[Maps Denmark - Air Simulation] - Fix Airport in C8

[Maps Denmark - Air Simulation] - Fix Airport in C8

The map for levels up to 12.0 must contain the fixed airport.

Matches in which there is no airport on the bottom right-hand side of the map direct the path to the other team. This is because the enemies can make the grauds without being disturbed.

For battles in which all of the red team’s airports are in the top left corner of the map, it becomes a journey of no return, with no landing for those who have to travel a long distance to do the objectives (see attached image). This is an unfair advantage.

Many aircraft are low on fuel, making it a journey of no return. You spend fuel to cross the sea, capture a zone, fight and, in the end, you have to eject because you don’t have enough fuel. Very unfair. Not to mention the rapid abandonment of the game due to the excessive sea crossing.

If Gaijin wants to encourage a fair battle, with equality for all teams and players, it should have a fixed airport on C8.



I never had an issue with fuel, and I also play this map regularly.

Prepare accordingly and don’t firewall the throttles all the time!

I actually am quite ok with this map version: As fighter you can head over to C6:d7 and engage base bombers there, which are usually not well defended because enemy fighters focus more on protecting the bases further south and in the west.

As attacker I often fly towards the Great Belt, F4, so I can then later decide to turn east or west, depending on short term availability of bases to attack.

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Agreed. Red team has a major disadvantage on this map

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I respect your point of view. However, don’t just focus on fuel - it was just one example.

Let’s focus on the disadvantages, that’s the main reason. The blue team practically has an entire continent to destroy bases with a minimum percentage of enemy hindering their attacks.

The result? Out of every 10 battles, 8 are won by blue with a significant margin of tickets remaining. Not to mention, again, the abandonment of the match by players who don’t want to travel all the way again, being to contest the capture of a zone in F6/F7, because there is no travel time available for the combat.

Look at the image I sent, a small base in G8, how long is the journey from B3? And what is the travel time from C8? You’ll find the difference in the result of this calculation.

Again, I respect your opinion, but in everyday life, it doesn’t work like that.

This is even worse with slower props.

Flying at ~400-450 km/h from the top-left corner of the map, something along the lines of ~100 kilometer or so means a significant chunk of your useful actions cycle is spent doing nothing that would reward you.

You arrive at the air superiority objective and nope, it expired even though you flipped it from bluefor because it isn’t optimized for the distances redfor has to travel to even reach the objective. And this is ignoring the part that bluefor can just take off and immediately re-contest the A point.

And because the runways for redfor are so far away that you spend half a useful actions cycle just getting there, if taking sufficient fuel to loiter and threaten the enemy, put pressure on the map? Chances are you aren’t making it back to your runway before a SECOND useful actions cycle ends.

And do you know what that means?

-20% reward.


I should have had ~2000 SL and 800 RP plus minus 50 or so for landing at 1:59:17 since I didn’t land after the 1:41:33 UA reward so you’d expect the 2 cycles to add up (1:41:33 and 1:56:33 being UA rewards, 1:59:17 being when I land).


Redfor is likely at a -20% reward disadvantage compared to bluefor even if redfor does everything right but doesn’t have a carrier aircraft.

What if we’re using a carrier aircraft? It gets better, but the carrier is very stupid and camps far from the enemy base.

TECHNICALLY there’s a runway closer to bluefor on an island. Issue. It has no anti-air defences. That runway gets spawncamped and nothing can be realistically be done about it. It might as well not exist.

And to be honest, even in faster redfor planes (500-550 km/h), you’ll still not make it back to the top-left runways before a second UA cycle fires.

Very bad luck can even lead to a fully empty UA cycle (You begin to RTB after first UA cycle ends, land after ~7 minutes, rearm for 30 seconds, return to the bottom-right corner and… another 7 minutes passed and you just flew for 14:30 minutes without earning score so, basically no reward for you!)


In this airport configuration, the battle becomes discouraging. When it should be a game to stimulate equal chances of victory, considering only the map itself.

Your observation is very valid, since in battles up to 7.0, when there is no C8, airports have no defense against enemy attacks that don’t even let you take off.

If I play Team B and see there is no C8 airfield I don’t even spawn… I just leave the match. I want to fight, not spend 10 minutes flying over the sea, 5 minutes not finding someone and 10 minutes flying back to refuel.

If I play Team A I always fly over to C8 early on to see if there is an airfield, and I’m happy if there isn’t since the advantage is quite obvious.

The issue would also be solved if the sides each team spawned on was randomised…

But ONLY Denmark has such a serious issue… and for Team B its a huge problem.


I wouldn’t mind the long flight time if it wasn’t directly affecting the way you earn things in ASB.

Empty useful action cycles and not landing every 15 minutes denying your reward (who even thought this was a good idea? Just because I land 14 minutes in and then 17 minutes later, I deserve less than someone who landed 16 minutes in and then 16 minutes in again…)

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