- Yes
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I would like to suggest the Prototype Marienwagen Gepanzert, which was a 4 Tracked Armored Truck with 2x 20mm Becker M.II and 2x 13,2mm MG 18 TuF guns. It sadly (duo to relatively bad performance) didnt go beyond the unarmed prototype, but i would suggest it with the intended armarment as written above (the Mg 18 TuF also didnt go into full production), without the also inteded Flamethrower, as the Model nor placement is specified.
Designed by Hugo G. Bremer, the Marienwagen was a fully tracked (4 Tracks) Artillery and Troup Transporter, with the Gepanzerte (armored) version beeing a pure Infantry cross country Transporter, as Wheeled vehicles had a very hard time in the shelled and muddy No mands land.
Even Befor the War, the german army showed interest and the posibility to introduce such a Fully tracked cross country truck, for simpy as a carrier for a anti balloon gun or heavy artillery pieces. From that demand the Marienwagen came up.
In June 1915 the Company of Bremer was given the task for sayed development, Produced in the Daimler factory at Berlin-Marienfeld, it was a quite complicated vehicle.
With multiple tests and redesignes, it over time changed its whole appearance multiple times, with beeing semi tracks up to ending up fully tracked, overall beeing based on the 4Ton Daimler Lorry.
After the first British Tanks appeared later in WW1 in the Somme in 1916, the germans were rather greatly interested in finding solutions, which one was to even just as a stopgap, transform the Marienwagen into some sort of Tank, with a order of 10 beeing places. Which were delivered at the end of February 1917.
First with no armarment, only what the crew had on them, the intended armarment was each 2x 20mm Becker M.II in the front, as well as on each side 1x 13,2mm Mg 18 TuF. Officially it was called Marienwagen I mit Panzeraufbau.
Tho allready in October 1916 they saw it as unsuitable, however work continued.
Pictures:(Click to show)
2x 20mm Becker M.II
2x 13,2mm Mg 18 TuF
2 cm Becker M.II
Pictures:(Click to show)
One of the first modern type 20mm Cannon and served as the basis for the later Oerlikon 20mm FF guns. Using the API Blowback action. It was Intended as a AA and AT gun, on ground, vehicles and planes/airships. Later M3 variant was heavyer, reducing the fire rate to 250 rpm but velocity to 700m/s.
It was intended as 20mm, to not be a warcrime to have an explosive filling, overall the ammo layout was also quite modern, with multiple AP rounds, HE rounds as well as incendary rounds.
Caliber: 20mm
Ammo: 20x70mmRB Becker
Fire Rate: 325 rpm
Single Shot, Full auto, 15 rounds Magazin
Muzzle velocity: 490-500m/s
Weight: 30kg
Mounting: Main Tank gun, Fixed and flexible
Ammo Types: Ap-T, I-T, I, HEI, HE
Summary Of ammo Drawings:(Click to show)

(The drawing isnt fully correct, as the nose is too thinn drawn.)
Panzergeschoß L'Spur Modell 1 (ApI-T) 145g 490m/s 18mm/10m
(Can be conciddered ApI-T, duo to huge tracer filling, made of Barium Nitrate, Magnesium and Shellac of 7g.)

Panzergeschoß L’Spur Modell 2 (ApI-T) (Identical to first one, different head form, see in above summary.)
Sprenggeschoß Modell 1 (He High capcity, Fuzeless) 137 g
5,5g TNT + 0,5g Pieic acid 495m/s (See ammo Summary)
Brandgeschoß (I) 137g 12g Incendary 495m/s some penetration
Leuchtspurgeschoß (I-T) 144g Barium Nitrate, Magnesium, Shellac filler 11g 490m/s some penetration
(A bit incorrect here)
13,2 mm Mg 18 TuF
After the appearance of the British Tank, solutions were searched with one beeing the idea of a dedicated High Caliber Heavy Machine gun, fireing the 13,2x92mmSR ammo. With the Stopgap beeing the T-Gewehr 1918. Intended to be against Tanks und Flieger (Tanks and Planes).
While the Velocity compared to the T-Gewehr drastically dropped to 550m/s, it was still enove to penetrate the British Tanks.
Caliber: 13,2mm
Ammo: 13,2x92mmSR Polte
Fire Rate: 500 rpm
Single Shot, Full auto, 50 Round drumm or 75 Round Belts
Muzzle velocity: 550m/s
Weight: 37kg
Mounting: Main Tank gun, Fixed and flexible, Field Guns
Ammo Types: Ap, Ap-T, Ap-I
Video about the ammo:(Click to show)
Vehicle: Marienwagen Gepanzert
Speed: ~30 km/h
Engine: 4 Cylinder
Dimensions: 6,5-7m / 2,5m / 2,5 - 2,7 m
Weight: 6-7 Ton
Marinewagen Gepanzert (P Kempf)
TANKKI SATA VUOTTA SITTEN: Tankin kehitys (Asko Itkonen)
Unternehmenspolitik in der Kriegswirtschaft (Birgit Buschmann)
Die Panzergrenadiere: Geschichte und Gestalt
Enemy Shellsa and Ammunition