Maus back for research at some point?

Now that I have reached where I would be able to get the Maus, the second vehicle that made me want to pick this game up in the first place (other was the 229 which i have even tho it sucks), it is gone… I don’t understand why and I probably wouldn’t agree with it anyway. Imo tanks/planes should never be removed. Or if they must be, remove them completely and reimburse players the lions and rp.
Is it going to be coming back to be researchable at some point for a certain amount of time since the almighty gajoobles probably won’t add it back fully (they should)
I thought I heard whispers of that being a thing but never payed much mind since I was never anywhere close on the tree for anything they yeet away till recently

It’ll be back for research in November around WT’s birthday. If you have at least 1rp in it though you can research it at any point in time, no matter whether it’s there for all.

Afaik, the Maus is the only vehicle with this treatment, as the Po-2 requires you to be within a certain percentile during the Night Witch event in October


The R2Y2 V1 honestly should get the same treatment.
But that’s a discussion for another point (b^_^b)

Yeah I don’t even see the harm it was causing ingame

Awesome, looking forward to it. thanks for the info

Np, I’m hopefully going to grind it this year aswell after having not touched the German TT for a while

The R2Y2 V2 and V3 can go. Since those were fake.
V1 wasn’t. Engines were simply not mounted.