This should never happen. The same map 8 times in a row! We need map rotation reform!
Ahh, that is classic, I’ve had mysterious valley 6 times in a row in which I got 0 kills or bases and died to teammates 3 times, I really wish they could have maps coming in at different time and bring in more of them.
Thats what happens when there’s only 13 Air RB maps available above 7.3, and 5 of them are EC maps restricted to 10.7+.
We do need a reform but that is an actually decent map at least lol, I got Golan Heights 11 times in a row once.
You also managed to play 8 matches within 30 minutes, giving an average match length of 3 min 15 seconds (if you allow for 30 seconds of jumping out of the game, searching for a new one and loading the new map).
I think the map rotation is time based but i might be wrong. So try to stay alive for longer and not diving head first into the center fireball at the start (it also gives way more RP per time spent to stay alive longer each match).
Most of those deaths were from the new f14. Multipathing is so unreliable right now and dodging isnt easy when youve got more than one flying at you.
My problem is that I forgot to research chaff.