MBT-2000: The Star of the East

Either 125-I or BTA4 (DTW-125)

One of the APFSDS round of this tank

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125-IIM was only exported when Chinese best round was DTW-125

Since DTC10-125 is now in service, DTW-125 is now exported as “BTA4”

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554mm long projectile
4.03kg heavy penetrator
1730m/s muzzle velocity

430mm long WHA penetrator

Chinese Rate it in their own criteria to penetrate
220mm @ 2000m (61.5 degrees)

(Using L-O to look at other angles)
179mm @ 2000m (68.5 degrees)
163mm @ 2000m (71.12 degrees)

DTW-125 has 22.7% more penetration at 2000m than 125-I
(DTW-125 is rated 220mm @ 2000m at 68.5 degrees in Chinese criteria)

DTC10-125 has 35.2% more penetration at 2000m than 125-I
(I won’t state it since gaijin won’t be happy)
[Using strictly Chinese penetration figures]

However War Thunder and the Western world uses 50% criteria vs 260BHN steel sloped at 60 degrees.

125-I has 245mm @ 2000m at 60 degrees in western criteria (also WT criteria)
But only 220mm @ 2000m at 61.5 degrees in Chinese criteria.

125-I has 245mm @ 2000m at 60 degrees in western criteria

DTW-125 has 300mm @ 2000m at 60 degrees in western criteria (on par with 3BM-60 at 2km)
Since it’s 22.7% better than 125-I (245 x 1.227)

DTC10-125 has 330mm @ 2000m at 60 degrees in western criteria (10% better than 3BM-60 at 2km) since it’s 35.2% better than 125-I (245 x 1.352)


The grenade launcher is universal, whether it carries smoke or HE depends on the user.

so all M1 series of tanks count here as well? and the shermans? and the pzIV’s and like… 60% of all vehicles in game?


What’s the actual use of those HE grenades? Anti infantry?

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@Stona_WT could you clarify which line is the light tank line?

Very well, everything is very nice, when did the APDS-FS make the Type 69 IIA Iraqi? After all, was it the country that had that tank the most in service, since it is an export model and China did not have it in service.

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Taiwan line

probably during the civil war or maybe earlier

So you mean we can’t expect any realism in War Thunder, right?

i didnt mean that

Not bad

Jesus christ can’t anyone even read these days?

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as per your criteria of playstyle and performance…
i dont think i made an error in assumption

Either you quoted me by accident, or you did make an error. There physically cannot be another option.

The Chinese introduced the 100mm Type 1959 APFSDS for the Type 69-IIa when it was exported in the 1980’s.

I’m just going to call it DTW-100

Then in the 1990’s the Chinese introduced the DTW2-100 APFSDS and you’ll find pictures of these being used by ISIS in the Syrian civil war which they captured from the Iraq Army


The usual thing happens, it is reported since it is absurd that the Type 69 IIA does not have APDS-FS, but until they implement it I will have already abandoned the game, because implementing important corrections that seriously affect certain vehicles seems to be difficult for them an infinity to solve them.

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100mm Type 1959 APFSDS

Caliber: 100mm
Projectile Weight: 3.44kg
Projectile Length: 472mm
Armour piercing part length: 382mm
Armour piercing part diameter: 36mm
Tungsten core length: 77mm
Tungsten core diameter: 24mm
Tungsten core shell material: Tungsten Alloy
Initial velocity: 1435m/s

195mm @ 2000m at 0 degrees
175mm @ 2000m at 30 degrees
115mm @ 2000m at 60 degrees
100mm @ 2000m at 65 degrees

《论我国坦克炮及其弹药系统的发展》 李国俊

In game this rounds is implemented as APDS…

Primary Armour Piercing Projectile has 1435m/s muzzle velocity which is clearly referring to this 100mm Type 1959 APFSDS round