So every week now maps get adjustemnts? Every week i find maps altered to the better? in top tier the supposed big maps gettting smaller and smaller, today i played alaska where the left hand side was completly unreachble and the cuttung line was at the usely B objective and supposed C was single A objective. Like a hose where dolly dollar trys to suck a goldball through. I was very active in the 1 death leavers topic because of premiums, fine put me on the list now because of this maps that doesnt make fun and make no sense. i am about to stop the game, from coming online daylie i am only some times a week and after 30 to 60 minutes i am absolutly bored and frustratet. Allways this brawling, nothing for IFV fans. even the bigger maps where you could just scout and flank u cant anymore. many spots that were cruicial to survive as a spaa or IFV are now altered or blocked. Dont know what you guys over there think whats so funny beeing in a “cage” and beat the crap out of each other in less then 0.5 to 10 minutes.
Still there is maps where people capturing an objective and same time beeing able to shoot right into the spawn.
Also…ah just forget it. i pray another company will do a proper game for grown people…
So many posts from players with 20000 + games and unhappy at recent map changes. Hard not to take notice of what is being said here if you love this game.
Surely it would be a rudimentary expectation have more modern settings for tanks which can kill at over two miles and do over 50mph.
Modern tanks should not be sharing maps with WW2 even in a game that abandoned era’s.
Currently I would love a game where it was just USA vs Russia with a few tanks, planes and helicopters of same era on proper gnarly looking modern Eastern European maps or middle east. Something tense ,low down and dirty instead of the Manga fantasy comedy we have to endure.
I already did everything I was set out to do this update, and I won’t be around until the next one. Playing SPAA this update felt awful, CAS is far too strong, capable and spammy, maps are too small for playing anti-air role, some maps you can snipe from spawn to spawn, or get spawned camped 1 minute into the match (Alaska, Port Novo to name a few). It’s a total mess.
nothing scares me more than unlocking a new vehicle that Gaijin describes as a sniper with little armor these days.
Gaijin seems to favour small CQC maps where some vehicles shines and others suffers.
But i guess those small fastpaced maps keeps the queue times down, and im doing my part, because ive leave after one death far more than im used to.
It’s truely a shame.
Week? Try year.
The first ever large map to change size is Fulda Gap, which lost its OP position in the South-East.
Before that, no large maps changed size, just old small maps.
If you’re going to correctly critique the map changes, you need to actually address the maps changed, and not overly exaggerate things.
Urban maps treat light tank better than Red Desert, which is a sad reality, but I think that’s more due to player tactics than map design.
I dislike and oppose map shrinking myself, and I won’t invent changes that didn’t happen cause that will make my opinion less valuable.
Sir, this is 2024. Those 2018 maps are not new nor favored.
Short matches increase queue times, which is why you gain far more RP and SL by staying in matches as long as possible.
Hello? Tunisia, Maginot Line, Sands of Sinai? Does that not ring a bell? Why do you have to lie all the time. Maps like Normandy, Alaska, also changed this year, for the worse. Some versions of Port Novo were also removed from top tier, the long road version of Mozdok was also removed from map rotation.
The game is nothing but Alaska, Rhine, Sun City, American City, Breslau and Eastern Europe spam.
That one didn’t actually change size, it was expanded on one side. The ones you mentioned, as well as American Desert all changed size.
They were quite bad maps, and I’m not missing them.
Atleast that’s a very good map, the rest are questionable at best.
Rhine and American desert are the only decent city maps in the game. Sands of Sinai change was warranted and understandable but the rest didn’t need to change. Port Novo, Mozdok are awful maps for top tier, I agree.
Sands of Sinai stayed the exact same size and lost its CQC area and became a proper large map with far more sniping opportunities.
Maginot Line lost an OP position that gave the Southern Spawn advantage and is now balanced. That’s it.
Tunisia got larger with more terrain features.
None of those maps got smaller.
Now the maps that did get smaller, I oppose of course.
Also weird of your post to accuse people criticizing maps getting smaller of lying… That accusation defends War Thunder from my criticism.
Player preference changes throughout the day. I get large maps during the hours that China’s awake cause they prefer larger maps as they give more rewards as well as being more fun.
@EddieVanHalo claiming that my large-map bias is bad is hilarious.
Eddie & McPlopish defending War Thunder’s map shrinking by attacking my opinion that it shouldn’t happen is hilarious.
I hope your posts are mistyped at least, cause the way you’re attacking me after my opposition to map shrinking does not make your posts look like anything other than a defense of War Thunder.
I hope that the portion of my own post here that attempts to understand why you’re attacking my criticism of War Thunder will become obsolete with common ground and agreement.
lol yeah, anyway. I think at the end of the day maps are fine, but it mostly boils down to game modes being too basic (and old), some maps being unsuitable for top tier and certain vehicles, and technologies we have in game are far too advanced for them.
If you play AA you’ll know what I mean, spawning in a big SPAA system and having nowhere to go is a real pain and this update just made things worse.
Some common ground!
Why couldn’t you start with this rather than false-accusations against someone whose post was opposing shrinking maps?
It’s sad that Plop opposes everyone that criticizes War Thunder though, it’d be nice if they joined us.
Yeah but the expanded it with nothing but useless dead ground, ground that is so dead and useless that they may as well not have added it, so in reality the map became smaller and engagement distances were reduced.
Whether the map plays better like this is up to player opinion I guess. I think it was more a neutral change, not better or worse, but a bit different
So because the CQC section was removed, and engagement ranges were forced to increase beyond 200 meters, somehow the new 500 - 1800 meter engagement ranges are less than the 200 meter engagement ranges of the CQC section that was removed?
It’s all BRs. Now they treat BR4 and below like beginner Bracket and that is now creeping into BR6+ range, where you get these BR1 tiny maps and play COD with tanks.
It’s insufferable.
Let us choose map rotation instead of making us play maps we hate.
its not making all maps smaller, they altering them with slopes and hills or make it a unreachble grid. alaska for example u were able left hand side north spawn to go up the hill behind that spawn, it wasnt big space but it helped against spawnkillers/spawnrushers when u got there in time. not much space to maneuver but now u have no cover there anymore due even more limited space. Or other maps i think one of mozdok where you had spots in a valley and were able to have a peek on the road which leads out the city objective. now they flattened the terrain and added slopes so you can only see the 1 store and roof. So basicly made most maps in favor of brawlers since they limited the possibilitys for ambushes and flanking. So i am not talking alone of size…
exactly this
man they not only changed maps in size they completly overhauled most maps in elevation of hills and slopes. Its like every map is a terrain of the black forest in south germany without forests, you can easyly move your leo or t90 or what every into a brawl with out getting sniped by zig zagging through the valleys/ditches. On top of it the tree and bush placements, exactly at postions where you could peek u got a freaking bush or tree, you can realy feel and see how artifical they are placed them by copy paste due the fact they didnt even care to make it look natural by simply rotating them in thier axis so the doesnt look all the same. You see a cloned tree parade…
I’d rather have Alaska entirely delisted from the game than fixed, cause even old Alaska was among the worst maps.
Almost all positions are free of forest from my experience, and they are placed realistically. Your post about forests is way off mark.
Half of maps available for top tanks are medium to large non-brawling maps, of course player voting will influence what we see.
If I play during China’s awake hours I’ll see more Pradesh, Red Desert, etc.
If I play when USA’s awake I’ll see more American Desert.
well and when i play after work i have all the same maps over and over. Missing fulda, spaceport, sweden, red desert for example. they come after 20 games if any and i have 5 or 6 maps repeadingly.
i think i am done with this game, i didnt buy premium account for 3 month now because would be a waste since i dont play this game that much anymore.