- Yes
- No
History and introduction
In 1988, the MOD of the Federal Republic of Germany was looking into providing its infantry with new and more modern, more effective battlefield combat support. Initially, they awarded a contract to Rheinmetall for the development of a novel dual-calibre weapon system. A system that later came to be used in the one and only Marder 2 IFV. However the lesser known part of this whole MOD program was the other competitors who vied for the contracts. While the development of the Rh503 was going on, the MOD wanted to at least have the infantry receive some sort of interim upgrade.
Hence, they compared the effectiveness of the 25, 35, 40 and 60mm auto/cannons in firing trials against a simulated future BMP IFV. While the 60mm was the most effective, it was not the smallest calibre. the 35mm was looked upon favourably. The evaluated 60mm gun was the OTO Melara/IMI HVMS/HVGS auto/cannon in a 2.2t turret. The HVMS gun system features two carousels of 8 rounds each to allow quick switch of ammunition between APFSDS and HE.
The system comes in two forms, auto-loaded and manual, however it is not known if the manual system was ever considered by any party. Boasting a fire rate of 30 rpm, the 60mm APFSDS is capable of a high amount of damage, limited mainly by its ammunition count of only 38 rounds total (in the turret). 42 rounds are carried in the Hull and more can be carried in secondary ammo boxes according to available space.
The Marder HVMS had the potential to become a very potent AFV but in the role of an IFV, where prolonged combat presence was vital, it came down to a matter of how much ammunition can be stored. The 35mm autocannon could store 5 times as much ammunition and thus the 60mm was dropped.
Technical specifications
Crew: 3 (Composition: Driver, Gunner/Loader, Commander)
Height: ~2.7m
Length: 6.79m
Width: 3.24m
Amphibious: No
— Mobility —
Weight: ~ 30t (Marder 1 chassis + ~2.2t for turret)
Engine: MTU MB 833 Ea-500
Power: 600hp
Top speed: +/-75kmph
Power/weight: ~20hp/t
Transmission: RENK HSWL 194
Suspension: Torsion Bar
— Armament —
Main gun: 60mm HVMS
Secondary gun(s): 7.62mm MG
Elevation: -6/+48°
Traverse: 360º
Laser range finder: Yes
(Realistically the reload rate was more closer to 1 round per 2 seconds than above)
— Ammunition —
- Calibre: 60mm
Count: 38 + 42 (more in hull according to space available)
Types and performance:
APFSDS-T: (Tungsten alloy with aluminium fins)
- Penetration: 120mm @60° @2000m
- Length (full cartridge): 620mm
- Length (projectile): 292mm
- Diameter: 17mm
- Mass (full cartridge): 6kg
- Mass (projectile + sabot): 1.35kg
- Mass (projectile): 0.87kg
- Initial velocity: 1620m/s
- Velocity loss rate: 95m/s per 1000m
- Length (full cartridge): 640mm
- Mass (full cartridge): 7.2kg
- Mass (projectile): 2.9kg
- Mass (explosive): ~1kg
- Initial velocity: 1000m/s
- Fuse: Impact, timed, proximity

Visual references of the turret on an M113