This list should not be reserved only for the person who comes up with the idea (I mean that only he can write the idea he wrote here in the official suggestions), I’m lazy, I’ll write below about the mechanics that I would like to see introduced, but for me, you can take my suggestion and propose it yourself, because I’m lazy.
To help those who create the suggestion, it would be great if we made the suggestion in such a way that it was well understood and understood by the moderators, so we try to follow a logic anyway.
Mechanics List:
When for various reasons we run out of fire extinguishers during the game, there is no way to recharge them in some way, this mechanic would allow people to recharge the fire extinguishers at the capture points to always have them available, I don’t think it is mandatory for them to replenish both charges if one has the search with both fire extinguishers, but at least always having a spare, it would help.
No, I’m not trying to favor the camper at the spawn.
How many times in top tier has it happened to you, with the addition of the new mechanic of the explosive panels that save you when the double ammunition site is hit, you run out of ammunition because you didn’t bring much and maybe you’re right at the start of the game?
This storage behind the spawn would allow you to recharge all the ammunition you have people just once, perhaps only for the first 3 minutes of the game and then it is deactivated, perhaps it will only be added in the top tier, this is still a draft idea, I’m still thinking about it.
Come on, I don’t need to say anything else, modern tanks have automatic fire prevention systems, I’m tired of pressing the button to put out the fire every time, when the tank could already do it automatically.
“But maybe I don’t want the cart to turn off automatically”, then add a key combination to deactivate it.
Obviously I’m only talking about tanks that have this function.
Many modern tanks have the ability to acquire helicopters at low altitude and follow where they go, just like top tier IFVs or anti-aircraft, only they can only do it up to a certain elevation, that would be really nice. see a mechanic that allows tanks to defend themselves, at the beginning of the game, from crazies in helicopters raiding the spawn
(This idea is still a draft in my head, if you have any suggestions I would love to hear them)
(I’ve heard of this feature on tanks, but know very little about it)
In practice it would allow you to know, within a 360° radius, where the enemy shots or missiles have been fired in your direction, with the possibility of auto-locking the enemy, in practice the tank sees, the tank knows, the tank engages and fires automatically.
I realize that perhaps this mechanic could be defined as an aimbot, perhaps it would be worth revisiting for a moment, as I said, some of the suggestions are a bit of thoughts.
The care of the crews, in my opinion, should not be automatic, but rather it should be possible to care for the crews only at the capture points… etc etc
The stunned crew mechanic is a bad idea because…
The additional modules are fine, but the costs of repairs for the individual modules should not be increased or necessarily researched because…etc etc
We already have too many fires inside a tank, I don’t want any more…