Me 262 in its proper tier

Hell, even in AB those things are overtiered- one of em is facing the MiG-21S (R-13-300) without it being super downtiered.

Meanwhile F-84 which accelerates faster, climbs faster, can fly faster as well as engage Bombers at a longer range while also having an air spawn.

Or do you mean a B-29 getting shot down at 8k meters ~ 55k feet by a 262 that climbed for 6 minutes after 10 minutes of gameplay is an issue?


I have no idea how the average B-29 fight plays out I rarely see them. I would prefer bombers to be completely removed from the game mode they do not work in the current game structure.

Which has nothing to do with the bad situation ME-262 finds itself in.

Bombers are the only reason WW2 Jet Fighters can’t go lower. Against props they’re annoying to deal with but you can out turn them in any situation so it requires surprise to get a kill. Bombers don’t have that, they’re very slow. Once the jet is up to altitude the bomber has very little it can do defensively to avoid dying to a jet. They turn off too fast for turret fire to hit.

Something is definitely wrong here, gaijin. As any layman should know, both the Ar 234 & He 162 displayed better characteristics than the Me 262, and yet somehow the ‘worst’ craft is inexplicably at 7-7.3 in this silly game while the other two are in the sixes on top of being heavily neutered? Fix it:

1.) Lower the Me 262 As BR to approximately Ar 234 B/He 162 A level
2.) Fix the He 162 A-1/A-2s FM
3.) Arm the Ar 234 B-2


aaand can’t put it lower since it will face even earlier props.

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I disagree heavily. Bombers are nothing but fodder and barely play a role in fighter balancing.

They’re fodder against props how do you think they’d perform against jets lol

Props can out turn low tier jets very easily on top of that the jets generally have very low velocity cannons as they weren’t designed to hunt fighters they were designed to kill long range bombers. The British are about the only people who didn’t follow this trend as there weren’t German long range bombers at that point they had to worry about.

“They were initially used to intercept V-1 flying bombs, achieving the world’s first air-to-air “kills” in a jet-powered fighter on 4 August, just a few days before its German competitor, the Me 262, achieved the same on a piloted aircraft.”


Depends on the aircraft in particular. Some are better bomber Hunters than others.
In War Thunder ME-262 is not ideal for that task ironically.

The only Jet with low velocity cannons is the Me 262, well and the Me 163.
All other Jets have high velocity cannons or HMGs, with the Soviet 23mm and 37mm cannons being on the lower end of the spectrum.

Why not? The guns totally demolish bombers and they are much easier to hit since they are big and slow moving targets.

They can also equip the R4M rockets which insta kill a bomber in one hit.

So everything is in favor of attacking bombers over fighters with the Me 262.

We’re not discussing all other jets we’re discussing jets used in WW2.

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With how the map design is. They are.

If you are not in a full downtier planes like F-80, F-84 or F-2H are better suited for that. They are faster and can hit the bomber on longer range.

I would not want to endanger my ME 262 for a bomber kill. Certainly of it os not an opportunistic one.
The potential loss of energy could also make you easy pray for aicraft which are superior in a equal energy state anyway.

Bringing the R4M in ARB is very risky since you only increase your disadvantage against enemy fighters.

P51 H-5 6.3 out does me262 in everthing but fire power and top speed but it can keep up so can the f7f the f8f aswell the merlin spitfire late variants can too

The consequence of a MK 108 hit...

they need a airspawn simple Photo is a b17 hit by a mk108

all me262 execpt the C models and the 57mm one are best for Boom and zoom style the C models are good energy fighters with there boosters and the 57mm in air combat is extremely hard ive played almost all models of 262 execpt the jabo and 57mm cannon one