Me 163 fuel time

Not long ago the me 163/ki-200 have got nerfed
Fuel time

It went from maximum 6 minutes to only 4

Which is maybe historically accurate I am not hear to discuss that.

But the gameplay is changed for worse
moving it in br or giving it an air spawn might solve this problem

Specially the one in 8.7 you will find yourself in bigger maps that’s Will waste most of your fuel before you reach the battlefield .


The Me 163 and Ki-200 both could use the OG air spawn it used to have back in 2014 as compensation for the fuel nerf since the aircraft is already brutal enough to play as it is playing against supersonic/subsonic IR missile-equipped Cold War aircraft.

Even with proper fuel throttle cutting and the rocket plane’s amazing maneuverability and energy retention, you can only use this to your advantage when the enemy player directly engages you and commits to a dogfight with you (which in my personal experience playing these dreadful rocket planes most jet players at 8.7-9.7 won’t fall for since they dismiss you as a threat or BnZ you anyways).

The WW2-era cannon fire rate and low ammo count of the Komet really don’t help much in head-ons either. (Gaijin thinks that 4 x 20mms MG 151 on a Me 163 with a bit more ammo is .7+ BR worthy from the 30mm Mk 108 equipped Me 163 at 8.0 BRUH LOL?).

I feel that a BR decrease for specifically the 30mm Mk 108 Me 163 B at 8.0 won’t be fair since with good trigger and ammo discipline it will just make it club early Korean War/WW2-era jets and props around 7.0-6.7 and recycle the current issue with decompression. But the Me 163 B-0 with the 20mm MG 151s definitely can go back down to 8.3 or 8.0 as a tradeoff of having low-calibre cannon firepower with more ammo.

It’s also worth noting the Soviet BI rocket plane counterpart at its current state and BR is questionable against the things it faces as well.

But one thing for sure is that they all definitely need their air spawns back.


At 8.7 you find jets with afterburners and in up tiers you are massively outclassed


No it is not:


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This is the bug report that was used for the Me 163’s fuel time change.

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This only proves they made a change without taking into consideration how it would affect the gameplay of the updated planes in regards to their BR rating/bracket, spawn location, etc.

I am not saying the fuel time is wrong or unrealistic/unhistorical - I wasn’t an Me-163/Ki-200 pilot or mechanic during WW2, so I wouldn’t know. What I’m saying is the change made it unplayable since both planes were designed to intercept WW2 propeller driven bombers, but are forced to fight Korean/Vietnam era jets on larger maps in-game and that should have been taken into account.

If realism is the goal - put it at a BR that faces WW2 props. If that is considered overpowered - put it at a BR where it faces both top props and early jets. If balance is the goal and it ends up at 8.7 - give it an interceptor/striker spawn so that it doesn’t waste 75% of it’s fuel just getting to the combat area.

There are solutions to every problem that may arise, but the problems were ignored and the change was made blindly and with no consideration to the consequences. And now that people are pointing this out it seems they are ignored.

Also, did you really report mine and Shepherd’s replies just because you disagree with us!?


It seems like he did
If you had seen my previous comment
I just said am I stu**d not him I didn’t insulted him
And guess what
The admins or the staff didn’t reviewed My comment yet 8 hour’s ago Wich is what I consider a horrible customer service in this forms

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I wouldn’t blame the staff on the forum about how fast they review anything… from what I heard from The European Canadian, it’s all voluntary and their positions are unpaid. Also, it’s off topic.

What seems weird is how a single (1) report is enough criteria to get a reply under review. But, it is what it is.

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That was not me.

Edit: if you have doubts, I have literally made my own topic calling out how dumb the bug report system can be, which is in agreement with what Shepherd was saying in his blocked comment.

So it’s not like I’m some defender of Gaijin. I only provided the bug report due to what TT33a had posted.

I blame gaijin for there bad management of there forms if what you said was true and Thay are all volunteers it’s the worse thing ever

How a very rich and will payed company don’t have any full time working (payed) staff for serving there community

Edit: the comments is still hidden after 18 hours…

Yeah with 4.5 min of fuel, the Me 163 has basically no range, considering it needs to climb to altitute first.

In WT it’s just 4 minutes of fuel. With 30s for take-off.
At 9000m you’re left with less than a minute of fuel.

When you run out of fuel you’re roughly 45-50km away from the run way.

Which should be enough to intercept bombers in a pretty wide area I guess.

Doesn’t work:

But since in-game it is not climbing at its correct rate & angle of climb at its best climb speed of 700 km/h, it throws everything off such as remaining fuel time

I can open it on my phone just fine