Maps, Vet and Battle Rating

Why can’t maps like Jungle, Ashriver and Stalingrad be played in Toptier? I saw older videos from a year or two ago of players playing toptier on these maps, honestly what’s the point of classifying maps by BR? like, a map is a map, everyone should be played, there are maps that I like and there are maps that I don’t like, like campania and serversk13, I don’t like these for example, the possibility of veto should be 5 and not 1 and without needing a premium, that’s absurd , what’s the point of not being able to choose the map I WANT TO PLAY?

Because top tier players whined too much.

Some maps are bad for top tier (like ash river), but some of the restrictions make no sense. Every map should be playable at rank V, with only a handful being restriction to rank V+ or rank I-IVish.


all maps should be played, the maps that the player doesn’t like, vetoed by him, he wanted to play so much in Ashriver, Selva, Berlin, Stalingrad.

Because they are disgusting to play on top tier tanks. At medium ranks they are tolerable, but above - no. The maps are simply not suitable for playing on such fast equipment, with laser rangefinders and projectiles with a speed of 1700+ m/second

Too small ,on most low tier or med tier maps if used by modern tanks you don’t need to leave spawn to start killing players leaving their own spawn. Not to mention artilery or mrls systems.

Large maps don’t make sense if the match has a maximum of 32 players, 80% of the map is empty.

Large maps don’t make sense if the match has a maximum of 32 players, 80% of the map is empty, the match takes too long, or increases the number of players to at least 25x25.