Maps we no longer see anymore

Port Novorossiysk, Bresslau, Aral Sea ,Stalingrad without snow.Don’t see them any more.Does anybody miss them?

We just have the same maps repeated and a couple of old maps returned but butchered beyond belief like Fire arc and Mozdok. Poland in the snow was ruined with no cover at the flank of A ,just makes that area redundant.

Was there a Golden age for maps in this game? It seemed great and varied about three or four years ago when I first started now it’s shocking.

We don’t even have battles in war torn areas anymore but tourist resorts.

Are Gaijin too woke to recreate a historical war zone?

And what is going on with making huge ares of the map off limits but only telling you when you get there? Mozdok has a quarter of it out of play but you only find out once you made your way there.Who came up with that Idea and why?


Was there a version like that? Can’t remember it.

That is what I miss the most.


I’m sure Stalingrad was the same but without the snow.Maybe I am talking out of my ass.It’s been a hard week.
Can anybody confirm ? : ) It would have been about 3 years ago.

I belive it was always with snow

Can confirm it.

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They were great mixes of open and urban ,loved them both.
Port Novorossiysk ,firing across the river was fun.It had a few ways to approach it.


I get all of them some less some more

I hate them tbh XD

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All version of Mozdok were removed except one and the only good variant of Port novo was removed too leaving the most stupid and small cramped version.
I think all need return.


played them these days.

I really thought the snow was added about two years ago.
I must have dreamed that one then : ) I can’t find any pictures of it.

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I think some people will always love and hate certain maps and should be free to.
I just wonder why somebody goes to so much trouble to make a map only for somebody else to butcher it.
Sun City, Holland, 60s USA, Cargo port or Alaska don’t even look like battle fields.I have seen better settings on nearly every war game I have ever played.

The big question why no different maps for high /top tier?

About time we had an explanation form Gaijin on that one.

I have not had Breslau for months, I really miss it. I understand it is for higher tiers only now (although I do not understand why), I do play higher tiers occasionally, but no luck since spring. Really ridiculous.
I also miss White Rock Fortress. Are Gaijin still reworking it or is it gone forever?

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Didn’t we also have a jungle map that had huge elevations and depressions that we don’t see anymore?


They took many of the high firing positions from the jungle map and made them great mountains we have to drive around now.Make us do the same thing in every game.
Jungle is really boring now and desperately short.

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I wish Jungle would be more like a Jungle.
RN its basicly a coast map with some palms on it.
I really loved the Solomons Island map from BF V and i would die to get a similiar map like it for War Thunder( of course it needs to be upscaled a bit to house enough space for all the player tanks)
There could be some routes only big enough for smaller tanks for flanking while the larger ones need to go around (imagine Ha Gos and Ke Nis etc sudenly apearing from a small cave or the bushes :D) and Amphibius tanks could also shine in this map with larger rivers to cross and giving them more place to manouver over the Battelfield.
The map could also be divided in the Deep Jungle section with more CQC and beside it there is a more open plains region for more sniping.
also for sim it could be quite enjoyable to fight in such a dense jungle.
overall i find the pacific theather map section for tanks rather small/not existing (basicly just Jungle and Japan map)


also gib Chi Ha with such a palm “camo net”

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yeah map diversity is at an all time low


I got golan hight ( don’t now how to spell it) 5 times in a row on the same side in a 7.7 plen.

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Port Novorossiysk and aral sea im glad are basically removed, I HATE those maps with a passion.

I like Breslau a lot and would like to see the troubled maps like mozdok, campania and fire arc get a rework that makes them suck less

The original version of port Novo seems to be gone, good riddance as that was one of the worst maps in the game. Breslau is still here, had the misfortune of playing that stinking heap of garbage a couple times in the last few days. Aral sea still exists too, think its mainly for BRs at something like 7.0 and above though? Dont remember seeing it below that in quite a while.

Stalingrad has never not had snow (there was an Air arcade version in summer though, dunno if its still there)


they should rework fire arc and turn it back into kursk