Maybe this will be fixed 2025?

It isn’t when you are comparing complete RP rewards for matches in both modes. I want to be rewarded for my efforts, instead of earning less RP for putting in more effort compared to an ARB match.

I know that.

The ground RP gains are pathetic compared to air RB, especially considering the amount of effort you need to put in to earn an equal amount of RP.

Less than 9k RP for a 12 kill game playing 8.0 Sweden is just pathetic.

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Your point was to prove rewards are the same?
Cause that’s all his screenshots proved.

Ion’s screenshots specifically prove that the no-respawn game mode of air RB has a similar reward adjusted for respawns as ground does.

As does everyone elses’ screenshots.

So you call less than 9000 RP for a 3 frag match in air pathetic as well?
Asking to see if your opinion is consistent or double-standards.

Oh look, equivalent to 5-6 ground RB frags, less than 7000 RP: For every 1 spawn in air RB I get 3 spawns in ground RB minimum.

So as I said:

And I don’t want World of Tanks in War Thunder.

Oh, and here’s a match that’s slightly better than that air match, getting slightly more RP too while doing overall less work cause I was more idle:

I turn my brain off.

I queue.

I press SHIFT to maximum and fly towards a blue base to catch a mig-21

I hold LMB.

I get severe damage.

I get missiled.

4 minutes pass altogether, I return to hangar with 1500 RP and 6000 SL after repair cost

I press queue, repeat above.

In ~20 minutes, I’ve gained ~4*1500=6000 RP and zero effort exerted.

I go play ground.

I put in maximum effort and (using ion’s example), be the best across both teams and get 9000 RP.

I can do the suicide method indefinitely as it works every game.

You cannot be top of both teams every game.

K, that’s the same for ground RB.
You can get 3 frags in ground RB just playing with your “brain off”.
You can get 5 with minor Cavenub analysis. Getting the same rewards.

Stop treating ground RB like it’s World of Tanks, and start treating it like the respawning game mode it is.

I share it to see the differences, but well, taking into consideration how little you win in GBR it is not surprising that people leave after a death, I for example hate that map, the helicopters hide behind the mountain and it is very difficult to counter them and the same happens with the planes, if I had not done well in that battle probably after my first death I would have left.


3 kills in air RB is way easier than 12 in GRB. And no, I don’t because I am being rewarded nicely for the amount of effort I put in.

My screenshots prove that air earns way more RP than ground in equivalent or worse matches.

20 minutes, 7 kills, 7000 RP.

Once again, that is with a premium account. I can earn that much RP in air when I get 3 kills in a shorter match.

No you can’t.

Unless you are in an incredibly noob friendly tank, you won’t be doing anything if you play without your brain.

Even if you respawn, you won’t get as much as a good air RB match.

8862 RP with premium is really good for 452% RP multiplier.
Obviously one death leaving causes you to earn less than spawning multiple times.
People need to stop playing ground RB like its World of Tanks.

If you’re one death leaving, the worth of your word when complaining about rewards is zero.
Spawn 3 times, then complain, and complain about both air and ground for consistency.

1- 9 frags, not 12.
2- It’s equally easy. Different skill sets, still equally easy.

Your screenshots prove air and ground are similar rewards. If I do the math for you, you’d see it or deny the evidence.
The tank game mode is easier overall than air, partially cause ground is just a shooter with tanks.
Air is a different beast with a steeper learning curve.

I drive my centurion MK3 towards the first point I see. I click enemy.

I get 1 cap, 1 kill. 5 minutes pass. I leave and check rewards. It’s probably some 700-900 RP.

I full afterburner my F8U-2 and click the first enemy I see after ~4 minutes and die immediately. 1600 RP.

Thanks for proving rewards are similar.
700x2.5 = over 1600 RP.

Again, stop playing War Thunder ground like its World of Tanks.

and after he die
KV2 Whoa !

Do you think I’ll respawn with allies like that?
Super fun to bring your friend who plays in small BR in a top tier game whoa it’s the peak of fun

Where did you get “2.5”?







The activity one is especially nice.

Play a game with 2 vehicles.

Get 1000 score with your first one and afk the rest of the match.

Next game, get 1000 score with your first one, die/j-out and spawn your second vehicle and afk the rest of the match.

Next game get 1000 score with your first one, die/j-out and spawn your second vehicle and get 500 score.

Next game get 1500 score with your first one and afk the rest.

Which of these do you think rewards the most RP/SL?

Hardest part is making sure both vehicles are alive for equal time and matches last the same amount.

I’d rather they just leave after 1 death so they don’t just feed the enemies SP.

I 1DL in ground when I’m facing enemies I can’t compete with, when I have a bad team (such as your example), and when I’m on a map I dislike.

What’s the point spawning again if I won’t earn a considerable amount more, while also not having fun doing so.


People play how they want, if you’re only interested in playing with a tank, then there’s nothing wrong with that, it’s your choice. Obviously not all of us have premium or plan to have it to get the same rewards as you. Also, I didn’t say anything about WoT, I just mentioned that there are specific situations for each player that make you want to continue in a battle or not.
But hey, that will never end, people will play how they want.

People do play how they want, and if those players play for less rewards, that’s their choice.
6300 RP for <3 air frag equivalents within 8 minutes while blasting music and needing to use the restroom. Just now.

“Braindead” gameplay, easy rewards.
47,250 RP per hour.
I could’ve try-harded and gotten 9+ frags.

Either way, if I play like the game is WoT I’m not going to complain about rewards.
If the game mode is designed around spawning 3 times for peak rewards, that’s what I’m going to do if I want peak rewards.
If I don’t, I’m not going to complain because less than 3 spawns is not what the reward structure is designed around.

I was talking about ground.

Literally when did I directly claim that??? I don’t remember stating “ARB and GRB have the same RP gain” or anything close to it, I’ve always been aware of the much lower RP:Effort ratio in GRB compared to ARB

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Why did you multiply his gains in ground with 2.5x that literally makes no sense where are you getting these numbers from

Here’s the deal, you have to remove your skill difference from the equation.
You can understand air RB more than ground, and vise-versa.
That doesn’t mean ground RB gives more rewards cause you’re better at ground RB.
That doesn’t mean air RB gives more rewards cause you’re better at air RB.

I find air RB easier but I’ve also played it longer as a rewards focused game mode than ground, so I have more practical experience within the air RB reward system than ground RB.
That does not mean ground RB gives less, that just means I understand the “meta” of getting rewards in air RB better than ground RB.

If I knew how to apply skill to both modes’ reward systems, I’d gain equal rewards in both.

Also I didn’t multiply gains by anything, I normalized RP because in ground you can respawn.
You physically cannot respawn in air.

What makes it more arcade ?