Medals in War Thunder

To be completely honest getting some medals seems borderline impossible.
For instance. I grinded out entire Soviet line up from 1.0 to 11.7 in spam of 3 years and medal for the Capture of Berlin isnt even 1/10 of the way done. Do you see my point? Thats not the case for Soviets only it was just an example but almost all nations have a lot impossible medals.

Who in the right mind would play on average 20k battles of naval with US ships while constantly being between 1-3 and having 50 percent win rate just to get medal? Nobody… Why? Because that is near impossible to achieve.

And i wonder how guy with less than 1000 games got medal that im not even 1/3 of the way done.
Its easy fix imo, just rewrite requirments to something more realistic


It seems that some players are given medals for completing, say100 kills out of 10’000 while others (me included) have to literally get the required amount so if the medal is 10k kills you have to literally get that. Not sure why its one rule for one and one for another . I have to get the exact amount to get the medals.


I asked guy from my squadron how he got it and it turns out before certain update it was way easier to achieve. He said it was 10 times easier.
Another problem is price you get from completeing those medals. 20k convertable RP is literally Mike Tayson punch in the face due to horrible RP convert of 1GE to 45 RP and work you put into it.
Also some players accumulated over 20 milion convertable RP over the years so 20k is nothing


I just wanted the medals silly as it seems. I heard about the update, but I still see level 30-40(presumably newer players than me with Knights Cross with Oak leaves etc which I don’t have after 11k games and 3 years in. I have had a few games with 10 plus kills no its not down to effort as far as I can see.

It’s not game destroying just baffling and a shame.



I have this despite not having even half the requirement at this point, it’s stupid.


It is weird, I would have to get the full 20k to get that.

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I completely agree. Gaijin should fix it, since they only need to rewrite values and thats it


But they won’t.
There’ s a 1000 things they could just do within a 24h timespan, but they haven’t done any of those things in the last 10 years.


That’s true. The requirements used to be MUCH lower than today. IIRC it changed with the update which brought French vehicles…

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it’s pretty typical with how medals are entirely pointless, give useless rewards and do nothing but even that needs to have an absurd grind/requirement behind it.

The mentality at Gaijin is just wild as always, it’s like they actively hate their players and don’t want them to get anything.

Like you get the holiday season, all these games put on fun events and giveaways, what will Gaijin do? Give all the players 1 million SL? Holiday themed decorations? Maybe an event where we get to use the sleigh and compete against the other team to deliver the most presents?

No no, generic grind event initiated.
SL and GE sink crates enabled.


Seems to me Gaijin doesn’t like middle of the road stuff, these medals were rather easy to obtain when they were first implemented, they must have thought them too easy to do, so instead of making them a bit harder to get they went straight to very grindy and hard to get…

If you got the medals before the change you kept them, regardless of the new requirements, which explains your guy with less than 1000 games.

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the worst medals are the ones that you have to do in a location say kill or a win -_- yes most of the time there isn’t a high enough chance to get those maps or in some cases you dont see them anymore due to the BR limit of that map that you need


oh lets not forget when you play those nations…you never get the maps as those nations

I’ve definitely got the majority of my medals from a time where it took waaaay less to get them. I completely agree that the requirements are ridiculous and the rewards are as well. I’d argue to either keep the requirements the same, but give the rewards a massive bump. It’s only gonna be the most dedicated fanbase that achieves these things in the first place, so I say make it be GE or something like that, and not just a small amount.

Or make convertible RP way cheaper to convert. I’ve got a grand total of 28,8 million convertible RP - enough for me to unlock the entire tech trees of China and Israel (tanks, planes, and helis) and still have about 4,2 million convertible RP left. But it would cost me an actual fortune to ever use. Assuming I was to use the cheapest offerings in the EU, with 25k GE at €165, it’d cost me €3609, or just under USD 4000, to use all that. Convertible RP means nothing when you’ve played long enough to actually get those medals.

I’m not mad about, it’s all free stuff in the end, but I assume that the medals are intended as something that people can strive for, but placing it at such high a pedestal that it’s about as likely to happen as us becoming astronauts is, then I don’t see the current model really fitting that notion.