premium account really aren’t really what players are looking for when buying BP. Btw, you don’t see Gaijin promoting BP by mentioning boosters or 10 days of premium, they do it by advertising BP vehicles.

Any way you look at it it is clear that BP rewards are declining … we used to get four premium vehicles, now we dont. We used to get original or interesting vehicles, now we don’t because everything is copypasted. And now we get what used to be lower BP level rewards artificially bumped up to higher levels.

it is very obvious that the things most players (and obviously even Gaijin) consider “worthwhile” are being removed, significantly downgraded or replaced by stuff most players (and obviously even Gaijin) consider pretty much worthless. If you doubt the declining value proposition, you can let Gaijin convince you, go to warbond shop and look at how differently devs value fluff like boosters or wagers or backups when compared to even low-rank premium vehicles. That’s not me making some wild speculations, that’s Gaijin directly assigning value to these things.

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Do full flares and stay low

Last recent BR change uptired A-5C to 10.7 (while F8U-2 is at 10.3 with 4 missiles), so it is rather A-5C got blasted

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I already know what a future Battlepass Top Reward will be:


An F-4S modified to be able to carry a single Aim-54A.
Just the kind of gimmicki copy paste we saw in the recent Battlepasses

Source thread: F-4S phantom II aim-120’s when? - #10 by warthogboy09


There will be something cool in WB shop… Eh?

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It’s just one of MANY prizes that the BP has to offer, yeah and by itself, may not seem like a lot to some. But that doesn’t change the fact it is not “nothing” as was portrayed . . . that’s all I was saying. 4 BP’s per year still yield a player 40 days of premium . . . again, not "nothing.
If a player does not like the BP or what it has to offer, they are not obligated in any way to participate, it’s not required . . . and their reasoning doesn’t really matter all that much. If all someone looks at are the vehicles offered, then maybe not that enticing for the money, I get that, but . . . that simply is not all there is to it. And I am not even saying the BP is good or bad, it just . . . is.
Thing is . … our “approval” is not required(like almost everything in life) . . . it’s their game to do what they wish with . . . we just get to play it. Our participation is desired, but also . … in the end, unless a vast majority of players simply ignore a certain aspect of the game, it’s not likely to change much, not anytime soon.
Just how it is . . . .
But yeah, the prizes may be diminishing somewhat, but that could be for many reasons . . . Gaijin went full ham adding things there for a while, mostly modern stuff because in generates revenue . . . a lot apparently . . .lol. BP may not be doing as well as in the past in that regard . . . we have no way of knowing.
But, too much too fast/growing pains, balancing issues coming up, maybe even a completely different direction in the game’s development . . . again, we as players have no clue to boardroom decision/ideas for Gaijin … . just have to wait and see.
In the meantime, I’m just gonna pew pew pew and gather in as many pixel prizes as I am able to . . . and not worry too much about the rest of it . . . ez pz


I actually think that the concluding Battlepass with the Sholef and the Upcoming Guided Fury one are a great improvement for the players in a while. Simply because of the Vehicle Box that allows players to obtain previously/otherwise no longer obtainable vehicles. Was it okay that the Box replaced one of the Vehicle Rewards? Probably not. Is it a serious improvement for players and vehicle collectors? Absolutely!


You are missing the fact that some players already have all the vehicles from the box. Imagine a collector that plays the game for many years. With this new system the devs literally punishes such players just because they collected these vehicles earlier.

In previous BPs 100% of players would get a new vehicle. In the newest two BPs only some players will get an additional vehicle. Other players won’t, because they already have them. It’s always a better idea to make 100% of players happy (like it used to be).

But even if you don’t have the previous vehicles, it’s still questionable to call this new system a “serious improvement”, especially you can’t even choose your reward. So instead of e.g. new rank 3 Ground premium vehicle, many players will get an old rank 1 Ground premium vehicle. Is this really such a good change for them? I wouldn’t say so.

You can’t only look at thigs from your perspective and the fact that you really want one of the vehicles from the box. There is no doubt that this new system hurts many players. And who knows, maybe some day you will be one of them and you also won’t get the 3rd vehicle, just because you already have all the vehicles from the box.

BTW: I have a friend, who only plays Ground game mode. He doesn’t care about Air or Naval. He is also a very old player, he started playing long before me. He collected all Ground vehicles so far. Try to look at the next BP from his perspective. He won’t get any vehicle in the next BP (he doesn’t play Air, he doesn’t play Naval). This is also why I wrote earlier that 3 new vehicles (Air, Ground, Naval) in each BP is the system that actually makes the most sense in my opinion.


but there are some of us who dont care about already existing vehicles…like give us new stuff not hig BR but just new, keep the game fresh…Im not going to play rank 1 when Im grinding or already grinded that tree…Common I get it there are people who love to play rank 1 but they are minority lets be real…
Also collectors, with RNG/gamble boxes? Why not just give us option to choose I would appreciate that much more than LUCK…
Like why should we pay 17 euros to have RNG rewards? Can they just copy paste and fill gaps in ranks of other nations, there are 10 nations you could make each battlepass like 5 tanks and 5 planes and heli and ship for ranks you are missing in other nations…and dont even make them premium just fill the gap like that we would appreciate it and I would pay 25euros for BP…WIN WIN

Nah I have good games with it

I acknowledged tho that the Box should not have replaced one of the Vehicle Rewards, but perhaps my wording was confusing:

I agree with you, but for now we have got the Boxes and get a guaranteed vehicle out of it that we previously missed. Not great that we cannot choose, but it is a start.

Your words weren’t confusing at all. I’m simply assessing the change in the BP system as a whole. In my opinion it’s definitely not a great change for all players and collectors. In your case this time it worked, because you want that one old event vehicle. But it doesn’t mean that every player and every collector is in your situation. This is what my post was about.

  • In the old system, all players would receive the new premium vehicle.
  • In the new system, some (but not all) players will receive the old event vehicle.

Even though some players might consider this an improvement, it’s certainly not an improvement for all players. That’s why I generally disagree with this:

The devs are actually very smart, and they replaced one BP vehicle like this, because they knew that many players will think the same way as you are, and will be happy about this change. And such players will completely miss the fact that the devs could add the vehicle box at e.g. level 14. The truth is that they didn’t have to replace the new BP vehicle. This is why you should always evaluate the change as a whole. And this one, as a whole, is a negative change. Even if for some specific players in some specific situations it could feel like a positive change, many other players will lose out.


For clarification, I ideally want every vehicle. In the example of this Box I would love to get both the Ka-Chi and T55E1 if it were possible. Technically also the Toldi, but the previous two are more interesting to me.

Yes, you are right.

Let me attempt to rephrase it:

“I actually think that the concluding Battlepass with the Sholef and the Upcoming Guided Fury one have some nice early improvements for some players in a while. Although they should not have replaced one of the vehicle rewards with the Box and thus causing a negative Change in the process, instead rather have it moved to Level 14 until a better solution, preferably without RNG, is found. But in the long run Gaijin need to find ways to satisfy all players, or atleast as many as possible (while still returning previous and otherwise unobtainable vehicles.”

Yeah I’m the one who posted that old photo off of google. But let me remind you that BP vehicles are low tier. On top of that there’s no proof it could be fired or guided. It was likely just undergoing tests.
Its also not an F-4S, it’s an F-4B, not even an F-4J. And besides, swapping a gun for a single Aim-54A would be a horrible trade off…
Sidenote: NASA F-15B with an Aim-54 for funsies :P

Kind of disappointed in seeing how poor these have become. It’d be more interesting if there was a primary vehicle and then optional premium vehicle crates.

My suggestion going forward:
The main vehicle of the battle pass. You are given a rental for the duration of the pass with objectives to complete utilizing the vehicle or equivalent (bombing for bombers etc). Once you complete the objectives you get the vehicle.

Secondary rewards: At different intervals are the occasional premium/event vehicle crate. These should be random between 3-5 vehicles starting with a rank I - II vehicle in the first box, a III-V vehicle in the second box. And a third box with a similar random vehicle from any vehicles at like level 100.

This lootbox goes into the legal gray zone. You have to pay real world money to be able to gamble for pixels.
Its not SL lootbox anymore.


Hungary cares not for pitiful EU rules. Hungary stork and has sovereignity.

(help me get out of this country)
(stork is intentional typo)

You will not provoke me. I will not be banned again from the forums for talking politics and not connecting dots between Gaijin and Hungary,