Map filter

Hello. I’m repeating my question about the map filter. The filter doesn’t care about banned maps at all. It’s similar with the maps I like - it doesn’t favor them in any way. You’re adding new mechanics - ok, but do something about the filter that doesn’t work at all. Are you planning to take any steps in this direction? Best regards.

Map likes/dislikes are purely there to collect information for what maps players like and dislike. Unfortunately they can’t influence the MM.

Map bans not working could be a bug, or you may have not actually banned the map you got.

I have had the same ground map banned ever since the mechanic was released.

I have yet to see it even once.


I dont have premium any more but map ban worked perfectly when I did.

Then I don’t understand the situation. It doesn’t work for me, I have a few maps banned, for example the jungle that I got yesterday.

Filter works correctly.
If you ban map, you will not get it.
If you dislike/like map, there is higher chance to do not get it/get it, but if MM struggle to find you a battle, it will ignore like/dislike.

You can read on map filter here: [Development] Map rotation filter - News - War Thunder

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You cannot have “few maps banned”. You can ban only one map.
Dislike ==/= ban.


Right, the rest are thumbs down. Either way, for me the system needs improvement. Too often you get maps you don’t want to play. It should be a privilege of premium users.

As Stona said

Premium Acct = one map ban

The MM filter has to match up every player and the map they banned with another player and the map they banned.If we all banned multi maps you would wait forever for a game and you would soon get bored of that.

I can’t ban any map and to be honest I just eventually get to grips with each map or if its a narrow red line map I just leave and play another nation or just leave the game if crew locked.

The map ban for me though did work 100%