Me 262 HG I

Giant skill issue not gonna lie


It’s similar to what I’ve read. I read a few years ago that the prototype was finished but it was destroyed before a test flight. There is no flight data but it was build

Yeah right it suddenly “disappeared” 80~ years later just when they needed some evidence in a war thunder thread you can store it with the other german myths, and call it a day, the HG-II was already in the very very early roadmap for german planes but gaijin never added it for an obvious reason, its fictional and im very glad gaijin is not adding these things i keep reading about the demands from german mains may it be the lowe or e100jpz or the E-series tanks this is all fantasy aswell.

For naval i remember gaijin said if it was laid down it has a possibility to be added, but im sure this is not the same with planes and tanks.

Definitely a +1
I didn’t even know this vehicle was real

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Any opportunity to get the HG series in the game is one I have to take! +1

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It has potential, maybe as an event plane. That said, I would prefer it be implemented in the form that actually flew.

is the picture you attached of the Me 262A-2A/U2?
i found this on wikipedia



  • Me 262 A-2a/U2
    Two prototypes with glazed nose for accommodating a bombardier.[39]
    (Middle one)
    maybe the
  • Me 262 B-1a/U1
    Me 262 B-1a trainers converted into provisional night fighters, FuG 218 Neptun radar, with Hirschgeweih (eng:antler) eight-dipole antenna array.

Yes, a bomber variant, it also has weapons

the two protrusions look like antennas though due to their apparent lack of depth into the fuselage

It will look like the Ar 234 B-2 in terms of armament

The kikka never took flight, and the me264(V3)never flew either.


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no one’s talking about that


Do your own research. The HGI Was built and we have photos of it and its flight performance(because it flew). what do you want more than that lmao ? The HGII Is harder to say tho, we have its work number (Werknummer 111538) and multiple sources claim that it was built but damaged in a ground accident before it could fly. Comparing those aircraft to the E-series of tanks isn’t right. By the way, i figured that linking the actual Me 262 HGII Proposal that was made on the old forum would be better. The person who made it included many very interesting arguments. New Plane Proposal – Me 262 HG II - Page 2 - Passed for Consideration - War Thunder - Official Forum


would be great battle pass reward !
i hope me 262 HG II get added to but as event jet.

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+1I would like to see it

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Do you mean the missing tail weapons Rüstsätze or the missing Waffenbehalter 151?:


The 262s need to be shown more love. Add this to the current tt please so i have a reason to continue playing and stop making myself suffer at 11.3


Suggestion passed to the developers for consideration.