Frozen Pass Doimination 3 times in a row? Fix your game, Gaijin.
Light work, just ban the maps if it’s that big of an issue, plenty worse maps to get stuck on
Pfft, only three??😂 Rookie numbers… 🥱🥱 When you get to 6 times in a row then you can talk 💀💀
Fr though the map selection is a key “Feature” of the game 😂
Checked your replays…so you did get Frozen three times in a row…at least in your case it is actually true…(some players claim unrealistic stuff…so i checked)
But overall you get a lot of map variety…so not sure what the complaint really is…
From the overall replays i am guessing it was a fluke…either pure unlucky RNG, very specific BR/nation or probably some conditions that aligned…player preferences at the time, too fast games or some other undocumented stuff…
It does not seem to be a common issue…so what the fuss…?
Guys…i get the same map on occasion…i do play the game.
BUT…i get surprised when i get the same map 3 times in a row…it is a RARE occurrence…and this is the TRUTH AS FAR AS I SEE IT (sorry if your truth is different).
I can get dozens of replays listings with no maps repeating…
NOW…if you are saying that some times the same map appears more than others…THAT i can believe. I see it with new maps and on occasion without evident reason…like the example above.
I am NOT sure if it is a random thing, some “code” that decides to increase the odds of some specific map (for testing, promotion or other) or that a bunch of italian guys with that map on “preferred” just logged in…
MY POINT…is it so frequent or serious…?
And BTW…why would devs do it? Other than eventually testing some map more i see no real reason…
I took a time to check your replays…from what i see you get a lot of different maps with a reasonable distribution.
There are a few maps repeating twice…but in all of them the start time of the battle is 1min apart…
I am guessing the game still has some method that puts you on the same map (same game perhaps) if you quit too fast.
Of course that if you play long enough you will find some repetition…but i don’t really think the OVERALL DATA (not some specific moment) proves too much map repetition…
AGAIN…not saying it doesn’t happen on occasion…but IMHO this is not an (serious) issue.
Dude you again, really??? I remember you prefectly one year ago when Gaijin destroyed the map rotation after the introduction of Nigh Battles ban in the MM saying everything is fine!! when the map rotation looks like this.
Brutal incompetence and you are here for try to hide it.
BS, is simple map rotation is completely destroyed since 2017. You are stuck in the same 4 or 5 maps for hours is well reported but Gaijin dont move a finger.
There was an article some time ago that mentioned the devs improved servers performance through optimizations.
I suspect one of these improvements was the introduction of map cycles on the servers. So for example, the server will keep using the same map for like 20-30 minutes to optimize the use of available resources. And because we have a system in the game that will always try to connect you to the server with the lowest ping, there is a huge chance you will be constantly connected to the same server.
So if you keep leaving the battles early, you will see the same map over and over again, until the map cycle is completed and the map is changed on this specific server.
You can also be lucky sometimes and connect to other server, that will have different map. This is why sometimes when you leave battles early you can see 2 maps (sometimes you connect to server#1, sometimes to server#2). Keep in mind there are more servers than 1, so it’s not like there is just 1 EU server, 1 CIS server, 1 US server. But you will usually be connected to the same server, because we have the ping-based matchmaker that will prioritize specific server (with the lowest ping) for every player.
The devs never confirmed there is a map rotation cycle on the servers nowadays, but that would explain why we have a problem with repeated maps. Sometimes when I leave the battle early and really don’t want to play that specific map again, I just wait 10-15 minutes before entering the next battle. It’s usually enough to get a different map. But of course you are not playing during that time, so it’s not an ideal solution.
Your latest maps:
Abandoned factory 18 October 2024 - 01:25 00:08:14
Finland 18 October 2024 - 00:40 00:08:29
Fields of Normandy 18 October 2024 - 00:39 00:12:16
Sweden 18 October 2024 - 00:36 00:12:16
Middle East 18 October 2024 - 00:36 00:11:55
Maginot Line (winter) 18 October 2024 - 00:34 00:15:25
Mozdok 18 October 2024 - 00:05 00:09:49
Advance to the Rhine 18 October 2024 - 00:03 00:11:57
Japan 18 October 2024 - 00:02 00:14:29
North Holland 17 October 2024 - 23:46 00:09:32
Mozdok 17 October 2024 - 23:37 00:08:20
Advance to the Rhine 17 October 2024 - 23:30 00:10:59
Advance to the Rhine 17 October 2024 - 23:29 00:14:03
Seversk-13 17 October 2024 - 23:28 00:13:05
Seversk-13 (winter) 17 October 2024 - 23:25 00:09:13
Aral Sea 17 October 2024 - 23:23 00:11:09
Sands of Sinai 17 October 2024 - 23:02 00:11:24
Campania 17 October 2024 - 22:42 00:17:41
Test Site-2271 17 October 2024 - 22:4100:10:48
Middle East 17 October 2024 - 22:4100:08:57
You have ONE repetition…and like i said…1min apart. If this is your issue, then be clear about it…but it is somehow related with quitting early.
If NOT…i dont see the issue…you may find a moment in time where it happened…but your OVERALL list shows no issue IN GENERAL. I looked back 3 or 4 days…lots of different maps.
BTW…anyone can see the map lists here…just insert player name:
I am not a DEV and have ZERO contact with them…but i can imagine that on some occasions they will “increase” the odds of some map…CAN BELIEVE IT as i can see reasons for it. But i dont see reasons or proof that it happens so often as you make it…not even close.
I get lots different maps and so do you…so not really sure what the fuss is about (unless it is those repetitions 1min apart)
Did you see the Mozdok image above ??? play maps dont save you. MAP ROTATION IS BROKEN !!!
Last battle 3:30 AM North Holland, next battles 12:47 PM of course the same map.
Well lets keep playing … the same stupid maps over and over again!!!
Go and check the topic why people leave after only one death and one of the most common reason is the map desing and the continues of map repetiton.
This is like when they try hide ghost shells blamimg players.
OMG here we go again. Playing maps dont change NOTHING. The problem is the map rotation.
In the past we dont suffered this issue and we haved the half of the maps.
I really don’t know what you mean…any given moment i check your rotation or mine they look ok…you do get repetitions on occasion…which is the actual cherrypicking…
YOU DO GET repetitions…but AFAIK that is not the rule…
Even your complaints about repetitions are on different maps…and you have LOTS of different maps on your screenshots! You don’t expect to have ZERO repetitions…do you?
It is much easier to implement a pure RNG…there is no “incompetence” reason for maps to repeat…ANY issue would probably be due to the player preferences…
But ok…i give up…
Anyone checking will need way more than your screenshots to identify the issue (assuming an issue exists)…as anyone can check your map history and see that over 95% of the maps are ok and represent an apparently valid rotation…
I REALLY don’t get what you want them to fix…
Thats why you dont suffer this issue. If you dont play the game, you dont suffer problems SMART!!!
Yes Gaijin dude, every is FINE (according to Gaijin standards) poeple lose his time complaining i dont know because we are haters or something lol.
Its pretty typical to get the same map at minimum x2 in a row. I literally got Vietnam twice or three times, then again 1-2 maps later. They should really implement a map rotation cool down.
I looked at your replay list…you had the same map in a ROW only ONCE that i could see (Test Site-2271)…
You did get Vietnam 3x in a day…but not in sequence…
RNG works in a way that it is PROBABLE that you have a map appear twice in a row eventually and/or appear some times on same day…the simple fact that the examples on this topic are from several maps points to RNG…
Guys…hyperbole does not help IMHO…at the very least the issue is not as serious as the adjectives you use…“pretty typical” is not once in a week…and once in 6 pages of replays…
THAT SAID…i actually think the map preferences could work better and agree it can be improved…BUT it helps if we are honest about it…IMHO.
BTW…the preferences of players on a specific day can make a map appear more (or less)
But it is common. I would be happy to monitor every match and show you that my squad and I get the same map nearly every day three times within a short period, and sometimes even the same mode back to back.
If this happens multiple times on the same day, then it is definitely “typical” and “reoccurring”. I and many others are being honest, and if it feels like we are receiving the same map too many times then people are complaining about it and rightfully so.
I don’t think its out of the question to look at this respectfully and stop downplaying paying customer’s opinions whether you believe its manufactured or not, deserving words or not. I 100% agree with you that is not exactly every single match back to back, but look at that image and tell us that its not frequent. Its enough to be frustrating. There should be a dynamic cool down of some sort, or at least let premium players ban more maps.
I do appreciate that you looked into this, however it is very clear that it is a real problem, not a major one, but a problem.
Thank you.
@Flak_Dancer @_Poul @BillyBobDa3rd @BalticSAS @AliasMacAlias
Or when I get Battle of butthurtgen forest 5x ina row and leave b4 spawning all 5 times.
Extremely annoying
I just wana be here :D