McDonell Douglas A-4M Skyhawk II - The Last American Scooter

Absolutely. 9Bs, Ds, Gs, Hs, and Ls is a lot though, I’d think it wouldn’t have all available. Probably 2x 9Gs stock, with 9Ds at rank 1, 9Gs at 2, and 9Ls at 3/4. So no 9Bs or Hs just so there’s not quite so many modules to have to research. I love the A-4s and it would be awesome to see this, the A-4K Kahu (9Gs and Ls) for the UK and the A-4AR (Shafrir 2s and 9Ls) for Germany.


Honestly, just AIM-9Gs and AIM-9Ls would work fine.
2x 9Gs stock, then research 4x, then 4x 9Ls.

Keep in mind you’d also have modifications for Walleye and possibly even Maverick

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why in the world has gijin not add this yet +1

After revisiting this suggestion and becoming more familiar with the A-4s, I have a few quick questions:

1: Which AGM-65 Variants could it use? I see mention of the F and G in the comments, but what are all the technically usable variants??

2: Could it use the Triple rack for AGM-65s like the A4N II Ayit?

3: Did late serving A-4Ms ever use the Aim-9M variants? Dad to see it could only use 2 sidewinders, but that better than nothing ofc.

Sadly, all three of those questions more or less do not have any answers for the time being.

The only two Maverick variants I know were tested on the A-4M were the laser-guided AGM-65C and AGM-65E, and the A-4M was unable to self-designate for either weapon.

I don’t believe the USMC or USN ever used the LAU-88 triple rack for Mavs.

There’s no definitive proof that A-4Ms could use AIM-9L/M, as the only images show them with captive training missiles. The manuals do not mention any weaponry, and I have not been able to find any for the later models that do mention weapons/weapon compatibility.


So more or less, it could theoretically get them… hmmm… always hate it when stuff like this lacks specific info. Regardless, I personally believe it would be reasonable to assume the 9L/M may have been used, and at the very least it was capable of using them. If it could mount mavericks at the very least, it could theoretically be possible to use other variants that existed before the C/E variants. From what I know about the Mavericks and Skyhawks, it depends on any modifications made to the platform. If it could use some Mavericks, it could likely use others (in the same way one capable of using the 65B could use the 65D as it was backwards compatible). But since it’s a laser maverick variant, I guess unless more information is found it likely wouldn’t be receiving them anytime soon… fingers crossed we get more concrete proof in the future (or even some leniency from gaijin)


Some pictures of A-4M BuNo 159473 from VMA-311 “Tomcats” with 4X GPU-2A 20mm gunpods. It should be noted that VMA-311 was an operational squadron, meaning this loadout was very likely operationally approved :D



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The more I’ve thought about it, the more I’ve realized an A-4M with just 4x AIM-9G/H would be perfectly fine. Throw in the 4x AGM-65Fs and 3x Walleyes, and you’ve got a banger 9.3-9.7 aircraft in Air RB

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Such an amazing plane that Gajin will never add.

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I’d think roughly that configuration could be better modelled on an A-4F, with the A-4M still getting 9Ls

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Maybe? I kinda forgot about the A-4F at this point, since I feel like a lot of people would complain about too much filler…

I wouldn’t think it’d be too much of a problem, since it could folder under the A-4B, and the A-4M would precede the A-10. The FJ-4 should probably move though to the naval line.

That could work for the A-4s

The FJ-4B would have to stay in the strike line, since it’s a more ground attack/strike focused platform than the prior FJ-2 and FJ-3/FJ-3M Furies

+1 I cant believe ive not seen this suggestion before! I’m a sucker for the Skyhawk and its criminal we only have 2 in game so far, this would be great to have!

I’m assuming if it got the 4 AIM-9Ls it would sit at around 11.0? if so it would be a great alternative to the F-5E trading Speed and Manoeuvrability for a vast increase in AAM performance.


How come the model for A-4M had been in CDK for years and it’s still not released in the game?

If I recall correctly, it was outright removed from the CDK not long after update Winged Lions.

My personal theory on why the A-4M early was there in the first place is that Gaijin had sort of commissioned both it and the Ayit model at the same time, with the plan of adding them in Winged Lions or shortly after. However, plans changed, and the A-4M’s addition fell to the wayside while other plane additions ended up raking in more money.

It wouldn’t surprise me either if Gaijin ultimately decided to just not add in that specific model as well, seeing as a later A-4M model would ultimately have more benefits (and be seen as a more lucrative addition for a later time).


it definitely has to be a researchable tech tree vehicle since the A-4E ig you could say substitutes as a premium aircraft

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The Avro Shackleton was in and out of the files quite a lot before it was added to the game, so I’d take the A-4M being removed with a grain of salt—it’s definitely getting the Shackleton treatment.

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I’ve been waiting for the A-4M for the past few years. Asides from the F/A-18A, Mirage IIING, and F-106A, it takes the place among my most wanted planes in WT, especially if they add it in the most optimal configuration (IFF sensor, ALR-45, and AIM-9H/AIM-9L)