MANPADS Missiles and Overload: The Technical Details

Yes, and he can 7g because he has 20-22. if the max was 30-35 (and 20-22 only average) he could be much better.

U still didnt prove anything with sources, you are only trying to convince people of stuff without any prove while we clearly have prove the numbers are stated as 20g

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You are right, according to sources stinger is effective against 7g targets and Igla is 8g

I hope this will be taken into consideration

again difference in nato and russian standards in reliability. USSR standards are just known to be lower to be called reliable

Do you have evidence or is it just xenophobia?

russians space programm tanks show that quite well lol


What does the Russian space program have to do with Igla? I thought it was made in the USSR, which was the first to send a man into space

Have you seen the footage of destroyed western tanks that burned out like barbecues? Or shall I show you?

Yet America was first to land a man on the moon.

Meanwhile, the USSR collapsed in on itself.

Ivan hardware has always been subpar. That’s just the simple, cut and dry truth.

Flagging me doesn’t make me wrong, btw.


Do you have statistical evidence that the survival rate was multiples higher there?

just as your evidence that stingers and mistral dont have 20g/25g average g limit. Besides that it is quite clear there are multiple studies about nato putting more thought behind crew surviveablity, just look at spall liners russia just implemented them while western tanks have them since decades

The USSR has been using an anti-radiation liner that acts as a spall liner since the T-72B. It is a thick material about 6-7 centimeters thick

same as other nations congratulations, still additional spall liners were added to western tanks earlier

well that is it from me, that clown clearly has no argument and only speals about his fiction without proof

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Can you show a photo of for example a Leo2a4 with an anti-radiation liner all over the hull?

And how many animals did the Ivans purposefully fry during their tests just to get 1 single man into space for about an hour? More than 3. Rest of your response is just falsehoods and cope.

Ivan hardware has always been subpar be it civilian, commercial or military grade. That’s the cost of poor government, economic and ideological choices. Ivans made several terrible choices and suffer for them even to this day.

But rejoice, komrade Ivan! No other nation can compare to the US when it comes to military industry and budget.


Me reading whatever is going on here:

I wanted to type chill out due to what is going below, but im not going to, lets see what will come out out of it.

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Americans also used the term Ivans, or Reds, so you trying to insinuate fails wholesale.

Also, flights to the moon stopped because the USA won the Space Race. USSR collapsed in on itself because a pitiful, broke nation larped too hard at being a World SuperPower. Nobody else dared to try and enter the space competition against the USA.

Why? Costs and lack of industry and talent.

Same goes for military-wise and why so many nations that could bought from the US instead of Russia. Our hardware was and still is superior.

Again, flagging me doesn’t mean I’m wrong.


Gaijin artificially nerfs Western tech and artificially buffs Ivan tech solely because it takes a videogame for their hardware to be worth a damn and to inflate their own ego. That’s all there is to it.

Cute flag, Ivan.

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I’d look in the mirrow if I were you. The only propagandist shill between us is you. You’re not just a clown - You are the entire circus.

Cute flag, clown.

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